Saturday 28 September 2019


Malaysia is one of the third world countries with a multiracial population.Malaysia is a very fascinating country with it's many cultures,traditions,food,places and many other fascinating things.Therefore,there are many different festivals that the people in Malaysia celebrate.

          There are 3 major races in Malaysia.They are Malays, Chinese and Indians.The oter races that also live in Malaysia are the Kadazan,Ibans,Eurasions,Sikhsand many other minority races.

          Hari Raya Puasa is the most important festival celebrated by the Malays.They celebrate this occasion to make success of fasting for a month.The next day,they will wake up early in the morning and go to the mosque to pray.Later they will go to the grave yard to pay their respect to the dead.The youngs one will ask forgiveness from the older ones for all the wrong things they have done throughout the past year.Then they will get green packets which contains some money.

          As for the Chinese,they celebrate Chinese New Year.The Chinese will gather around and have dinner together on Chinese New Year Eve.During the night ,the young ones will play fire -crackers.In the morning,they will do the same as the Malays.They will wake up early in the morning and pray to their gods.The children will get "Ang Pows"or red packets from those who are married.They celebrate this occasion to mark the sighting of the New Chinese Moon.Chinese New Year is celebrated until the 15th day of the New Moon,when they celebrate Chap Goh Mei. The Chinese also celebrate the Lantern Festival of Moon Cake Festival.This is also to symbolise the starting of Chinese uprising in China.Messages were passed around in the moon cakes.Lantern symbolises the light to mark the starting of the uprising.

  The Indians celebrate Deepavali to mark the victory of good over evil.They celebrate this occasion because of a story about a king name Nagasure.This king was very bad and he always killed this,so he killed and tortured the people and also the animals especially the cows.God Sivam came the know of this ,so he killed this cruel king.On this day the Indians celebrate the succeess of good overcoming evil that is the victory of the God Sivam over the King Nagasure.The oil lamps are decorated everywhere in their houses to mark this victory.The Indians also celebrate Thaipusam.

         Another festival that is also very important is Christmas.It is celebrated by the Christians.They celebrate this occasion to mark the birth of Jesus Christ that is on the 25th of the December.Thay will give presents to each other.They can only open these presents on Christmas Day.There is a story about Santa Claus who gave presents to those who were good ,loyal and poor.The Christian also celebrate Easter,Boxing Day,Thanksgiving Dy and many others.

        By visiting each other on festivals,we also help to promote understanding ,good will and unity among the people of Malaysia.

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