Sunday 3 March 2019


LAKE KENYIR nestled in the heart of Terengganu and spanning over 209,100 hectares. Lake Kenyir is the largest man -made lake in South East Asia. Vast in size, this great lake is surrounded by the world's oldest rainforest, stretching as far west as Kelantan and south to Pahang., Kenyir serve as an alternative gateway to the famous Taman Negera ( National Park) .

Dotted with more than 340 islands throughout the lake, which were once mountaintops and highlands, Lake Kenyir is home to more than 14 cascading waterfalls, cooling waters , an abundance of rapids and rivers and idyllic sanctuary to numerous species of freshwater fish and exotic wildlife. Flora and Fauna thrive in vast landscape and area a treasure trove of discoveries and adventures for nature lovers.

Gawi Jetty has served as Lake Kenyir's principal port of entry since its establishment in 1991. Boats ferry tourist and adventures to a varied array of resorts, chalets, floating lodges and camp sites located within the lake throughout the day.

Gawi Jetty also serves as the nearest access point to Taman Negara via Tanjung Mentong , where compulsory entry and fishing permits must be acquired via the Wildlife Departments.

Lake Kenyir is a heaven for nature lovers and eco tourists, It is the place to be freshwater anglers, jungle trekkers, mountaineers, campers, bird watchers, horticulturists, researchers, and even city dewllers looking for a refreshing weekend gateway,

Upon completion of the Sultan Mahmud Hyro Electric Power Station in 1985, Terengganu 's interior water catchment rose, transforming hilltops and highlands into islands with rapids and waterfalls.

Lake Kenyir boasts some of the world's most amazing natural tropical treasures namely its cascading waterfalls, mysterious caves, collection of islands , mystifying mountains, blossoming parks and gardens and exotic wildlife sanctuaries. 

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。