Friday, 11 October 2019


“KOTS’ meaning forts have significant value in the Nepalese history. Nepal was divided into around 50 small states before King Prithvi Narayan Shah started unification process. The real unification of Nepal was materialized when he unified Kathmandu in 1768. Before unification, most of the palaces of those states were settled on the top of the hills, so that they could be safe. In case of attacks took place, they could defeat their enemies. These kots are important even nowadays but from different perspective. Now they are important for tourism development. The historical remains, artifacts of those palaces, temples, hiking experience and similar things can be interesting products for tourists. Moreover, these hilltops are worth to visit for beautiful views and wonderful culture around them.The following kots are scattered around Phokara and each of them are worth visit for tourists:

1.       KASKIKOT of Kaskikot V.D.CKaski district: most important because the first king of shah dynasty Kulmandal Shah started to rule from this place
2.       Sarangkot of sarangkot V.D.C Kaski District
3.       Hyangjakot Dhital V.D.C Kaski District
4.       ARMALAKOT OF Kaski District
5.       CHANDRAKOT OF Lumle V.D.C Kaski District
6.       THULAKOT OF Kalika V.D.C Kaski District
7.       RUPAKOT OF Rupakot V.D.C Kaski District
8.       NUWAKOT of Shyangja District

Besides having so many natural viewpoints, Pokhara has also some man made view towers scattered in various directions of Pokhara. These view towers offer opportunities of watching wonders of nature in various dimensions. Each of them is worth visiting for tourist.

1.       KAHUN DHARAHARA is situated on the top hill of Kahun , north Pokhara
2.       MATTIKHAN View Tower , Kaski
3.       PANCHASE View Tower , Kaski
4.       SARANGKOT View Tower, Kaski
5.       SIRUBARI View Tower, Syangja
6.       POONHILL View Tower, Myagdi
7.       PACHABHAIYA View Tower, Lekthnath Kaski

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