Sunday 19 January 2020



Turkey offer the traveler a unique experience found nowhere else. Be sure not to miss out on the local facvourites , be it delicacies , Turkish carpets, traditional tea houses, bars or baths.

Shopping and food, the perennial must haves are in abundance throughout Turkey. Visit the legendary Grand Bazaar of Istanbul or the night markets of Nev_sehir for a tatste of old Turkish market atmosphere. 

A favourite among locals and tourists alike, the Grand Bazaar is almost 200 years old and has many of the same goods for sale as it did so long ago and much more, be it teas, Turkish coffee , Turkish Delights , dried fruits and nuts , carpets , colourful lamps, Turkish tea sets , trinkets, ceramic , souvenirs , or clothing.

While shopping in Turkey, one should look for authentic Turkish carpets; found all over the country’s countless shopping havens. The carpet trade is one of the oldest traditional trades in Turkey, passesd down through generations and has been one of the icons of Turkey for many years.

According to gastronomy experts, the richest cuisines in the world are French, Chinese and Turkish. The abundance and diversity of foodstuffs and ingredients are one of the main reasons for the richness of Turkish cuisine.

For a taste of authentic Turkish cuisine, one should not miss all-time favourites such as Kebabs, Pide or Simit ( Turkish Bread), Dolma, Baklava( a Turkish dessert) and Turkish Kahve ( coffee) , each representing an integral part of the Turkish way of life. Another world famous food is the Turkish Sweets, fondly known as Turkish Delights. These delectable treats have made their way to many parts of the world, but remain a signature and must have of a complete Turkish gastronomic adventure.

For a relaxing treat to unwind after all that shopping and sightseeing, be sure to visit a local hammam or Turkish bath. A popular destination for locals and foreigners for centuries, the Turkish Hammams are similar to stem baths, with hot rooms, cold rooms and traditional Turkish massage at the end. In age past, hammams served a social gathering place as well as for ritual cleansing.

Wherever you go in Turkey you will get to sample the famous Turkish hospitality. Friendly, smiling faces, warm handshakes and ever helpful locals take pride in their heritage and would go lengths to ensure that you enjoy every minute of your stay here.

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