Sunday 12 May 2019


The history of the city stretches back over 2000 years. The area first appears as the ancient capital of Kalinga. Bhubaneshwar India, "the city of temples', named after Tribhuvaneswar , " Lord of Three worlds', still preserves over 500 of India's finest temples, around which the religious life of the city revolves. Mythological references and the epigraphic sources describe the area as Ekamra Kshetra and Saiva Pitha. Together with Puri and Konark, Bhubaneswar forms the " golden triangle' - one of the most visited destination in east India, for its proud possession of magnificent sculpture and majestic architectural heritage. Set on the Mahanadi Delta, the present city is a modern happening place with top class infrastructure. Many major national and international conglomerates having inked agreements to profitably invest in the State  occupy here in Bhubaneswar. Star category hotels, restaurants, cafes , shopping malls provide quality lifestyle and refinement.

Rest , Relax and Recall stand totally redefined on the seat of Lord Jagannath -Puri India. Known for its Historic antiquities, Religious sanctuaries , Architectural Grandeur, Seascape  beauty, moderate climate and spiritual significance, this coastal district of Odisha ( Orissa) attracts a number of visitors.
Puri tourism has always been popular among traveler enthusiast due to existence of many amazing Tourist Places in Puri including the world famous Jagannath Temple. With a rich historic heritage dating back to 3rd century BC, this temple town welcomes both the pilgrims and fun seekers with open arms , offering its splendid beaches to the latter. Having one of the largest briny water lakes in India namely the Chilika Lake, the city offers an ideal resort to migratory birds. Better known as the earthly abode of Lord Vishnu or Jagannath, Puri has a rich cultural heritage presenting a unique blend of claims of time and eternity with a power answerable only to wisdom. Considered to be utterly pious by the Hindus, Puri is one of the four sacred dhamas representing a rare spark of immortality owned against the powers of negation, through s spirit of university , adaptability by the Oriya people.

One of the stunning monuments of religious significance, a true masterpiece of architecture proudly stands in the form of Sun temple at Konark. a culmination of Oriya architecture, the temple is a wonderful place as the language of stone defeats the human language here. Built in 13th century by King Narasimhadeva, the temple is designed in the shape of a colossal chariot with 7 horses and twelve wheels, carrying the sun god , Sury , across heavens. Located a manageable distance from the seat of lord Jagannath, Puri at 35 km; the temple is around 65 kms  from the capital city of Bhubaneswar . the name of Konark temple is an amalgamation of 2 words Kona meaning corner and Arka meaning The Sun. That is to say that the Sun god worshipped in Ark Kshetrais called Konark. Legend says that after killing the demon Gyasur, Lord Vishnu places his belongings at several places to commemorate the victory. With His conch at Puri, Disc in Bhubaneswar and Mace in Jajapur; He places the Lotus at Konark. The temple being an important landmark in the coastal voyage of European sailors was named " The Black Pagoda" by them.

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