Sunday, 17 May 2020



Legend says that a miracle was responsible for this square being called Largo da Oliveira. An olive tree, planted in front of the Igreja de Santa Maria de Guimaraes , dried up .

In 1342 the tree born new leaves and fruit, when Pero Esteves, a Vimaranense busine man living in Lisbon, orders that a Norman cross be placed by tree. The news is spread everywhere that it was a miracle by Santa Maria. 

Since that time, the square s called Largo Da Olieveira. Consequently , the virgin is named Nossa Senhora (Our Lady) da Oliveira and the church, Igreja da Oliveira. The olive tree remained in the square until 1870, the year in which, against the people’s will , it was removed . 

It is only in 1985, year of the last intervention in the square, that once again an olive tree is placed in the location where it supposedly was initially. On the stone base of the tree’s planter an inscription indicates the three most important dates of its history : 1342, 1870 and1985

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