Friday 17 May 2019


Vypeen is an island sprawling over an area of more than 25 kilometers . before the advent of the Portuguese in the 16th century, the island was inhabited by a small indigenous fishing community. They set up many churches including the famous Church of Our Lady of Hope.

The Pallipuram fort was also built by the Portuguese in this island. According to rent research , the Portuguese legacy is still visible in the dialect of a few Anglo- Indians in Vypeen . They use the earliest forms of Creole ( a mixture of two- three language ) of the Portuguese language although the grammar is influenced by Malayalam.

Under the influence of the Portuguese, Vypeen began to develop and is now one of the islands with the highest density of population.

Today, the Goshree Bridge connects the island to the city of Kochi whereas earlier one had to be ferried to and fro.

Njarakkal is the business centre of Vypeen . There are many unexplored spots in the island that are huge of interest to the tourist. The lighthouse at Orchanthuruhu, with its adjacent beach, is one of them/. 

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。