Thursday 5 September 2019



Koh Kong is still very much a fresh tourist destination with tons to offer. Natural wonders include undisturbed thick jungle, spectacular waterfalls, peaceful rivers, pristine white beaches, serene islands, lush mangrove forests and an underwater paradise boasting a myriad of beautiful marine lives. In all, Koh Kong presents many brand new opportunities for eco-tourism .PADI licensed dive shop at Koh Kong have turned diving to become a central attraction of the region. 

The Kor Yor Beach near Ba Blong Village on the ocean is a long secluded of white sand beach with a number of small shacks serving seafood and drinks. Tourists can also find several other unspoiled and completely deserted beaches with good white sand, ideal for relaxation and some snorkeling. There are many waterfalls and rapids surrounding Koh Kong; some are close to town and some farther upstream but can easily be reached by motorcycle taxi. During the wet season, many of these waterfalls literally roar. The Ta Tai Waterfalls, nearest to town are the most visited. Others farther away include the Kor Por Falls, Tuo Kokir Rapids and when in Koh Kong, do not miss the rugged jungle gorge of Kbal Chhay Falls. 

The mangrove forests at Koh Kong are environmentally important, providing homes to hundreds of species of wildlife. 

Mangrove forest provide shelter for salt water fish, shrimp and crabs to reproduce themselves and they represent natural barriers between land and sea , while protecting the coast from winds, storms ,hurricanes or even tsunamis by absorbing wave energy. They protect the coasts from erosion and retain sediments. They allow for a type of micro climate stabilization and act as a natural water filter contributing to cleaning the water.

Mangroves, woody specialized types of trees of the topics that live on the edge where rainforests meet oceans, collectively exudes a unique form of natural beauty that puts the observer in awe.
It is reported that there are about more than 4.25 million hectares of mangrove forests found in Southeast Asia and needless to say. Cambodia has her fair share of these wonders of nature along her coastline as well. Mangroves are spread along the coast from Kep to Koh Kong and it covers an area of over 50000 hectares in Koh Kong.

One of the most biologically diverse forests, mangrove forest is known as the “rainforest by the sea”. These forests are the breeding grounds for shrimps, prawns, crabs, shellfish, snails and fishes, especially the beautiful mudskippers that seem to enjoy the surface more than being in water. The mud skipper has made adaptations so it can skim across the mud during low tide when the ground is uncovered in many places, travelling from puddle to puddle.

Mangrove forests are also nesting sites for many shore birds and home to lizards, sea turtles and many other animal species. For many species of fruit bats, like the dawn bats, like the dawn bat, mangrove blossoms and fruit make up a large part of their diet.

For the keen eco lovers, come to visit the mangrove forest of Koh Kong where you will be rewarded by hours of awesome thrills just by observing these natural wonders and the lives that evolve in their midst.

Mangrove Forests are one of the World’s threatened Major Tropical Environment; at least 35% of the area of mangrove forests globally has been lost in the past 2 decades.
In Koh Kong, visitors venture into an extensive mangrove forest, deep into an ecosystem you will never find anywhere else.

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