Friday, 31 May 2019


Tidak lengkap rasanya bila kita berkunjung ke Kota Palembang tanpa menelusuri sungai terpanjang di sumatera, Sungai Musi. Sungai Musi melintas di tengah Kota Palembang menjadi 2 bagian iaitu seberang ulu di bagian selatan dan Seberang llir di bagian utara, Dikenal dengan nama " Batang  Hari Sembilan " , Sungai Musi pun dikenal sebagai "Venesia dari Timur". Menikmati matahari terbenam , menyaksikan nelayan menjaring ikan serta senja yang menyapu wajah kota.

Sepanjang penelurusan kita juga dapat melihat beberapa tempat yang bisa kita kunjungi seperti Kampung Kapitan, Kampung Arab dan Pulau Kemaro. Selain itu, juga kita bisa melihat Pasar Traditional dan dapat menggunakan jasa angkutan aor seperti kapal wisata, perahu motor dan speed boat.

INDRAKAYA - Menteri Perekonomian RI Hatta Radjasa meresmikan langsung Kampoeng BNI tenun Songket di Desa Muara Penimbung Indalaya Ogan Llir. Kampung BNI Tenun Songket ini merupakan kampung binaan Bank BNI untuk memproducksi kain tenun asli daerah yakni kain songket.

Selama ini kain songket dari usaha rumah tangga di Muara Penimbung masih belum mampu mendongkrak produktivias dan kesejahteraan warganya.Dengan program BNI yang disebut PKBL ( program kerja bina lingkungan ) BNI sebagai pembina. Para penenun diberikan pelatihan , binaan , modal dan pemasyaran.

Bukit Serelo terletak di sekitar  20 km dari kota Lahat. Penduduk setempat menyebutnya Bukit Tunjuk, karena bentuk puncaknya yang mirip telunjuk yang mencuat ke langit. Jika anda bepergian dari Muara Enim, menjelang 20 km memasuki kota Lahat, bukit itu terlihat jelas di sebelah kiri.

Gunung Dempo dengan ketingiian 3,159 meter di atas permukaan laut dan waktu tempuh kurang lebih 6 jam ( 295 km) dari Kota Palembang , Gunung Dempo merupakan salah satu alternatif wisata yang ditawarkan di Sumatera Selatan. Dari ketinggian tertentu kita dapat dinikmati Kota Pagar Alam khususnya di malam hari. Fasilitas pariwisata berupa akomodasi sudah tersedia sebanyak 180 kamar dengan fasilitas lainnya seperti restoran.

Kegiatan lain yang dapat dilakukan seperti jogging di area kebun teh ( Tea Walk), mendali dan bersepeda gunung, bermain di air terjun, serta melihat peninggalan pra sejarah berupa Batuan Megalit. Dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan kenderaan darat ( roda empat) ata pun sarana transportasi lain seperti bus.

Prabumulih dikenal dengan kota nanas, karena salah satu hasil pertanian yang terkenal adalah nanas
( Ananas Comosus). Nanas Prabumulih terkenal manis dan pemasarannya sampai ke Pulau Jawa.

Di Kawasan timur terdapat hutan suaka mergasatwa sembilang seluas 45000 hektare. Tempat ini merupakan surga bagi berbagai jenis burung dan binatang yang dilindungi seperti bangau , tongtong , bangau putih , sindang awe, pelican , itik liar , rajawali, rangkong jambul dan kangkareng. Bahkan terdapat pula buaya dan lumba lumba air tawar.

Menurut penelitian di Sembilang terdapat habitat 180 species burung dari 600 species yang ada di Sumatera, disamping 17 species mamalia besar. Sembilang juga merupakan daerah persinggahan dari burung migrasi pantai yang berasal dari Siberia, salah satu dari 3 tempat yang ada di Indo Malay. Hutan suaka mergasatwa itu hanya dapat dijangkau melalui jalan air sehingga dapat menjadi petualangan yang mengesankan.

Danau Ulak Lia, ini adalah sebuah danau kecil dekat kota Sekayu, yang dapat dicapai setelah menyeberangi sungai Musi selama kurang lebih 20 menit dengan perahu tambangan . Danau seluas 15 hektare ini pada hari minggu dan libur banyak dikunjungi wisatawan lokal. Disekeliling danau terdapat pohon -pohon rindang sehingga sangat ideal untuk tempat rekreasi dan piknik bersama keluarga.

Terletak di wilayah kecamatan Banding Agung jarak 125 km dari Baturaja Ibukota Kabupaten OKU. Danau Ranau luas 8x 16 km dengan latar belakang gunung Seminung , sekitar danau dikelilingi oleh bukit dan lembah sehingga hembusan angin di kawasan ini tidak terlalu kencang.

Pada malam hari udara sejuk dan pada siang hari cerah suhu berkisar antara 20 derajat -26 derajat celsius. Di aats perbukitan dan lembah sekitar danau terdapat perkebunan kopi, tembakau, vengkeh , kayu manis dan palawija.

Pada sisi lain di kaki gunung  Seminung terdapat sumber air panas alam yang keluar dari dasar danau. Tempat lain yang menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah Pulau Marisa yang terletak tidak jauh dari air panas.

Teluk Gelam adalah sebuah danau alami seluas sekitar 250 hektar yang airnya tidak pernah mengering ,meski pada musim kemarau . air danau ini tergolong jernih dan dihuni oleh berbagai macam jenis ikan, seperti : belida, tapah, arwana dan konon dihuni juga oleh beberapa ekor buaya ( walau selama ini belum pernah ada orang yang melihatnya ). Pada bagian tengah danau terdapat sebuah daratan yang ditumbuhi ribuan pohon gelam ( Melalueka Leucadendron) dengan daunnya yang mungil dan berwarna hijau muda. Disekitar danau pengunjung bisa berolahraga air, mandi , berenang , memancing atau bahkan sekadar berkeliling menikmati pemandangan alam.

Gua Putri terletak di Desa Padang Bindu Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, 35 km dari Kota Baturaja. dengan panjang 159 m, lebar 8 s.d 20 m dengan ketinggian 20 meter, kita dapat menyaksikan keindahan alam batuan stalagtit dan stalagmit yang terbentuk secara alami di langit langit dan dasar gua.
Di dalam gua terdapat anak sungai yang bermuara di Sungai Ogan yang konon dipercaya dapat membuat awet muda bagi siapa yang membasuh muka dengan air tersebut. Pengunjung dapat menyusuri semua sisi dan celah goa dengan bantuan pemandu lokal.

Air Terjun Temam terletak di desa Lubuk Kupang. Tingginya sekitar 8 meter dan lebar 20 meter yang dikelilingi perkebunan karet milik rakyat. Para pengunjung acapkali datang pada hari hari minggu dan libur. Berfoto dengan latar belakang air terjun itu amat menarik.

Goa Napalicin terletak di Desa Napalicin, Kecamatan Ulu Rawas, Kabupaten Musi Rawas ( Mura) , Provinsi Sumatra Selatan. Anda harus mencapai kota Lubuk Linggau terlebih dahulu untuk menuju Goa Napalicin , Lubuk Linggau , ibu Kota Kabupaten Mura, berjarak sekitar 350 km dari kota Palembang. Lubuk Linggau juga bisa ditempuh dengan perjalanan sekitar 150 km dari kota Bengkulu.

Guna mengantisipasi kegagalan tanam petani, pemkb OKU timur melalui Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Holtikultura (TPH) OKU Timur memberikan bantuan berupa benih padi kepada petani yang lahannya puso. Beberapa hari sebelumnya , sebanyak 2.763 ha lahan persawahan lebak yang tersebar di tiga Kecamatan yakni Kecamatan Cempaka, Semendawai Barat dan Kecamatan Semendawai Suku III terendam air.

Air terjun Bedegung Muaranim memiliki ketinggian 120 meter. Lokasi air terjun ini masih masuk dalam kawasan wisata Bedegung . Cukup berdiri sekitar 300 meter. anda akan disambut dengan rintikan air terjun bagaikan hujan gerimis. Hanya saja untuk mencapai air terjun ini , pengunjung harus membawa kenderaan sendiri, dengan jarak tempuh dari Muaraenim ke lokasi sekitar 48 km, sementara dari Palembang sekitar 260 km.

Kopi di Empatlawang mayoritas adalah jenis Robusta. hal ini karena jenis tersebut sangat cocok dengan kondisi tanah dan cuaca di Empatlawang. Kopi jenis tersebut dapat tumbuh dan berkembang biak di wilayah Empatlawang. Meskipun perbukitan, namun letak geografis Empatlawang tergolong rendah, dibawah 600 meter di atas permukaan laut . Kondisi tersebut cocok untuk perkembang biakan kopi jenis Robusta dibanding jenis lain seperti Arabika. 

Thursday, 30 May 2019


The city of Puri is known for its history from time immemorial, Sanctrum sanctorum of the Trinity, architectural magnificence, balanced climate and divine significance. Counted among the most sacred pilgrim centre for Hindus in India, the destination is a seat of Lord of Universe, Jagannath, as per testimony of Skanda Purana, Honoured with the famous Jagannath shrine, the spiritual city is also known as Jagannath Puri. Besides, the destination is a repository of art and architecture of India with testaments dating back to 3rd Century B.C. This ancient town has ruins and testaments belonging to the period from 3rd Century B.C to 17th Century B.D. 


The Sun temple at Konark, a poetry in stone and a World Heritage Monument, is often described as the grandest achievement of the Eastern school of architecture. This 13th Century AD architectural marvel in stone designed as a chariot of the Sun God with 12 giant wheels fixed on either side, whirled by seven horses is the translation of a Rig Vedic allegory in stone. 


Padmasambhar Mahavir is situated at Jirang near Chanragiri in the district of Gajapati. This 5 storied Buddhist Monastery said to be one of the biggest Monastery of India . Built on 10 acres of land, houses , a 21 ft high Buddha idol has been named after founder of the vajrayana sect of Mahayana form of Buddism  Padmasambhava. 


The most fascinating remains of Kayama is a unique rock -cut elephant that rises abruptly over the lower elevation on the eastern limit of the hill, facing the river Kelua. It has been carved out from live rock with excellent and highly naturalistic craftsmanship. 


Close to Latigiri -ratnagiri -Udayagiri complex is Langudi.
Recent excavations have unearthed a treasure trove of architecturally and sculpturally rich Buddhist Remains. They include clusters of rock -cut votive stupas, 2 unique of the Buddha and Pancha Dhyani Buddha with their remarkable and prize discovery of this place in 2001 .


The entire area is found located at the foothills of a large hill that acts as an imposing backdrop . The archaeological remains at Udayagiri consists of a brick stupa, 2 brick monasteries in Udayagiri -I and the other with truss of a chaitya ( temple) and Monastery in Udayagiri -II, a beautiful stepped Rock- cut well with inscription on it.

The large number of well buily images of dhyani Buddha, Bodhisattva, Avalokiteswara, Tara, Jambhala, Aparajita, Heruka etc. double storeyed monastery with a shrine chamber , having circumambulating path,  a water reservoir and such other features make Udayagiri unique in the Buddhist World. 


Ratnagiri and the nearby places like Dhauligiri, Udayagiri and Lalitgiri , generally known as Ratnagiri Buddhist Circuit are the ideal Buddhist tourism destinations because of the presense of numerous monasteries, stupas and chaityas.
Ratnagiri is not only a religious place, but also a great place of learning for the Buddhism of Tantric commune, known as Vajrayana.

All the above indicate the importance of Ratnagiri as one of the main Buddhist centre of Odisha from very early times.The Mahavihara at Ratnagiri, as revealed fro Odishan inscriptions, was a great centre of learning in Buddhist Philosophy. T


Excavations carried out here have brought to surface the ruins of a wonderful brick monastery with beautiful carvings, a Chaitya with bow shaped arches, 4 monasteries and a huge stupa. The Buddhist treasures unearthed from here also include a large number of gold and silver articles, a  stone  container, earthen pot and traces of Kushana dynasty and Brahmi script. A massive image of the Buddha is a unique find, the image has pursed lips, long ear and wide forehead. It is one of the Buddhist site of India.

Lalitgiri, 90 km away from Bhubaneswar , is one of the points of the Buddhist Triangle popularly known as the Diamond Triangle of Odisha, singing the glory of a past heritage spanning from 3rd Century BC to 15th Century AD.Huge brick monasteries, the remains of a chaitya hall, a number of votive stupa and a renovated stone stupa atop a small rugged sand stone hill dominate the rural greenery around.

The Sculpture shed of the ASI displays a large number of Mahayana Sculptures consisting of life size figures, most of which interestingly contain short inscriptions on them. The standing Buddha figure with the knee - length draperies over the shoulders remind one of the influences of the Gandhara and Mathura Schools of art. The Bodhisattva images are some of the most finely sculpted figures produced in India.

The discovery of golden caskets in 1985 containing sacred bone relics , probably of the Tathagata himself, from the stone stupa atop the hill further enhances the sacredness of the stupa and the place for the devout Buddhists, It also brings to mind the description of Hiuen T'sang about the magnificent stupa on the top of a hill at Puspagiri Mahavihara which emitted brilliant light because of its sacredness. Lalitgiri is one of the oldest Buddhist Centre of Odisha. 


Buddhism has flourished in many places. and one of them was in Odisha.. In 6th century BC, it found its quiet destinations in Lalitgiri & Ratnagiri. Here, hidden from mankind for centuries lies a remarkable piece of history written in stones. In Ratnagiri, Udayagiri, Langudi and Lalitgiri Buddhism relics still echo centuries old culture and art which leaves us in awe.

The Maha Bodhi Society of India was founded by Anagarika Dhammpala in May 1891 for the purpose of resuscitation Buddhism in India and of restoring the ancient Buddhist shrines at Bodh Gaya, Sarnath and Kushinara. Having its headquarters in Kolkata its main attention has been paid in the restoration and revival of the glory and sanctity of Bodh Gaya. For this he founded the society's first centre at Bodh Gaya.

Then centers were established in Sarnath , Sanchi, Lucknow , Odisha ( Bhubaneswar), New Delhi , Chennai , Ajmer , Bangalore etc. The yeoman services rendered by the Maha Bodhi society for the spread of loving kindness, promotion of mutual understanding and goodwill and strengthening of peace is keenly felt in the present times than ever before. The Global Buddhist community is now looking towards the Maha Bodhi Society of India , which can play a pivotal role in leading the world towards peace based on Buddha's teachings about value based living and human kindness. The Mahanodhi Society's Odisha Center at Bhubaneswar is working since more than one decade.


Located in the Mayurbhanja districts of Odisha, Similipal with its astounding flora and fauna is a haven for the nature lovers. Owing to its thick green foliage, rugged hilly tracts, riverine system, valleys, grasslands and rich biodiversity. Similipal has won the distinction of being a Tiger Reserve, a National Park , a wildlife Sanctuary , an Elephant Reserve and a Biosphere Reserve.

Spread over an area of 2750 sq km. Similipal is home to many unique varieties of wildlife. The semi evergreen to dry deciduous forests of Similipal boast of 1076 species of plants including 94 varieties of orchids. These forests echo with a variety of fauna comprising of 42 species of mammals, 231 species of birds and 29 species of reptiles. As per the 2004 census, 101 tigers out of the state's total tiger population of 192 are found in Similipal giving it the fame of a Tiger Reserve. Besides , other rare wildlife like elephants (565 according to 1999 census) , leopard , sambar , spotted deer , barking deer, mouse deer, gaur, hill myna, hornbills , peacock, python , cobra , lizards etc add to the rich bio diversity of Similipal.

Standing at an average elevation of 900 meters, Similipal has emerald green mountains with vegetation covered peaks smiling at visitors in warm reception. The peaks of Khairiburu (1178 metres), Meghasani ( 1158 metres) and several others have  abreath raking beauty . Several rivers like Budhabalanga , Khairi, Salandi, Palpala, etc. Originate from these hills and flow through the thick jungles of Similipa; serving  as an excellent habitat for many wonderful creatures. The Barehipani ( 400meter) and Joranda ( 150 meters) waterfalls present a delightful sight . The tall Sal trees found in large numbers add  to the natural charm of the place.

As you walk along the trails of Silimipal, you can find the mesmerizing beauty of nature unfold at each step. while the lovely pink orchids peeping from the greenery , serpentine rivers meandering through the jungles, cascading waterfalls, the Sal trees competing with each other to reach the sun and the tender foliage shining brilliantly give the feeling of being one with nature; the rustling of the leaves , herds of jumbos walking leisurely across the jungle tracts, the roars of tiger reverberating in the atmosphere and the thought of leopards couching behind some bush fills you with adventure. If lucky, you could also spot the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger relaxing under the cool shade of trees. The Crocodile Rearing Centre at Ramatirtha is an additional attraction.

With a rich bio diversity and unspoilt natural beauty , Similipal beckons you to have a refreshing experience in the lap of nature. the adventure, excitement and thrill at Similipal rarely have any match. Your trip to the beguiling world of Similipal is sure to take you along the trails of ecological fantasy. 


Bhubaneswar is often called the " Temple City of the East" and was once the capital of an ancient kingdom. The imposing spire of the Lingaraj Temple, the quiet beauty of the Vishwa Shanti Stupa in Dhauli and the pink translucence of the Mahavira Jain temple in nearby Khandagiri, inspire feelings of wonder at their sheer beauty and their cross- cultural permutations. The temples have stood testimony to the area 's history which spans 25 centuries. The Lingaraj, the Parsurameswar , the Mukteswar and the Rajarani temples are unique in themselves, not only in their architectural beauty but also in the wonderful sculptures which enhance their presence. 

Friday, 17 May 2019


Wayanad is one of the few districts in Kerala that has been able to retain its pristine nature. The prehistoric engravings discovered in the Edakkal caves and around Ambukuthymala bear testimony to the pre-historic culture in Kerala dating back to the Mesolithic age. Wayanad is a confluence of wilderness, history and culture and is located in the southern tip of the magnificent Decccan plateu.


The Tipu's Fort, also known as the Palakkad Fort, stands in the heart of Palakkad town and was constructed in 1766 AD. It is today a protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India. The fort was built by Hyder ali ( 1717-1782), the emperor of Mysore province, supposedly to facilitate communication between both sides of the Western Ghats( Coimbatore and the West Coast) .
he had captured the Malabar and Kochi regions which came under the West Coast area. His son Tipu Sultan (1750-1799) , a warrior as well as a linguist , was known as " Tiger Mysore".

In 1874, after an eleven -day siege, the fort was captured by the British under Colonel Fullerton. Though it later fell into the hands of the troops of the Kozhikode Zamorin, it was recaptured by the British in 1790. Tipu Sultan lost his life in 1799 in an encounter with the British and the fort later came to known after his name/.


Vypeen is an island sprawling over an area of more than 25 kilometers . before the advent of the Portuguese in the 16th century, the island was inhabited by a small indigenous fishing community. They set up many churches including the famous Church of Our Lady of Hope.

The Pallipuram fort was also built by the Portuguese in this island. According to rent research , the Portuguese legacy is still visible in the dialect of a few Anglo- Indians in Vypeen . They use the earliest forms of Creole ( a mixture of two- three language ) of the Portuguese language although the grammar is influenced by Malayalam.

Under the influence of the Portuguese, Vypeen began to develop and is now one of the islands with the highest density of population.

Today, the Goshree Bridge connects the island to the city of Kochi whereas earlier one had to be ferried to and fro.

Njarakkal is the business centre of Vypeen . There are many unexplored spots in the island that are huge of interest to the tourist. The lighthouse at Orchanthuruhu, with its adjacent beach, is one of them/. 


In the present day Cochin is technically divided into 2 parts, Kochi and Ernakulam respectively .

The collective of coastal margin and the island forms Kochi and the mainland is Eranakulam. Once a major centre of world trade and commerce, Kochi is today renowned as the Queen of the Arabian Sea. The British , Arabs, Chinese , Portuguese  and the Dutch have all come to its shores in search of spices and sandalwood.

Fort Kichi
Fort Kochi is an obscure fishing village which went on to become the first European township in the country and it has indeed come a long way . You could catch the remnants of the colonial infusion in the form of architectural masterstrokes. 


The Thekkady forest , one of the finest wildlife reserves in the country spreading over the entire district , instantly conjures up images of elephants , unending chains of hills and spice scented plantations. along with that the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary , snuggled in the Western Ghats, is one of the world's richest  biodiversity spots and it is also noted for its geo morphology and the diversity of wildlife. This is the only sanctuary in the country where you get the unique experience of watching wildlife at close quarters from the safety of a bot.

Vandiperiyar , on the other hand , has distinction of the Periyar River flowing through the centre of the town , nourishing its vast tea, coffee and pepper plantations , making it home to a number of tea factories.

Pullumedu, just 43 km from Thekkady , is a hill town on the banks of the Periyar , which offers a stunning view of the hills draped in lush greenery.


Aryuveda is a well accepted holistic system that concentrates on mental and physical well being in addition to giving preference to prevention of disease rather than treatment. The major part of the process includes tempering the body's humor that include the Vata, Pitta and Kapha for treatment of not just the affected part but the body as a whole , resulting in a rejuvenating and detox effect for the body. Kerala provides a perfect ambience and home for your full body revival with its pleasant weather , prosperity in herbs and spices  and lush greenery that works wonders on the mind. Medical tourism is quite popular here with tourists flocking to the state , mostly during the monsoons. According to the Ayurveda texts, monsoons is the best  time for such treatments as the cool , clean atmosphere can elicit the maximum absorption from the body pores for high receptivity to the traditional forms of therapy 


Known also as the land of letters, latex and lakes, Kottayam city has  a network of rivers and canals that empty into the great expanse of the Vembanad Lake, located 160km west of Kottayam . The Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary , 16 km from Kottayam , is situated on the banks of this Vembanad Lake. The sanctuary being a favourite  haunt of migratory birds is a paradise for the ornithologists. The breeding season for the resident wetland birds like Siberian stork, cormorants , darter , white ibis, egret , heron and teal is between June and august while November and May is the season for migratory birds like pin tailed duck, garganey teal, spotted bill duck , osprey , marsh harrier and steppey eagle 


Alappuzha, also referred to as the " Venice of the East" by the travelers from across the globe, is caressed by the Arabian Sea in the west and a huge network of lakes, lagoons and freshwater rivers crisscrossing it which ultimately make this place a shelter for some unique animals and birds. Owing to its proximity to the sea, the place is quite famous for boat races and beaches . The singularity of this land , however , lays in the name of this area -Kuttanad - a land of lush green paddy fields, promptly giving it the title, the " Rice Bowl Of Kerala"/ In fact, it is one of the few places in the world where farming is done below sea level. The backwaters come a live in the month of august every year during the annual Nehru Trophy Boat Race when the long snake boats battle it out on the waters for the coveted trophy.
Kuttanad, located in the heart of the backwaters is a vast area of naturally reclaimed land that is separated by dikes a few feet above the water.  


One of popular pilgrim center in India, the hill shrine of Sabarimala seeks the blessings of its presiding deity - Lord Ayyappan or Swami Ayyappan. One of the best things about the temple of Sabarimala is that , it does not have have any restriction in place, based on religion, caste or creed and is now an international icon for communal harmony in Kerala. The shrine is also visited by devotees from various Asian Countries like Russians as well as other foreign countries in Europe and USA. It is thus a vast ocean of humanity that on can witness during the festival seasons at Sabamarimala. 

Thursday, 16 May 2019


It is India's first planned Eco tourism destination that offers, among others, attractions like an invigorating boat ride in the Shenduruney Wildlife Sanctuary , a visit to the Deer Rehabilitation Centre, where one can have a fascinating look at group of spotted deer, sambar deer and barking deer, that have been given protection after straying out from the forests. the project area has tree top huts and children's Eco Park, riverside treks and battery powered vehicle rides through the forest , enabling one to sight and experience wildlife from a close distance.  


The Palaruvi Waterfalls is one of Kerala's most picturesque waterfalls, cascading down from  a height of 300 feet . Apart from being a great visual treat for the tourists, the Palaruvi ( meaning stream of milk) Waterfalls is also a rather popular trekking destination . The trekking covers about 5 kilometers of the area, through a landscape of forests, caves, streams and small waterfalls . besides, it is the third highest waterfall seen in the River Kallada. 


Known widely as the centre of country's cashew trading and processing industry, Kollam is a historic town thirty percent of which is covered by the renowned Ashtamudi Lake, making it the gateway to the magnificent backwaters of Kerala. The 8 hour boat trip between Kollam and Alappuzha is the longest and most  enchanting experience on the backwaters. the momentous decision to introduce a new Malayalam era was convened at Kollam.

Kollam Beach :
The Kollam Beach also known as the Mahatma Gandhi Beach , was once a favorite settlement of the Portuguese , the Dutch  and the English. This perfect beach settings offers a panoramic view of the Arabian Sea. A port city and once an active harbour for Chinese trade ships, Kollam Beach is also home to Chinese Fishing nets, Chinese fishing nets, Chinese water pots and sampan -like boats seen even today. 


The vast stretch of white sand and the serene atmosphere, way from the bustling and madding crowd of the city , make Shankumugham Beach a rather well admired spot for all tourists. The sculpture of Jalakanyaka by the famous sculptor Kanayi kunhiraman is an added attraction here. the famous Veli tourist Village is also located just 1 km from this Shanghumugham beach. 


The Napier Museum too has  a rare collection of artifacts , bronze idols , ancient ornaments , temple chariots  and ivory carvings that speaks volumes of India rich and glorious past. Itself an exceptional piece of architecture, the Museum is named after the former Madras Gorvenor General , John Napier and is also called the Government Art Museum. The zoom which is just adjacent to the museum, is home to some 82 species of fauna from around the world.


This Art Gallery is a treat for any art lover as it features some wonderful rare collection of paintings Raja Ravi Varma, Svetlova Nicholas Roerich. An oriental collection consisting of paintings from China, Japan , Tibet and Bali is also there that offers a visual pleasure and forms a tribute pleasure and forms a tribute to the art and culture of these countries.  


The Varkala Beach is located about 51 km to the north of Thiruvananthapuram city in the Thiruvananthapuram district of south Kerala. Also known as the " Papanasam " beach ( meaning " redemption from sins" ), this is the only place in south Kerala where a long stretch of red laterite cliffs can be found and from where you can have a spectacular view of the sunset . a dip in the holy waters across this beach is believed to purge the body of all impurities and the soul of all its sins. 


Situated at Thuckalai, on the way to Kanyakumaruri, the Padmanabhapuram Palace is a well preserved wooden palace dating back to the 16th century. Kerala's indigenous style of architecture can be witnessed in this old palace of the Rajas of the erstwhile Travancore. With Rosewood carvings, sculptured decor , 17th century murals, musical bow in mahogany, royal chairs with Chinese carvings, painted ceilings , rosewood and teak carved ceilings with 90 different floral designs , this palace is simply elegance and royalty of bygone India at its best . 


The Shenduruny Wildlife Sanctuary , located in the Kollam district of Kerala, derives its name from the Shenduruny tree which grows in abundance here. The sanctuary was established in 1984, There is an artificial lake in the center of the park formed by the Kulathupuzha River and Parappar dam. a trip to the sanctuary is guaranteed to recharge the mind and soul because its picturesque surroundings and breathtaking views. Tourists can also go for a bit of nature walk to enjoy the aesthetics of the forest and get familiar with the wildlife. The sanctuary  also offers many exciting activities like river crossing, valley crossing , mountain biking , rock climbing and lots more.


The entire area of the Mankayam falls is dominated by shrubberies and the lofty trees of the Shola forest kind. apart from the two magnificent waterfalls, Mankayam is a good spring board for trekking too. To reach the upper falls, one has to climb over large boulders and trek a bit through the forest. So it is mainly recommended for the adventurous lot. However , the waterfalls are magnificent and thoroughly enjoyable.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019


The Agasthyyamalai Biosphere Reserve is another of the rather popular wildlife reserves of the region. The reserve is notified under the Man and Biosphere Programme, launched by UNESCO and is thus a tourist hotspot. Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary : The Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary , established in the year 1938, is located on the outskirts of the city of Ponmudi and is popular for its dense and thick forest cover that surrounds the region. The sanctuary is a natural habitat to many wild animals like the Asian elephants, Sambar , leopards, lion -tailed  macaques etc and some of the rare breeds of birds found here include Malabar the grey hornbills , white bellied tree-pie, small sunbird and so on 


An interesting 2 km jungle trek from the foothill will lead one the largest and most spectacular waterfall in the area , the Meenmutty Falls. A unique feature of these Meenmutty waterfalls is that the water rushes down from a height of nearly 1000 ft in 3 stages, presenting an amazing triple-decker effect. The cascading waterfall, however , does not provide a very favorable place for the fish to swim in and hence the name that roughly translates to " where the fish are blocked". 


The Ponmudi experience starts with the journey itself, from Nedumangad , the nearest town.
a narrow winding road takes one to the most arresting scenic view of the wide valleys, lush green surroundings, waterfalls , forest land, tea plantations and hairpin curves. Known to be one of the very few hill resorts close to the sea, this place is some 915 m above the sea level with a year round pleasant climate. The best season or months to visit Ponmudi are February , March , October, November and December.apart from the rich flora which consists of a variety of beautiful mountain flowers , wild orchids and butterflies , there is also a popular deer park that attracts the visitors all the same . Besides, there are various trekking and hiking options that there are no less exciting. 


Once  a busy port, Poovar is today an isolated beach in parts that however, promises breathtaking views, Poovar is among those natural wonders where the Lake, River ,Sea and Beach meet the land . The dream golden sand beach is enveloped by the most serene backwaters on 2 sides and opens out to the sea on one.
The historical roots of Poovar are no less commanding , with its strong ties with the legendary Kind of the erstwhile Princely State of Travancore, the great Marthanda Varma Maharaja. The area is abundant in well preserved local flora, hundreds of varieties of spices , exotic flowers complete with banana and coconut groves. 


ST Joseph's Metropolitan Catheral , Palayam, Trivandrum ( Palayam Palli) is the Cathedral Church of the Latin Archdiocese of Trivandrum. As history goes, this 140 year old grand monumental Gothic structure had a moderate beginning. The initial Church was constructed as a parish church to look after the spiritual need of a few Catholic military men and Catholic families who mainly migrated from coastal regions of erstwhile Travancore state, comprising of the present Kanyakumari and Trivandrum Districts.  


It is one of the most famous mosque of Thiruvananthapuram and also throughout India which was constructed in the year 1813 when India was still under colonial rule. Initially , the mosque was small and it was mainly constructed for the prayers of the Muslim soldiers in this part of the country. The mosque was later expanded with the advent of time and gradually came to be a prime destination for the Muslim community. 


The Attukal Bhagavathy temple located in Aattukal, is one of the oldest shrines of South India and the presiding deity of the temple is Attukal Bhagavathy, who is believed to be an incarnation of Goddess Parvathi. Located at just 2 kms from Thiruvananthapuram , the temple is also popularly known as " Sabarimala of women" 


This temple is one of the most important sites for anyone who is on a pilgrimage . The principal deity , Lord Vishnu  is enshrined in the " Anantha Shayanam " posture , the eternal yogic , asleep on the serpent Adishesha. Sree Padmanabha Swamy is the tutelary deity of the royal family Travancore. 


The beach town of Kovalam is literally the paradise of the South attracting tourists with its 3 famous beaches  namely the Lighthouse Beach, the Hawah Beach and the Samudra Beach. There are plenty of leisure options at these beaches like sunbathing , swimming, herbal body toning massages, several special cultural programmes and catamaran cruising among others that truly make this place one of a kind.
Kovalam Beach is well known not just for its natural beauty and its stunning sunset view, but also for the various entertainment programmes and adventure sport conducted on the beach regularly , Beach bonfire is one of the most entertaining and fun practice, be it with family or friends. Another aspect of Kovalam tourism is its holy pilgrimage of temples and shrines that have always been famous throughout the country. 


located in the south western tip of India, Thiruvananthapuram is bound by the Arabian Sea in the west and the sate of Tamil Nadu in the east. Named after Anantha Padmanabha or Lord Vishnu, the city is home to many ancient temples.
But the most popular landmark is the Sree Padmanabha Swamy temple around which the city has been built on 7 low hills. The wooded highlands of the Western Ghats on the eastern and north eastern borders provide Thiruvananthapuram with some of its most enchanting picnic spots . Along shoreline with internationally renowned beaches , historic monuments , backwater stretches and  a rich cultural heritage make this place a much sought-after tourist destination. Clean, fresh and green , Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. 

Monday, 13 May 2019



India has always been known as country of diversity, be it in terms of language , clothes , culture or even geographical backgrounds.Naturally the huge scope to explore the land has always been a subject of great interest to people all across the globe.
However, a complete tour of India might be physically quite taxing and might not be all encompassing since each different place offers its own sweet attractions. Be it the grandeur of the mighty Himalayas, the calmness of the vast Rajasthan deserts, the hearty welcome of the cultured east or the serenity of the south , India can truly mesmerize and surprise one to the deepest core and fill the soul with unparallel and unprecedented joy. The rich culture and tradition along with the aesthetic pleasure that one can find in every corner of India is just absent in any other part of the world and this makes India a rather exceptional tourist destination in both the Occidental and the Western eyes. Amongst its many magic, that of south India is common one and naturally , tourists , from all over the universe , flock here all round the year and soak themselves in the pristine beauty of the nature.

India is widely renowned across the world for her incredible tourism, her rich culture , heritage and festivities.
A frequent tourist hotspot today is the peninsular south India, the experience of the exotic over the joy of backwaters, hill stations, landscape, surrounded by the ocean ( Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean) on all 3 sides. And the most favorite haunt among all these is Kerala , remarkable not only for its ecotourism but also for its diverse demography and aesthetic appeal.

In fact, Kerala today has not only become a go to holiday experience but even a top wedding destination in India. Picturesque land with tall coconut trees and green hills, forest waterfalls, ayurvedic massage therapies, wildlife sanctuaries , dynamic boat races and boat rides along with numerous ancient, ethnic and vibrant vital and cultural art forms and many such factors prevalent fetches the state its epithet " GOD'S OWN COUNTRY'

Sunday, 12 May 2019


The history of the city stretches back over 2000 years. The area first appears as the ancient capital of Kalinga. Bhubaneshwar India, "the city of temples', named after Tribhuvaneswar , " Lord of Three worlds', still preserves over 500 of India's finest temples, around which the religious life of the city revolves. Mythological references and the epigraphic sources describe the area as Ekamra Kshetra and Saiva Pitha. Together with Puri and Konark, Bhubaneswar forms the " golden triangle' - one of the most visited destination in east India, for its proud possession of magnificent sculpture and majestic architectural heritage. Set on the Mahanadi Delta, the present city is a modern happening place with top class infrastructure. Many major national and international conglomerates having inked agreements to profitably invest in the State  occupy here in Bhubaneswar. Star category hotels, restaurants, cafes , shopping malls provide quality lifestyle and refinement.

Rest , Relax and Recall stand totally redefined on the seat of Lord Jagannath -Puri India. Known for its Historic antiquities, Religious sanctuaries , Architectural Grandeur, Seascape  beauty, moderate climate and spiritual significance, this coastal district of Odisha ( Orissa) attracts a number of visitors.
Puri tourism has always been popular among traveler enthusiast due to existence of many amazing Tourist Places in Puri including the world famous Jagannath Temple. With a rich historic heritage dating back to 3rd century BC, this temple town welcomes both the pilgrims and fun seekers with open arms , offering its splendid beaches to the latter. Having one of the largest briny water lakes in India namely the Chilika Lake, the city offers an ideal resort to migratory birds. Better known as the earthly abode of Lord Vishnu or Jagannath, Puri has a rich cultural heritage presenting a unique blend of claims of time and eternity with a power answerable only to wisdom. Considered to be utterly pious by the Hindus, Puri is one of the four sacred dhamas representing a rare spark of immortality owned against the powers of negation, through s spirit of university , adaptability by the Oriya people.

One of the stunning monuments of religious significance, a true masterpiece of architecture proudly stands in the form of Sun temple at Konark. a culmination of Oriya architecture, the temple is a wonderful place as the language of stone defeats the human language here. Built in 13th century by King Narasimhadeva, the temple is designed in the shape of a colossal chariot with 7 horses and twelve wheels, carrying the sun god , Sury , across heavens. Located a manageable distance from the seat of lord Jagannath, Puri at 35 km; the temple is around 65 kms  from the capital city of Bhubaneswar . the name of Konark temple is an amalgamation of 2 words Kona meaning corner and Arka meaning The Sun. That is to say that the Sun god worshipped in Ark Kshetrais called Konark. Legend says that after killing the demon Gyasur, Lord Vishnu places his belongings at several places to commemorate the victory. With His conch at Puri, Disc in Bhubaneswar and Mace in Jajapur; He places the Lotus at Konark. The temple being an important landmark in the coastal voyage of European sailors was named " The Black Pagoda" by them.

Friday, 10 May 2019


A sand castle fort awashed by the morning sun....waves crashing on the shore, hovering gulls and small boats dotting the blue sea just another day at Tranquebar , as the Danish called Tarangambadi ( singing waves) in the 17th century.With its cobbled streets , Luthern churches and grand bungalows and the Fort by the beach , a stopover here seems like eternity. Tranquebar is located in the Nagapattinam District Of Tamil Nadu.

access: Closet airport 0at Chennai, Nagapattinam railway station  is the closet station . Nagapattinam to Tranquebar takes 45 min ( 31.8 km ) via NH 45A


Nagore Dargah is a dargah built over the tomb of the Sufi Saint Hazrath Nagore Shahul Hamid ( 1490-1579 CE) located in Nagore, a coastel town in Nagapattinam District of Tamil Nadu .Shahul Hamid is believed to have performed many miracles in Nagore and cured the physical affliction of a 16th century Hindu ruler of Thanjavur. there are 5 minarets in this dargah and major pilgrimage center that attracts pilgrims from both Islan and Hinduism , symbolizing peaceful coexistence between the 2 religions.

Access: Nearest airport -at Tiruchirapalli . Nagore has its own railway station. It is 5 kms from Nagapattina, and 330 kms from Chennai 


Temple is an externalized aspect of faith and it is a place to restore peace and harmony. what great seers have visualized has been made outwardly real in temple. This temple is safely edifice consecrated to the Lord of Light and other deities, built centuries ago at the foot of the hill to form the seat of worship. 

The main entrance to the sanctum sanctorum is in the eastern tower, the tallest structure in proportion to the other  dimensions of this largest temple forming part of it. The tower rising heavenward is marvelously massive and magnificently majestic one with its imposing structural elegance and inviting architectural excellence and awes people at a distance.

Access: Nearest airport at Tiruchiraipalli , Tiruvannamalai has its own rail head. Well connected by road.  


Velankanni is located in the Bagapattinam District of Tamil Nadu and lies on the Coramendal Coast of Bay of Bengal. The origins of this Church can be tracked back to the 16th century and its founding is attributed to 3 Miracles and is built in the Gothic Style. The town is home to a the famous Roman Catholic Shrine dedicated to Mother Mary in the name of Our Lady of Good Health.

access : nearest airport - at Tiruchiraipalli, Velankanni has its own rail road head. The Nagapattinam Station though is better connected, nagapattinam to Velankanni takes 7 min ( 12.3 km) via East Coast Road/ Nagapattinam - Vedaranyam Road


located at Thirumalaikodi the golden temple of Sripuram is a spiritual park situated at the foot of a small range of green hills in a place known as " Malaikodi" in the city of Vellore in Tamil Nadu. 1500 kgs of gold was used to build this temple , all the carvings and sculptures.

access : Closet airport -at Chennai .
 Closet railway station : Katpadi and Chennai . Chennai to Vellore by road takes 2 h 36 min 9 138 kms) via NH4 


Yelagiri Hill is one of the popular hill stations of Tamil Nadu. situated amidst 4 mountains well known  for its salubrious climate prevail throughout the year. Tribal people live in villages in these hills. If you travel the winding Ghat road that has 14 hairpin bends you can reach the Yelagiri hilltop. The hairpin bends offer panoramic , breath taking views of the hills and its surroundings. The seventh bend is significant , since it offer the view of the slopes of the mountain and the green forests that carpet the hill. 

access : Buses are available from Jolarpet Railway Junction on the Chennai - Bangalore / Coimbatore Sector , Tiruppathur , Vaniyambadi and Vellore, Jolarpet Railway Junction (19 kms), Nearest airport at Chennai (220 kms) and Bangalore ( 160 kms)


Meghamalai, popularly called High Wavy Mountains is a cool and misty mountain range situated in the Western Ghats in Theni District , Tamil Nadu.

With its virgin forests and misty peaks, Meghamalai is all about pristine natural sceneries, treks , tea estates and reclusive and wildlife sighting.

access: Madurai airport is the nearest domestic airport . Madurai Junction is the nearest Railway station . It is 49 kms from Theni and 118 kms from Madurai


Valparai is located in teh Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu, 3500 feet above the sea level on the Anaimalai Hills range of the western Ghats.

With its winding hairpin bends and canopied trees, tea plantations, trails and incredible bio diversity , Valparai is a perfect sojourn and a feeling which can only be experienced.

Access : Nearest airport at Coimbatore . Coimbatore Junction is the nearest station. Coimbatore to Valparai takes 2 h 8 min ( 108.3 km ) via NH209


Kodaikanal is one of India's most beautiful hills tations located at an altitude of 2133 meters (7000 feet) frequented by tourists in large numbers throughout the year. Places of interest include Bryan's Park , pillar Rocks, Lake, Solar Observatory , Perumal Peak, Silver Cascade , telescope Houses at Coaker's Walk and near Kurinji Andavar Temple, Bear Shola Falls, Berijam Lake, Museum and Orchidorim at Sacred Heart college , Shenbaganur . Very good trek routes are available.

access : Madurai ( 120 kms ) is the nearest airport and Kodai Road ( 80 kms) is the nearest railway station.


located in the Shervaroyan Hills in Salem District , Yercaud is a  hill station visited by tourists, throughout the year. altitude 1500 meters ( 5000 feet )

Places of interest include the Lake, Anna Park , Orchidorium , Lady'd Seat , pagoda Point, Bear's Cave  and athe Shery aroyan Temple.

access : Tiruchi ( 169 kms) is the nearest airport. sale, Junction ( 32 kms ) is the nearest railhead. 


Courtallam , the " Spa of the South " is situated at an elevation of 167 meters in the Western Ghats. This is a popular health resort. Its waterfalls are known for their curative properties. Its bracing climate extends particularly from Juen to September which is the main tourist season.

Excursion Centre: Thiru chendur Murugan Temple (99 kms) , Thirunelveli ( 58 kms) , Krishnapuram ( 68 kms) , Tenkasi ( 5 kms) , and the Mundanthurai Tiger Sanctuary ( 75 kms)  


Madurai, once the capital city of the Pandyas, is the second largest city in Tamil nadu . It is famous for the Meenakshi Temple with its towering gopuramas and rare sculptures. Other important attractions include Thirumalai Naicker Palace, Mariamman tank , Koodal Azhagar Temple and the Gandhi Museum . 

Excursion Centre : The Murugan Temple, Thirupparankundram ( 8kms) is above Lord Azhagar Temple on a hillock, Palani Temple (122kms) .Suruli Waterfalls (128kms) , Courtallam waterfalls ( 160 kms) and Vaigai dam ( 68kms) , Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary ( 146 kms) , Megamalai ( 135 km) abutting Kerala State. 

access : Madurai has an airport and major railway station . it is also linked by excellent road network and served by express buses.   


Thiruchirappalli is known for its Rock Fort Temple located at height of over 83 meters. Other renowned temples are Lord Ranganathaswamy Temple 9 Srirangam ), the Siva Temple at Tiruvanaikaval, Samayapuram mariamman Temple. worthwhile excursions include Narthamalai, Sithannavasal, Kudumiyanmalai, Kodumbalur famous for their ancient monuments and Jain Caves with intricate wall paintings.

Grand Ancient , across the Cauvery river, built by the Chola King Karikalan in 2nd  Century A.D is an engineering marvel and a fine picnic spot. Avudaiyarkoil (110kms) away, is known for its life size sculptures. Mukkombu ( 20kms) is an another picnic spot. Viralimalai ( 28kms) is a famous for its Murugan Temple and Peacock Sanctuary .

Access: Tiruchi has an International airport, Tiruchi is 320kms , from Chennai on National Highway. The town is an important railway station railway junction 


The home of Carnatic music, musical instruments, dance and traditional handicrafts. Thanjavur is famous for the Brahadeeswarar Temple which is the World Heritage site. The temple, constructed more than thousand years ago by the Chola King Raja , is an architectural marvel.

The town of Thanjavur is also headquarters of the district of the same name. The district is known as the granary of Tamil Nadu. The Art Gallery and the Saraswathi Mahal Library in the palace are also well known  places of interest. excursions include Thiruvaiyaru, Thirukandiyur, Kumbakonam, swamimalai, thirubuvanam and Darasuram, all within 40kms.

At Gangaikondacholapuram ( 71kms ) is a temple ( akin to the one in Thanjavur) dedicated to lord Siva; Nagore ( 85kms) is renowned pilgrim center for Muslims; Velankanni ( 90kms) is sacred place for Christians . But people from all faiths congregate in the 2 shrines.

access : Thiruchirappalli ( 60kms) is the nearest airport. Thanjavur is well connected with other cities by broad gauge rail route.


This is a famous Wildlife Sanctuary located at a distance of 60 kms from Ooty . Coimbatore is the nearest airport . The nearest railhead is Udhagamandalam. The wildlife includes Elephant , Guat, Tiger , Panther , Sambar, Spotted Deer Wild Boar , Bison , porcupine, etc. The avifauna is varied with minivets , horn bills, fairy blue birds, jungle fowl , flying lizard.

The Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary ( Kartanaka ) and the Waynad Wildlife Sanctuary ( Kerala ) are abutting the Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary. 


Popularly referred to as " Queen of Hill Station". Ooty ( Udhagamandalam ) is located at a height 2,286 meters ( 7500 feet) .
Popular tourist attractions include the Botanical Gardens, Lake, Doddabetta and Mukurti Peak, the Pykara Falls and sprawling tea plantations.
Trek routes are available. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary is 60 kms from here. Kotagiri is 29 kms from here. Coonoor is located 19 kms on Ooty Coimbatore Road.

Access : Coimbatore ( 98km s) is the nearest airport . Ooty and Coonoor are connected by Nilgiri Mountain Train to Mettupalayam, a journey that is a truly memorable experience, 


A health resort known for its waterfalls Hogenakkal is set amidst lush green woods. Parisal ( a boat made of hide and plan fibre) ride through River Cauvery is a pleasant experience. Bangalore is the nearest airport , Dharmapuri is the nearest railhead on the Bangalore -Salem route ( 130 kms). Chennai is 350 kms from here.


One of most scared towns in India. It is well known for its temple corridor , the longest of its kind, the Agnitheertham, Ganthamathana Parvatham ,, Kothandaramar Temple, Kurusadai and other near by islands.

access : Madurai ( 173 kms) is the nearest airport railway and road links are available.


another famous pilgrim centre situated at the land's end of India, at the confluence of the Indian ocean , the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

Place to see : Kumari Amman Temple, the colossal 133 foot tall Tiruvalluvar Statue, Gandhi Memorial, Beach and Vivekanada Memorial. Excursion centres include Suchindram Temple with musical pillars ( 13 kms ) , the palace and museum at Padmanabhapuram ( 32 km ) the circular fort ( Vattakottai) (6kms) and the Nagaraja Temple , Nagercoil (19kms)

Access: Thiruvananthapuram ( 85kms) is the nearest airport. Kanniyakumari is the railway terminus on the Thiruvananthapuram - Kanniyakumari section of the Southern railway. regular bus service are also available from other places.  


Chidambaram is famous for the temple dedicated to Lord Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer ( Lord Siva) . The Annamalai University lcated here is a major residential University. Pichavaram ( 16kms from here) is a place of rare scenic beauty with its serene backwaters dotted with dense mangrove forests, which boats of unique avifauna.

Access : Chennai is 22o kms. express Trains and buses connect Chidambaram with other cities.


THIRUCHENDUR  MURUGAN TEMPLE is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Muruga Murugan and one of the Arupadaibveedu of Lord Muruga. It is located in the district of Tuticorin, tamil nadu , on the Indian Ocean. the Seashore temple of Lord Muruga at Tiruchendur is one of the delightful spots sanctified and venerated by every Hindu.

Access: 40 kms from Tuticorin , 55kms from Tirunelveli  and 171 kms from Madurai


Kancheepuram , the city of thousand temples , is one of the seven sacred cities of India. A former capital of the Pallavas, it is famous for its exquisitely woven silk sarees. Places to see include Ekambareswarar  Temple, VaradarajaSwamy temple, Vaikundaperumal Temple, Kamakshi Amman Temple and silk fabric weaving centre.

Access : Chennai ( 70kms) is the nearest airport and regular bus and rail services are available. 


Once is flourishing port of the Pallavas if ancient India, this monument center is today a World Heritage site and is renowned as a major beach resort / holiday centre in South India. Places to see include Shore Temple , Five Ratas , Arjuna;s Penance and Tiger's Cave.About 14 kms, north is a Crocodile Bank and 17 kms,west is Thirukazhukkundram , a pilgrim center. There are boating facilities at Muttukkadu backwaters midway between Chennai and MAmallapuram on ECR. On the way to Mamallapuram, amusement parks viz, VGP Golden Beach , Little Folks and M.G.M Dizzy World are situated.

access: nearest airport at Chennai ( 50 kms) nearest railway station is Chengalpattu 34 kms on Chennai -Trichy section. 


Chennai is a sprawling metropolis and the capital of  Tamil Nadu. Places to see include Fort St George, a former bastion of the British India Company presently East India Company presently housing the Tamil Nadu State Legislature and the Secretariat ; Marina, the second longest beach in the world, Anna and M.G.R memorials, Santhome Catheral Basilica, a magnificent Catheral built over the tomb of St. Thomas ;
 Planetorium, Theosophical Society, the world headquarters of the Society of all Faiths,  located on the banks of River Adyar and founded by Annie Besant, Olcott and Blavatsky ;

Kalashetra , where Bharatha Natyam and other classical dances of India taught;

National Deer Park, which includes a Children's Park and Snake Park located within the metropolitan city;
Arignar Anna Zoolological Park , Memorials to national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Kamaraj and Rajaji. Valluvar Kottam, built in memory of saint Thiruvalluvar , who wrote the world famous couples - Thirukkural ;

 Kapaleeswarar Temple, a fine  example Dravidian temple architecture dedicated to Lord Siva:
Govt Museum & Art Gallery, one of the oldest in the country , housing a superb collection of bronzes.

Access: Chennai is well connected to all major cities in India by road and rail. It has a major port too. as an international airport , Chennai is served by leading international airlines. 

India Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu is resplendent with abundant tourist attractions. The multifarious tourist attractions include historical monuments and forts, towering temples and place of worship, green mountain valleys and tea gardens , long coastline of 1076 km and pristine beaches , flora and fauna.

Tamil Nadu offers 5 UNESCO World Heritage Attractions - Mamallapuram, Thanjavur, Gangaikonda Cholapuram and Nilgiri Mountain Railway.

Tamil Nadu has very good road connectivity to all destinations which are of international standards. It has excellent rail and air connectivity. The authentic Chettinadu , Kongunadu  and others regional cuisine take a tourist on a culinary safari. the state has all season destination and all budget hotels.

Tamil Nadu Tourism has been selected for " National Tourism award" by Ministry of tourism , Government of India for " Tranquebar -Best Civic Management of Tourist Destination ". His Excellency the President of India gave away the award to Tamil Nadu Tourism.

Tamil Nadu is a wonderful tourist place for many reasons. Tamil Nadu is a multi destination state. It has glorious culture and history . Tamil Nadu has one of the oldest civilizations of the world. It is the home of Dravidian art and culture characterized by its distinctive music and dances, its amazingly decorated temples with their soaring towers and its plentiful and colourful festivals.

Mango festival, Tea festival , Music Festival , dance Festival , etc Tamil Nadu is referred as the : The Land of Temples" with more than 30000 temples, attractive tourist spots and diverse geographic deatures such as dense forests , abundant wildlife , large mountain ranges beaches, hill resorts, etc. Tamil Nadu beckons one and all to see everything except snow capped peaks.  

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - Kaeng Krachan National Park

This is Thailand 's most extensive national park and occupies a largely unexplored area of 2,915 sq km ( 720,312 acres) . Kaeng Krachan was declared a national aprk on 12 June 1981 . The park is located 53.5m from the city and is 3km beyond Khuean Kaeng Krachan ( Kaeng Krachan Dam ) where there are plenty of water activities such as cruising along the reservoir of fishing.

With the  large area of forests, camping and trekking are also popular activities here. the highest peak called Panerntung  is the spot of the most picturesque scene which is the sea of fog during rainy and winter season. Kaeng Krachan is also famous for its natural diversity and beautiful waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy seeing rare type of birds and millions of butterflies during summer. 

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province -Santorini Park

Santorini Park is a theme park inspired by the beautiful Greek island Santorini. It is one of the main attractions in Cha Am. The theme park offer shops , restaurants and an amusement park. Most of buildings in the theme park resembles the building in Santorini , Greece

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - Camel Republic

One of the theme park in Cha Am, Camel Republic cost around 300 million Baht and the design of the buildings and the theme park carries the Arabian theme.

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - Swiss Sheep Farm

Swiss Sheep Farm is a beautiful European country style in Cha Am. Visitors can interact with the animals through many fun activities. Swiss Sheep Farm is a great place for couples, children and families.

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - King Naresuan the Great Shrine

Located  at Noen Hom Intersection , 8 kilometers north to Prachin Buri by Highway No 320 , this shrine houses the image of King Naresuan the Great in a standing position to commemorate his camping at Prachin Buri on the way from Ayutthaya to Cambodia.People in Prachin Buri and nearby provinces normally pay respect to this shrine. 

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - Cha Am Premium Outlet

The Premium Outlet Cha Am is located at 888, Moo 6. the " Orange Building " outlet offers 200 brands with discounts of 30-70 % daily and it offers a great shopping experience for bargain hunters, open every day from 9am to 9pm. 

Thailand South Region Cha Am Province - Cha Am Beach

The main attraction of Cha Am is the long and beautiful Cha Am beach. the beach stretched miles with beautiful big pine trees. You can sunbathe here or play watersports like jet ski and banana boat. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Marukhathaiyawan palace

Maruekhathaiyawan Palace between Cha -Am and Hua Hin was built by King Vajiravudh ( RAMA VI) as a seaside summer retrest in 1923. The overall design of the Palace was done by the King himself and it was built to be a very comfortable place with excellent ventilation and niches filled with water in the pillars to keep out ants. Ercole Manfredi, an Italian architect was hired to finish the design. King Rama VI used the Palace , which is also written as Marukhathaiyawan or Mrigadayavan , as a summer residence for him and other members of the Royal Family until his death in 1925. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Plearnwan

Plearnwan is a theme of unique brown wooden building features shopping complex , it has a 2 storey courtyard style building, which is an architectural statement in itself and houses a community of period and tin toys, snacks as well as beauty salon, photo studio, outdoor cinema screen and a 20 room guesthouse or " Piman Plern Wan"

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province -Railway Station

The Hua Hin Railway Station is one of the country's most beautiful train stations marked by its meticulous details in architecture. Built in the reign of KING RAMA VI , the station features a Royal Waiting Room with Thai architecture style, a room which was relocated from Sanam Chan Palace in Nakhon Pathom province during the reign of King RAMA VI.

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Venezia

The theme chosen by The Venezia is obviously Venice and you will not miss the San Marco's bell tower replica when driving through Cha Am on your way to Hua Hin. With 73,600 square meters and 316 shops, the park is immerse and even includes a 200 meter " Grand Canal" on which you can actually get a ride on iconic Venetian gondolas. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market

Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market is the biggest floating market, covering an area over 100 rai ( 16 hectares). The market's architecture features take their inspiration from several historical sites in Hua Hin that were either built or  renovated during the reign of King Rama VI (1910-1925) including the Marukhathaiyawan Palace and Hua Hin Railway Station.

Location : Located in Soi Hua Hin 112, a short distance from the train station in the city
opening hours : Daily from 10am to 11pm

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Hat Hua Hin

Hua Hin , located at the sunrise side of the city, is home to a 5 km beach with white sands, bungalows , 5 star hotels and resorts. the beach runs from a rocky headland and curves about 3 kilometers down south to Khao Takiap where the Big Standing Buddha Sculpture  is located. The beach itself stays tranquil while still sprung with fun activities like horse riding, kite boarding and water spots. Night markets are also open daily. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Namtok Pa La-u

An 11 tiered waterfall located in the verdant forest area of Kaeng Krachan National park where various kinds of birds and butterflies are found. Some levels of the waterfall are reachable through trekking trails of which visitors may be able to spot some wildlife and several species rare birds along the way. The best time to visit the fall is from November to April and to watch the butterflies from 7am to 10am . The waterfall can reached by local transport from Hua Hin for a distance of 63 kilometers. this 11 tier scenic waterfall is located some 60 kilometers west of Hua Hin. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Wat Huay Mongkol

This Buddhist temple is home to the world's largest statue of Luang Phor Thuad, a legendary southern Thai monk revered for his enlightenment and ability to perform miracles. Many believe that the amulets created in his image guarantee safety in times of distress. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province - Fly Now FN outlet

Fly  Now Outlet or FN outlet is factory brand outlet located in Hua Hin near Cha Am, The outlet offer seasonal and discounted local and international brands also food and beverages outlet. The outlets opens daily from 9am to 8pm

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province -Khao Tao

A small and more secluded beach is located 10km south of Hua Hin , featuring a large Buddha image facing out to sea as its landmark. Choices of bungalows are available.

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province- Hua Hin Wineyard

Developed since 2011 , Hua Hin Vineyard is over 226.6 ha in total area. It produces a variety of wines including Colombard Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat , Cabernet Sauvignon, Meriot, Shiraz , Sangiovese and Tempranillo. It is located 140- 210 meters above sea level in Hua Hin Hill hills. 

Thailand South Region Hua Hin Province- Khao Takiap

situated 4 kilometers South of Hua Hun and reachable by local mini bus, a Big golden Buddha statue standing against a cliff is the landmark of Khao Takiab. Visitors can catch a great bird's eye view of Hua Hin, visit Wat Khao Takiap, a temple on top of the hill or head down to Khao Takiab Beach which mostly offer bungalow accommodations. This hill, is 14 kilometers from Hua Hin town.

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Phu Khao Ya ( Grass Hill)

Known to local residents by a variety of names and endearingly referred to as Thailand's version of a Swiss pasture. this hill is something of an anomaly as it is completely treeless, being covered instead by a thick blanket of grass. numerous walking trails and good vantage points offering unbroken views of the countryside make this hill one of the most popular destination in Ranong. From here, Ngao Waterfall is visible.

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Namtok Ngao National Park

Located in Tambon Ngao in the vicinity of Khlong Phrao National Park , the steep Ngao Waterfall can be seen from a great distance away because of its commanding height at 300 meters. The adventure here includes trekking to the summit of the waterfall. There are many waterfalls in the area such as Nam Tok Klong Pera and Nam Tok Bang Rin which are both stunning like Ngao Waterfall.

Another attraction is  hot spring called Bo Nam Ron Pon Rung. It;s the soil hot spring that has the wellspring as many as 13 wells. There are bathing facilities for visitors as well as foot onsen. During May to December, visitors can do rafting in Klong Yae as well. accommodations are offered here too. Operating time is from 0800-4.30pm

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Hat Chan Damri

This small beach becomes an attraction in Ranong as it's the best spot to see the best view of the nature and communities at the mouth of  Ranong river. Visitors can witness a breathtaking sunset every evening.The beach is also a pier where tourists can travel to other to other islands in the Andaman Sea off the shore of Ranong Province. 

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Victoria Point - Kaw Thaung / Koh Song

As an island in neighboring Myanmar , Koh Song offers visitors a variety of local products, souvenirs such as wicker basketry, lacquer ware and gems. Visitors must apply for a visa before crossing to the island. It's destination for those who love touch the daily life of Myanmar villages who live by the sea. 

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Khao Fa Chi

named because of its resemblance to a traditional Tai food cover, Fa Chi Hill is located off Highway No 4 in Tambon Bang Kaeo. The hill provides an excellent vantage from which to see 2 rivers., the Kra Buri and the La-un converge. Many river islands formed where these 2 rivers meet makes the scenery fascinating to behold. Sunset are often breathtaking .History buffs will find the remains of a Japanese military base with warship wrecks, underground tunnels and the remains of a railway line. Japanese soldiers used this area as a port for sending support to its troops in Myanmar during World War II.

Thailand South Region Ranong Province - Kho Khot Kra or Kra Isthmus

The Kra isthmus is the Malayan Peninsula narrowest point , spanning a mere 44 kilometers from the Gulf of Thailand on the east coast to the Andaman Sea on the west coast. there is a large cement map to help orient visitors. The kra Isthmus provides  an excellent vantage point where visitors can Kra Buri River forming a natural boundary between Thailand and Myanmar. 

Thailand South Region Ranong Province-Laem Son National Park

Declared a national park in 1983 , Laem Son is a coastal park that extends out to include a number of a beautiful islands such as Koh Khai Yai which is the best spot for snorkeling to see shallow water coral reefs in Ranong. Most of the islands preserve its natural, perfect condition where visitors can walk  natural trail around the island and watch sea birds.Other beautiful islands are Koh Kam where pure white sand expands all over the island which is the same as Koh Kang Kao that is the home of thousands of bats. This island is also another good spot to dive. there are accommodations for visitors too. The best season to visit here is January - March

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