Sunday 19 January 2020



Located at the center of Mekong Delta Region, Can Tho has owned a developed infrastructure, convenient transportation, a system of restaurants and hotels to meet the increasingly high demand of MICE tourism; therefore, almost large scaled events, conferences and workshops at regional level have been normally held in Can Tho City.


They typical garden and river culture of Can Tho has attracted more and more tourists; typically the development of homestay tourism model which provides the community culture value to the tourists. Almost tourists share the same opinion that Can Tho people are gentle, rustic, honest and extremely hospitable after visiting Can Tho.


Constructed in 1976 with an area of nearly 3000 square metres , Can Tho museum is considered as a general museum of the largest scale in Mekong Delta Region. Tis place displays more than 1000 valuable objects and relics about the land and people of Can Tho through different historical periods; economic-cultural –social achievements of 3 ethnic groups of Kinh, Chinese and Khmer during the construction, protection and development of this beautiful land of Tay Do at the present and in the future.
ADDRESS: 01 Hoa Binh Avenue, Tan An Ward, Ninh Kieu Distirct , Can Tho City


Can Tho Jail has existed for more than 100 years, constructed by the French to imprison patriotic people and normal prisoners at the time. Under the U.S period, Can Tho Jail was upgraded and used as a main prison of the city. Today, Can Tho Jail is a national historical relic where has been selected by many tourists to visit in their tours.

Address: 8, Ngo Gia Tu, Tan Au Ward, Ninh Kieu District , Can Tho City


Can Tho Bridge, the symbol of modern Can Tho city, is a bridge crossing Hau River, connecting Can Tho city with Vinh Long province. In 2004, Can Tho Bridge was commenced to construct with the assistance from the Government of Japan. In 2010, the bridge was finished and inaugurated. The bridge has Y-shaped tower with the height of 164.8 m and the width of 23.1m in which there are 4 lanes along the entire length of 15850 m. This bridge was the dream of Mekong Delta Region people after many decades of traveling through Hau River by ferries. This is also the cable stayed bridge with the longest main span in Southeast Asia Region (2750m).


Binh Thuy communal house is the valuable ancient art architecture work which was constructed in the Year of Dragon (1844) to worship the Tutelary God of Bing Hung Village. In 1852, the Province Chief Huynh Man Dat coped up with a distress on the way to inspect the province and was safe due to timely hiding in Binh Hung canal.

 Then, he decided to change the name of this canal and this land into “Binh Thuy” and asked for the permission from King Tu Duc to confer the tile of village’s Tutelary God. Besides worshiping the Tutelary God, the communal house is also the place to worship other heroes of the nation. Annually, there are two big festivals in Binh Thuy communal house named Thuong Dien and Ha Dien which are held respectively on the fifteenth of Lunar April and December.
Address: Binh Thuy Ward, Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City


Binh Thuy ancient house is one of rare French style houses remained in the South. The house includes 5 rooms, 3 roofs with balanced Yin and Yang and unique architectural components to create nobility and magnitude for the entire work. Besides, there are also extremely rare and valuable antiques which are kept by the descendants in this house. 

This house was the background for many famous films such as Nguoi Tinh ( Lamant/ The Lover), Nguoi Dep Tay DO ( Miss Beauty of the West Capital), Nhung Neo Duong Phu Sa ( The Silt Roads)….. Where still keeps many autographs of famous actors, actresses and film directors. With the intact ancient values, today Binh Thuy ancient house is an attractive destination to the tourist everywhere.
Address: Bui Huu Nghia, Bing Thuy Ward, Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City.

Munir Ansay Pagoda is located in a favorable position of the city center. The pagoda bears the typical architectural style pf Khmer people with pyramid and colourful domes. Although located at the center of the city, the pagoda is still very spacious and airy to create peaceful feeling. Annually, at Munir Ansay Pagoda, there are many big festivals held such as Chol Chnam Thmay – New Year Festival (on the 13th, 13th, 15th of Lunar March). Ok-Om – Bok – Water Festival (in Lunar October), Dolta – Ancestors Worshipping Festival (Lunar August), Dang Y Festival of Khmer people, etc. These festivals are held solemnly in the atmosphere of traditional festivals under many manners which attract the participation of many people, especially foreign tourists.
Address: No 36, Hoa Binh Avenue, Tan An Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City.


Ong Pagoda is located on hai Ba Trung Street, facing Ninh kieu Wharf. The pagoda was constructed by the Chinese people in Can Tho in 1894- 1896 in an area of more than 500 square metres. Visiting Ong Pagoda, the visitors shall comtemplate Quan Thang De Quan ( Yunchang) which is worshipped right at the Central chamber representing for “ Humanity – Propriety – Righteousness- Wisdom – Trust”. 

The Pagoda is also the place to worship Thieu Hau Thanh Mau, the guardian deity for the people in the sea and Guanyin Buddha who symbolizes for the kindness and love for the people. Annually, at Ong Pagoda, there are 3 main birthday anniversaries of quan Thang De Quan (on 23rd of Lunar June), Thieu Hau Thang Mau (on 23rd of Lunar March) and Civility Returning festival at the end of the year.
Address: Hai Ba Trung, Tan An Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City.

Valedictorian Bui Huu Nghia (1807- 1872) was born in a poor family in Binh Thuy, Can Tho. In 1835, he ranked the first in the first degree examination (at provincial level) and became a mandarin in Nguyen Dynasty. Feeling discontented when seeing the Royal Court powerless against the French Army, he resigned and came back his hometown to teach and give medical treatment to the local people and participated in the movement against the French Army. Admiring his virtue, the local people established the ancestral tablet to worship his wife and him in Ninh Thuy communal house. 

His death anniversary is annually held on the 21st of Lunar Janaury. Over time, his grave is always taken care by the local people who come to burn incenses for his grave. The grave area was recognized as a “National Historical and Cultural Relic” in 1994 and recently upgraded, expanded to become an influential commemoration area where is a worth place for the tourist to visit.
ADDRESS: Bui Huu Nghia, Binh Thuy Ward, Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City


GIAN GUA TOURISM AREA IS LOCATED IN Nhon Khanh Hamlet, Nhon Nghia Commune, Phong Dien District, can tho City. The name of Gian Gua is originated from a special tree named Gua which is also a famous spiritual place in the region. Gua Tree, a special tree, is recognized by Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment as a heritage tree of Vietnam in 2013, the tree has only one roof which is developed into thousands of branches connected into a matrix with the width of 4000 square metres. 

Especially, Ba Co Hi Ancient Temple is also located here with statues of Hac Ho, Bach Ho on two sides which are very efficacious and sacred and the local people normally come to worship and burn incenses. In the war time, Gian Gua was an important revolution base. 

Annually, on the 28th of Lunar February, the people come here to offer incenses and sacrifices to worship Madam Thuong Dong Co Hi to pray for good rain and wind, peaceful country and commemorate the credits of the ancestors, heroes and revolutionary martyrs who reclaimed and constructed the country.
Address: Nhon Khanh Hamlet, Nhon Nghia Commune, Phong Dien District, Can Tho City.

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