Monday, 24 June 2019


The museum is situated on the site of the ancient settlement of Afrasiab, on the road leading from the mosque of Hazrati Hizr to the bridge across the Siab river.
The museum displays exhibits illustrating the various periods of the city's ancient history: ossuary , fragments of ancient swords,knifes, arrows, coins, ceramics and unique frescos from the 7-8th century palace of the llshid of Samarkand.
Excavated in 1965 in the center of the medieval than  city behind the third fortification, the palace occupied more 1 hectare. The roof of it thrones hall was supported by wooden columns and its southern wall decorated with paintings of a wedding  embassy to Llshid Varkhuman which is from the second half of the 7th century. The parade is led by the bride - the Chaganian Governor's daughter- riding on a white elephant and accompanied by friends and dignitaries on camels and horses.
Scenes of horsemen fighting against predators, as well as boats with men and women can be seen on northern wall. The eastern wall instead shows young men swimming in the sea, birds and animals. The wall behind the Llshid's throne portrays a parade of the Chinese ,Chaganian , Chach and East Turkistan embassies. The palace was reconstructed several times and destroyed in the 8th century.

Samarkand Picture Gallery shows the fine art collection consisting of about 4000 paintings, graphic works and sculptures.The exhibits include works by well known Russian artists such as Alexander Nikolaev, better known as Usto Mumin, as well as Boore, Dudin, Karazin , Nikitin and Vereshaghin, whose works depict the history and life of the people of Central Asia. The collections of the museum include seven works by Vereshchaghin (1842-1904) :  " Steppe landscape" , Native Jew" ,"Singer with dutar", " Steppe hunters", " The Mulfah at a School ', " Mirza -bek", "Evoy of the Bhukara" and "The Palace of the Amir, Samarkand'. Dudin's ( 1863-1929) painting " The Dervish " is an
ethnographic representation of a Muslim ascetic of the beginning of the 20th century. The symbolic painting " Boy with a Quaoil" by Usto Mumin (1897-1957) shows a mixture of influence from the east, the Italian Renaissance and Russian icons. In the early works of Boore (1897-1943) of which there are about 400 in the museums, we can see the neighborhoods and architecture monuments of Bukhara and Samarkand and ethnographic studies , Uzbek painting of the 20th century is represented by works by Benkov , Kovafeskaya, Ahmedov, Djalolov, Isaev, Kalonov and Chariev.

The Samarkand Museum of History and Art of the Uzbek People is one of the oldest and largest museums in Central Asia. Opened in 1896, it is situated in a separate building next to the Registan square since 1978. The museums houses around 200000 exhibits , including collections of archaeology, numismatics , ethnography , manuscripts and historical documents covering the history and culture of the region from the early and middle Paleolithic ages to the beginning of the 20th century.

Uzbek writer and scholar , Alisher Navol called paper " wings that spread around the thoughts of wise man". Here , as many centuries ago, one can see with one's own eyes the process of manually producing the famous Samarkand paper in accordance with the old technology . In 650, the soldiers who escaped Chinese captivity created the first paper.

The first paper mill in Baghdad appeared only half a century after paper production was started in Samarkand. Samarkand paper with its high quality forced out from the markets the various kinds of Egyptian paper and leather.

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