Monday 21 October 2019


The most popular of these is the trek to the lush, undulating meadow of Baisaran ( 56 kms) . Enclosed by thickly wooded tracks of pine, Baisaran also makes for a good campsite. In the tourist season, zorbing is arranged by the J& Tourism and is all the rage with tourists.

Further up, an 11 km trek takes one to Tuliyan Lake at an altitude of 3353 m .This serene lake remains frozen most of the year and is surrounded by snow capped mountains on all its side. 
For the adventurous, there are treks that take 4 to 6 days from Pahalgam to Sonamarh or to Panikher in the Zanskar valley (via Sheshnag Lake) . For serious trekkers and mountaineers, guidance and equipment can be sought at Jawahar Institut of Mountaineering and winter sports, in Pahalgam .

Ponies can be hired by the hour at fixed rates which are posted at prominent locations. These pony rides on steep trails can be quite a thrilling and hair raising experience!Pahalgam has a scenically placed 9 hole golf course, which is being developed into an 18 hole course. Golf Championships organized by the state government and private hoteliers are held here in summers.

The torrential Lidder offers rafting where you can feel an adrenaline rush as you face the rapids in the icy cold water! In 2009, Pahalgam also hosted an International Rafting Championship. Trout fishing in Lidder is very popular in Pahalgam; the commonest varieties being the Rainbow and Brown. It is thus no surprise that many hotels and restaurants here serve up various kinds of trout delicacies – from Indian to continental preparations making a visit to Pahalgam particularly delightful for fish lovers. “Trout beat “in the main market is a popular joint for trying out trout. Several of the hotels here also offer to cook your trout dishes on order.

The department of Fisheries supervises angling to maintain the ecological balance of the species. Fishing equipment can be hired or bought, and one can use the services of ghillies (professional fishing guide). Permits have to be sought in advance from the J& K Department of Fisheries. Permits are issued for a maximum of 3 days at a time, and the charges for angling are on per day, per rod basis. The best season for angling in Pahalgam is from April to September.

Pahalgam Club, managed by the JKTD, is being revamped to include a restaurant, auditorium, health club, open food court and other facilities and promises to be a tourist attraction.

Known for products made of wool, Pahalgam is an ideal stop for shoppers.Gabbas, rugs made of coloured cut outs from old woolen clothes, or Namdas , soft rugs made of felt , can be bought here. Apart from these,silk as well as woolen carpets, shawls, wall hangings , a range of intricately carved walnut- wood furniture and accessories , jewellery boxes made of stone, and tea cosies with beautiful Kashmiri embroidery are available. For those wanting to indulge in eating, Pahalgam has a market lined with restaurants with various cuisines on offer.

The wildlife reserve of Shikargah also makes for a short trek. This as well as other forests around PAhalgam are home to several endangered and protected species, including the hangul, musk deer, serow, leopard, rhesus macaque and Himalayan mouse hare. Wild bears still roam much of the area and local villagers are on constant alert. The region has a wide variety of birds, both residents and migratory making it a bird watchers’ delight.

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