Wednesday 1 April 2020






Champasak Province is known for its relaxed pace of life, warm hospitality and rich cultural , historic and natural heritage. The province has been ruled by various kingdoms through the ages and today there are many archaeological remains scattered throughout the province. 

To the south of Pakse, the provincial capitl is the Vat Phou Temple Complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Attractions also include the Ancient City, historic colonial buildings and Don Daeng Island, known for its traditional livelihoods and forested trails. 

In the southern region of the province is Don Khong and the 4000 Islands or Si Phan Don in Lao. On this stretch of the Mekong is the largest waterfall by volume in Southeast Asia, Khone Papheng ,as well as Li Phi waterfall noted for its cascading emerald green waters. The endangered freshwater Irrawaddy Dolphins inhabit the Mekong near the Lao Cambodian border and can be observed from locally chartered boats.

The Xe Pian National Protected Area covers 2400 square kilometres in the province’s southeastern region and is rich in biodiversity of global significance .Xe Pian’s dry deciduous forest and wetlands are home to tigers, Asiatic Elephant,White cheeked Gibbons , Green Peafowl and the Giant Ibis.Established ecotourism opportunities include elephant riding, bird watching , trekking and village home stays. 

In the northeastern region of the province,rising over 1500 m above sea level, are the rich volcanic soils and cool climate of the Bolaven Plateau. This area produces some of the finest Arabiaca coffees in the world,which can be purchased directly from the local growers. The breathtaking Tad Fane Waterfall located on the edge of Dong Houa Sao National Protected Area cascades over 100m off the plateau. In Bachieng Chaleunsouk district the picturesque Pa Suam falls are easily reached by road from Pakse.

Located in the northern corner of the province is the Phou Xieng Thong National Protected Area and Khong Mountain, known for its locally guided tours through an orchid conservation area to Hin Khong or “Fish Basket Rock” which overlooks Ubon Provnce in Thailand. Just north of Pakse is Don Kho Island ,the original French colonial capital of Champasak Province and well known producer of Lao textile.

 Other points of interest in northern Champasak are the Buddhist temples and traditional Southern Lao homes in Ban Saphai as well as the sacred temple, Vat Pho Sayalam,in Bay Vernxay.
Champasak Province is famous for its traditional Lao weavings and unique textile patternsBan Sapha is the center of the local textile trade and offers an opportunity to see weaving and purchase textiles directly from the producers. 

Fish lovers will enjoy the province’s Mekong fish dishes , such as fish salad ( laab paa & koi paa), fermented fish (paa dek) and the local specialty, pureed fish (pa aka tao)
The Vat Phou Festival is the province’s largest and draws a huge crowd from the entire Lao –Thai-Cambodia region. The event is held at the Vat Phou Temple Complex and falls on the 3rd full moon of the Buddhist lunar calendar, usually in February.

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