Friday 30 April 2021


 What  we did in the past 7 years to achieve sustainable tourism development goal ?

Year 2015  we are encourage all the staffs collect used clothes with good condition to needy

Year 2016  Stop  using all printing paper leaflet,promotion broucher

Year 2017  Stop using one time plastic .

Year 2018  Unsubscribe all the email to reduce carbon

Year 2019  Stop using phsiycal paper business card, 

Instead of e business card

Year 2020  Stop sending any greeting wishes in any season through email  ,all the announcements will update on our blog only , NOT gping through other social media . We will focus all updated product and news through our blog.

Year 2021  we practice how to apply MINIMALISM concept in sustainable tourism We are working towards it. We do not want slogan,we want ACTION.



Friday 2 April 2021


Dear All Clients

We would like officially inform that we will not answer and reply any email from May 2021 until December 2021. We will not make any booking or reservation during the period. In future, all the sales call from customers  MUST  through  video call and it will  answer promptly by our team. We no longer handle for email or message from customers in future, only valid with "VIDEO CALL".

It is a sad at the beginning of the year. Carrie has been diagnosed digital anxiety in early of this year. After 2 months treatment, she has been partial recoverd through cognitive behavioural therary . Now, she decided spend very minimum time on digital product. She will more focus on product development and company management besides providing guidance to sales and marketing department. Here, we would like create awareness to everyone although you was born in a new and young generation. Digital anxiety cannot be ignored in our daily life. 

Today is a year anniversary of Covid 19 and also is like a reborn life for everyone in the world. 

Wish everyone Good Friday and Happy Easter day. 

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。