Thursday 13 December 2018



There is always something to explore at Fraser’s Hill. Relish the languor of pleasant walks under the green canopy of the winding roads, stop and smell the flowers along the way, try your hand at bird spotting,be awed by the gibbons frolicking in the tress, go  horseback riding, try your skills at archery, head to Jeriau waterfall and have a picnic. Fraser’s Hill is a fabulous place to enjoy nature in all its glory.

The lush surrounding of Fraser’s Hill’s greenery comprises of pine trees and myriad species of shrubs, herbal and flowering plants.

Spend time with your little ones at the playground where they can play to their hearts content !From mini golf to mini bikes , family time is never dull on the hilltop.

Eight nature trails, each named after a pioneer naturalist is marked around Fraser’s hill. Hire a guide to help with the navigation, so that you can make your communion with nature more rewarding. Discover rare tarantulas and unique earth spiders that will sate the curiosity of even hardcore arachnid aficionados.

Take your golfing to another level by teeing off at the Fraser’s Hill course. This challenging 9 hole course was designed by Frank Hemmant in 1925, is the oldest course in the country. The cool weather is a great incentive for golfers to play all day long!

From the lush green hills you can see Raub town clustered below- quaint , slow paced, quiet and peaceful , with layers to be told – a far cry from its heydays of being a former gold mining down.

Raub was thriving gold mining settlement in the 1800s. In the early 19th centry, story has it that an old man and his son discovered gold with each scoop of the earth. Hence, the place was named Raub, which in Malay means “to scoop”. Today, the legacy of the golden years, especially in Command Hill (Bukit Koman), is still evident in the fine old building that remains till this very day.

To get there head towards Kampung Baru Sungai Chalit. It is about 30 kilometres away from Raub via arough drive through fruit orchards, oil palm and rubber plantation by a 4 wheel drive vehicle. It has the only natural water slides. The waterfall is gloriously set with a picturesque backdrop that naturally offers great spots for picnics. The wild and domesticated fruit tree yields fruits aplenty during the picking season.

Lata Jarum is a popular spot for family outings. It has a series of rapids that culminate in a cool rock pool.To reach  Lata Jarum, visitors must take 1 20 kilometer journey on village roads through a sleepy town called Ulu Dong. Next to it is Pulau Chekas, another favourite picnic spot.

You may reach this spot from Raub to Kg Ulu Sungai, then proceed to an orang asli settlement named “ Pos Buntu” . From this point onward it’s only 3 km to the cascading waters. This scenic waterfall features an intriguing natural rock formation that is over millions of years old.

For the thrills and spills of white water rafting, try Jeram Besu, which is fast becoming a haven for white water rafting enthusiasts. The place is known as one of the best places in peninsula for white water rafting and kayaking, offering a challenge to beginners as well as the experienced. It’s located on the truck between Raub and Kuala Lipis and about 8 kilometers from the town of Benta.

Make for the hills for a welcome respite from the sweltering heat of the lowlands. Fraser’s Hill has long been one of Malaysia’s best kept secrets. This tiny hamlet in a highland valley surrounded by seven hills is a charming and quaint highland retreat.

Nicknamed The Little England of Malaysia, the colonial roots of Fraser’s Hill began from the discovery of the liveable plateau bordered by the 7 hills by its namesake, Louis James Fraser. 

This turn of the last century adventurer never for once thought that his stumbling upon the place would lay the grounds for what the place was to become in later years. For all he had done, no one had the opportunity to thank him, for he disappeared without trace soon after.

As the central point of Fraser’s Hill, the hill top’s little hamlet revolves around the market square dominated by a small clock tower- the most photographed object in this highland retreat. Picturesque colonial style buildings have been meticulously conserved for posterity and used as a post office, police station, medical clinic, tourist information centre, inns, cafes and restaurants.

Step into the Frasers Hill Nature Education Centre and the newly opened Bird Interpretive Centre, where you can learn more about the wondrous species of migratory and local birds that head for these parts around the first quarter of each year.

The annual Fraser’s Hill International Bird Race is an eagerly awaited event for birders and bird enthusiasts from all over the world. A very interesting event, the bird race is an occasion for fun and excitement in this little hamlet in the clouds. The race is not a competition among birds, but a challenging 24 hour window for teams to identify the most number of birds in the area.
Fraser’s Hill has long been a top international destination for bird watching. The undisturbed jungle, green clad mountainous terrain and the cool climate attract over 250 species of birds that come from as far away as Siberia to escape the winter cold. 



The colonial style building was built in 1863.Today this building is still being used as cigarettes museum that collect the entire business history and trips of Sampoerna Cigarettes factory. This is the only private museum in Surabaya

This statue was made in 1829 to honor the King Kertanegara the last emperor of Singosari Kingdom. Based on estimation, this statue was brought to Surabaya 300 years ago. Many visitors go to this place for pilgrimage and pray.


The submarine is the original from KRI Pasopati 410. It was made in Russia, 1951. There is also a museum about submarine.


It is one of the biggest zoos in Southeast Asia. There are more than 300 different species of animals, including Komodo which is considered as the remining prehistoric animal from Komodo Island (NTT)/ Other attractions those are offered by Surabaya Zoo are animals riding (horses, camels, elephants) and feeding.

5.       KENJERAN

Kenjeran is located in East Surabaya. There are 2 points of interest in this area: Kenjeran Beach Entertainment Park ( Old Kenjeran Beach ) dan Ria Kenjeran Beach ( Kenpark). This place combines the natural beauty with various recreational facilities. In Kenpark Area, there are Sanggar Agung Temple, Four Faces Buddha and a Pagoda for Confucius. Visitors can find various traditional seafood and some handicrafts made from seashells.


Mangrove Ecotourism is located on the East Coast of Surabaya. Visitors can enjoy the natural atmosphere of Mangrove forest around the river. There is also Mangrove Monitoring Postal where visitors can see the ocean view of Madura Strait.


This mosque has an interesting historical background with a Chinese Architecture. In the 15th century Ming Dynasty (1368-1643) the people from Yunnan Province, China, arrived in Java Island to spread Islam. While Admiral Cheng Hoo was delegated by Yung Lo Emperor to visit Majapahit Kingdom, he used this chance to spread Islam.


This monument is one of Surabaya Iconic sites. The location is a “ Zero Point” for Surabaya city. The monument with the 41.15 m was established on 10 November 1952. November 10th Museum was built to reinforce the existence of Tugu Pahlawan Monument. The museum consists of 2 floors. The collection range from weapons, reproduction of documentary photography to Bung Tomo’s collections.


This bridge is a witness of the most violent battle in Surabaya on 10th November 1945. The west area from the bridge used to be the residential and commerce area of Europeans and the east area used to be the residential for Chinese, Arabian, Malayans. Nowadays, the district is the most crowded commerce area in the city.


It was WR Soepratman’s House, the composer/national hero, who composed the Indonesia National Anthem” Indonesia Raya”, which was sang for the first time on the historic event , October , 1928


One of the Indonesia Oldest hotel established in 1910 and operated in 1911. The name was “ Oranje Hotel”. In Japanese Era, the name became “ Yamato Hoteru”. On 19 September 1945, the “ Flag Incident” ( Surabaya fighters went up to the tower and tore blue part of Dutch flag) was occurred in this place.In 1950’s , the hotel name changed into Majapahit Hotel and up to now is still functioning as a 5 star boutique hotel.


Indonesia’s longest bridge linking the island of Java and Madura.


It was an entertainment building for Dutch & the European.In November 1945, this building was used as the Headquarter of Indonesia Youth. Today, Surabaya City Tourism Information Center is located there


In the past, before Tanjung Perak Harbor established, Kalimas Port played an important role in trading.

Pasar Atom established in 1972. Today it becomes one of the biggest and oldest shopping paces in Surabaya. The unique and interesting part of shopping places in Surabaya. The unique and interesting part of shopping at Pasar Atom, is “bargaining’ between buyer and sellers. It is also well known as the centre of gold and jewelry shops in Surabaya. Visitors can find almost everything there from fashion, food and beverages to housewares.

Wednesday 12 December 2018



TASHKENT –“The mirror “of the East, the capital of friendship and warmth.

The capital of Uzbekistan and is the city of magnificent beauty, sunny welcoming, the city of harmony of ancient architecture and modern urban planning. Known since the II- I c BC, there are different names for the area-Shash –Tepa, Chach –Tepa. Since XI century known as Tashkent, which presumably means the Stone City (from Uzbek Tosh-‘Rock”).In 2009, by the Dercree of UNESCO  Tashkent celebrated its 2200 years anniversary.

Tashkent –the economic, religious and political center of Uzbekistan. Most travel involves entering and leaving Uzbekistan through Tashkent the capital city of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent was the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union but you would not know it with the sheep that wander the street under the watchful eye of their turbaned shepherds. But as Tico after Tico races by followed by hundreds of Daewoo Nexias and the metro rumbles underneath .You begin to understand the complexity that is Tashkent.

In pre-Islamic times, the province was knowns as “Chach”. Later , the town came to be known as Chachkand, meaning “Chach City “. However, in the mid 7th century under the Samanid Dyansty ,the place adopted the name Binkath.The Arabs however ,retained the old name but pronounced it as ‘Al-Shash”.Eventually ,after a string of name changes, the name Tashkent was used because it had more meaning to the new inhabitants as it  means “Stone City “when translated literally.

First mentioned were Chach ,Shash and Binkent before the “City of Stone”. Tashkent central capital of Uzbekistan was a major caravan crossroad in AD 751 for its advantageous geographical locational and favourable climate. It was also one of the main points of the Great Silk Road.

Toshkent is the capital of modern Uzbekistan, the city with 2200 years of history. Today Tashkent is a megapolis with its population in excess of 3 million. After destructive April’s earthquake of 1966,the city was rebuilt anew to become one of the most modern, well planned and well organized administrative, cultural and industrial centres of Central Asia.

Architectural style of Tashkent bears distinct features of Uzbek national colouring where ultramodern high rise buildings harmoniously match with medieval monuments and city’s multiple canals green parks and fountains. A good dozen of museums and art galleries, the Opera House, multiple concert halls, cafes and restaurants, sport and night clubs and other venues provide tourists and guests of the city variety of choices where they enjoyably spend their time it.




Samarkand also Samarqand is perhaps the most famous city of modern Uzbekistan. The site of Samarkand was settled about 2000BC. In times of old the city was also known as Airosiab and also Maracanda by the Greeks. The city was the capita Persian province and was conquered by Alexander the Great in 329 BC.It subsequently grew as a trade center on the route between China and the Mediterranean region.

Sogdiana and Marokand –the old names of the unique city. Originally, the story was riddled Samarikand great and tragic events. Samarkand was destroyed in the time of Alexander the Great, but in spite of this, the newly reborn and become a mighty empire of Timur. At the great city of Ulugbek gained fame and became a major centre of science, which indicates built Ulugbek observatory, which has been preserved to this day.

The ancient city of Afrosiab, an important   settlement in the 1st Millennium was one of the jewels of the Silk Road: surrounded by Sogdans in700 BC under the Achaemenid Dynasty of Persia before Alexander the Great conquered it in 329 BC.

The creeks referred to Samarkand as Marakanda to the Greeks.The architecture and townscape of Samakand, situated at the crossroad of ancient cultures, are masterpieces of Islamic cultural creativity.

The historic town illustrates its art, architecture and townscape of Samakand, situated at the crossroad of ancient cultures, are masterpieces of Islamic cultural creativity.

The historic town illustrates its art, architecture and the most important stages of Central Asia and its cultural and political history. Samarkand is at least 2700 years old as traced in the holy Zoroastom book “ Avesta” .Aside from its architechtural history, Samarkand is the place of birth for the first paper mill in the world by 2 Chinese prisoners from the battle f Tallas in 751 soon  after, it spread to the west.

Main architectural monuments of Samarkand are :

Registan Square –the “heart” of Samarkand –ensemble of 3 majestic madrasehs( XIV-XVI) –Sherdor,Ulugbek and Tillya Qory; The grandiose Cathedral Bibi –Khanum Mosque (XV) Gur – Emir  Mausoleum of Timur (Tamerlan), his sons and grandson Ulugbek (XV) Tamerlan grandson Ulugbek’s observatory (1420)-the ruins of an immense (30m) astrolabe for observing stars position; Shakhi-Zinda-“The Living King” (Xi-XVIII cc) Necropolis of Samarkand rulers and noblemen, consisting of set of superb decorated mausoleums;Khoja Daniyar Mausoleum-mausoleum of legendary prophet of 3 religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.



The ancient of Bukhara “fairy tale” that is the center of attraction of millions of tourists .The history of the city dates back to the times before Christs. Bukhara Age is over 2500 years. The city held a very good position in Bukhara oasis, through which the Great Silk Road passes. At the time, managed to become the capital of the Bukhara Samanid state visit under the authority Karakhanides, state Khorezm. 

At various times, they city was destroyed by the attack, the newly revived and flourished. While many people have fought against the nomads, raising revolts and uprisings, yet they managed to make their mark in the history of the city and its new generation.

Bukhara is one of the oldest cities of Central Asia. Nevertheless most of intact historic buildings in this city belong to period of the late middle Ages. Only numerous archaeological excavations in the 20th century layers with traces of ancient settlements in locations of the present day Bukhara. In archaeological trenches at depth of 20meter archaeologists discovered the remnants of dwellings (Kingdom).

The holiest city in Central Asia, honoured as “Noble Bukhara” among Muslims (one of the seven holy cities of Islam) Bukhara also has many name centuries ago ,one of it was “Numijkat” it has also been called “Bumiskat” or in Arabic was “Madinat al Sufriya” (The Copper City) and “Madinat Al Tujjar (The City of Merchants).Situated on the Silk Road trade centre, it is more than 2000 years old.It is known as one of the most complete medieval cities in Central Asia.

 Monuments include famous tomb of Ismail Samani, a masterpiece in the 10th century on top of large numbers of Madrassah in the 17th century. With the view of keeping intact the original beauty of Bukhara, UNESCO decided to commemorate in 1997 a 2500 year anniversary  since the date of the city’s foundation and establish an international fund called “Bukhara -2500”.Significantly , the real importance of Bukhara lies not in its individual buildings but rather in its overall level of urban planning and architecture which began with the Shaybanid dynasty.
Today, Bukhara is a cultural and historical center.



Khiva is ancient Chorasmia and later known as Khwarizm and Khorezm. It is formerly a large  khanate (Kingdom) of West Central. Located south of the Aral Sea and is now part of Uzbbekistan and Turkmenistan. The ancient city Khiva is located in Uzbekistan and is famous for its many historic buildings which are preserved as a museum like valley city. Khiva is most intact of the ancient cities of Uzbekistan.

Khiva is located in the west of the Khorezm region in the heart of the Karakum desert to the left bank of the Amu Darya.Horasmis, Hvarzm and Khorezm such ancient names was awarded Khiva.
Originally Khiva is not the capital of the state and it was only a trade merchant city, located at the crossroads of caravans’ routes of the Silk Road between Merv and Urgench (the former capital of Khorezm, now Old Urgench).

Today, Khiva is the “Open air museum”, claiming to be the “eighth wonder of the world”.
Although archaeologists assert that the city has existed since the 6th century, the city of Khiva was first recorded by Muslim travellers in the 10th century.

 By the early 17th century, Khiva had become the capital of the Khanate of Khiva under the Genghisid dynasty.Legend says that Khiva was founded by none other than Shem,the son of seemingly romantic history as a Silk Road oasis, the city became most notable as Central Asia’s biggest slave trade center. Khiva may be a small city with its population barely over 40000 but it is the preserved stop on the old Silk Road giving tourists a broad appeal in tracing the historic trading route.

Invent on transforming the traditionally teeming city into a living museum, Khiva was purged of much of its ancient bustle and its buildings were scrubbed down or , in the case of some landmarks ,such as the 9th century Juma Mosque was rebuilt and turned into public exhibits.

 Must see include the exquisite 19th century Tash Hauli Palace, the 225 foot tall Islam-Khodja Minaret and Pakhlavan Makhmud’s Mausoleum honoring the great Khivan philosopher. Itchan Kala in Khiva was the first site in Uzbekistan to be listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.



Shakhrisabz is founded more than 2700 years ago. Formerly known as Kesh translated as “Heart Pleasing”it was part of the Achaemenid Empire. Alexander the Great’s general Ptolemy captured the satrap of Bactria and pretender to the Persian throne, Bessus at Nautaca thus, ending the once great Achaemenid Empire. 

Alexander the Great chose to spend his winters here and met his wife Roxanna in the era between 328-327 BC. Shakhrisabz was the birthplace of Amir Temur on 9th April 1336 to the family of  a minor local chief and during the early years of the Temurid Dynasty , enjoyed its considerable patronage.Temur regarded Shakhrisabz as his “hometown” and planned it eventually to be the Temurid period, the center of activity shifted to Samarkand instead and Temur was never buried in Shakhrsabz.

Shakhrisabz which means “Green City” in Persian was later conquered by Abdulla Khan II in 1556, the city was later became part of Karshi province of the Khanate Bukhara.
Shakhrisabz’s medieval complex Ak Saray marked an inedible impression reliving to the journey of the magnificent historical past of Shakhrisabz.



Ferghana Valley is located in the eastern part of Uzbekistan .It is the most densely populated region of Uzbekistan with almost a third of the country’s population. The diamond shaped valley is 300 km from east to west and 170km from north to south. 

The mild climate of the Ferghana Valley allows a growing season of 240 days per year. Thanks to that, the primary emphasis on the production of cotton, silk and other agricultural crops has turned a large part of valley into an oasis. With the primary crop being cotton in close to 25000 sqkm of fertile land, there is scarely a hectare of uncultivated land. In ancient times, the exceptional flora of the region gave the Ferghane Valley the name “Golden Valley”.

The Ferghana Valley is rich in a number of natural resources including gold, oil, copper and other raw materials. The Syyr Darya River, one of the greatest river of central Asia, runs across the valley and is fed by more than 70 mountain streams. Birds including seagulls and pheasants are a plenty on the shores of the Syr Darya.

The first ancient settlements in the Ferghana Valley appeared more than 5000 years ago and for a long time Kokand was the main city of Feghana Valley.The first written evidence about the town of Khavikand can be found in the 10th century chronicles where it was mentioned as a town located on the Great Road and famous for its crafts .Kokand was also a big religious center with 35 madrassahs and 100 mosques during its years of prosperity. Unfortunately, the majority of them were ruined in the course of time.Besides that, Andijan is also one of the most ancient cities of Ferghana Valley.



Uzbek cuisine is one of the most savory and various in tastes cuisine in Central Asia. There are such national dishes as: plov, manti, shurpa, shashlik, lagman, somsa and others. Many Uzbek recipes century old history and the process of preparing food is accompanied with various rituals, which have reached our days.

One of the well developed factors in Uzbekistan is their cuisine which is also one of the most ancient and refined in Central Asia. Their 4 seasons especially winter and summer greatly influence the composition of their daily basic menu. There are about 200 of them vary from different region in Uzbekistan. Uzbek’s well known cuisine is “Pilav” which consist fried and rice; with raisins, berries, chickpeas or for variations is fruits. This is one of the pride for Uzbekistanis on their ability on preparing the most unique and sumptuous “Pilav” served on the large flat plate lyagan.Uzbek cuisine cannot be considered as such without flaky pastry “Samosa” ,which has minced meat and potatoes or sweet pumpkin and cooked in steam.

Chuchavara or also known as “warak –chuchvara” is also the most widespread national dish. A very small dumpling mostly prepared with the same method. The traditional Uzbek community would prefer to enjoy “Kebab Shashlik” with endless cups of green tea at the “Chaikanna” (Teahouse)

Uzbek food is probably one of the main sights of Uzbekistan, which will become the discovery for all gourmets.


One can hardly imagine Uzbek dastarkhan (served table) without delicious vegetables and fruits, grown under hot sun in fertile valleys. Sunny Uzbekistan abounds in sweet grapes, honey melons, juicy watermelons, fragrant apricots, pears, ripe apples, quinces, peaches, ebony, pomegranate, figs and various berries.
Uzbekistan also rich in vegetables and fruits, which are used in many dishes of traditional Uzbek cuisine. Succulent tomato, emerald green cucumber, yellow and red carrot, radish, garden radish, eggplants, pepper, cabbage, pumpkin perfectly supplement Uzbek dishes. Uzbek vegetables and fruits are used for preparation various salads and snacks. Traditionally, any meal starts with fresh baked bread and fruits.



The mountain regions of Uzbekistan can also be considered some of the most beautiful landscapes in Central Asia. Forests intermingle with alpine meadows, which in turn give way to snowcapped summits with glaciers. The western Tian Shan mountaintops glitter under the blue sky and below them alpine pastures lie, savage gorges and river rapids that are difficult to access and for years have been an attraction for adventure seekers.


Deserts which were the center of the ancient paths that crossed the vast, scorching land, all this was once a part of the Great Silk Road connecting ancient China and Europe.These days the modern tourism infrastructure allows for easy travel in the desert and steppe areas of this region, where you can experience adventures camel riding, sleep in yurts-the only dwellings in boundless deserts , equipped with all necessary facilities and spend an evening next to the fire listening to a folklore performance.



On the plains of Central Asia there are many cities with hundreds of architectural monuments from various epochs. Among the most famous are Samarkanad, Bukhara, Khiva , Shakhrisabz, Termez and Kokand. These cities were centers of science and art.

 Great architects created palaces, mosques and mausoleums, world famous monuments of ancient architecture, to memorialize Alexander the Great and Gengiz Khan. Many of these masterpieces did not service, but by visiting those which have been preserved, it is possible to glimpse pages of history.


Uzbekistan –this is amazing country in Central Asia, which has a huge century-long history and remains unknown to many foreigner.History of the Uzbek people is closely intertwined with the history of other Turkic people of Central Asia and beyond present Uzbekistan.The appearance of the first states in Uzbekistan refers to VII-VII centuries BC , with establishment of such states as Khorezm and Bactria. The ancient cities on the territory of modern Uzbekistan are Tashkent, Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara , Shakhrisabz, Karshi, Termez and Margilan.

Uzbekistan has almost everything: beautiful green landscape, stunning mountain ranges, wild animals and birds, crystal clear air. What attracts tourists to Uzbekistan> According to Statistics internet survey, the majority of respondents -39% visit the country because of the interest in its historical and architectural attractions.

 Another group 24% of visits Uzbekistan for familiarization with the culture, traditions and way of life. Thus, most of the tourists want to visit: historic sites, monuments, museums and art galleries, ancient buildings, such as old forts, mosques, libraries and parks, national and cultural events.

Hospitality and culture of Uzbekistan –is a part of heritage of our ancestors, who taught us patience to stick monuments preservation and development of Uzbekistan and in particular all the historical cities!



The art culture of Uzbekistan is based on all the best achievements of the Uzbek people throughout history. National arts and crafts occupy a prominent place in the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan .In the Middle Ages Uzbek arts developed in the context of the art tracery, which had become prevalent.

The extensive national crafts and arts include engraving on copper , wood and plaster based material; jeweler’s arts ;carpet making , ceramics; ornamental embroidery , gold embroidery ;decorative currying of tanned leather; silk spinning ; making of decorative braids; inlaid works on musical instruments ; painting on papier mache; creation of decorative boxes for local tobacco, baskets, cradles, chests and many other types. 

Throughout the centuries, the national Uzbek crafts and arts have both risen and declined , but the handling down of artistic traditions from one generation to the next has never stopped.

The arts and craft of Uzbekistan is one of the outstanding and distinctive in the East. Uzbeks have developed their technical and artistic tradition everyday life; its main attribute is the close connection between artistic creativity and daily material necessity. Art is the heritage of many generations; it represents series of consecutive layers, which reflects people’s culture through the ages. 

The skills and knowledge imparted by various ethnic groups that eventually came together to constitute the Uzbek nation created this diversity of artistic traditions that is the distinguishing feature in works of art all genres.

 There are such Uzbek national crafts as: ganch, lacquered miniature painting , ceramic , carpet weaving , gold embroidery , jewelry ,carving on wood and others.


National Uzbek dance is very expressive. It presents all the beauty of nation .The main difference of Uzbek dance from dances of other Eastern nations is the accents on complicated and expressive hand gestures and animated facial expressions.


The national clothing for Uzbekistan is mostly brightly coloured and is to be worn during cultural traditions. However, wearing traditional clothing is a norm for rural areas.



Most common language spoken is Uzbek, but Russian is a widely spoken native or second language particularly in large cities. In different regions of Uzbekistan, other languages are also widely spoken such as Tajik in Samarkand and Bukhara. Individuals speaking in more than 1 language are common in large cities and in ethnically diverse areas.

Uzbekistan has a great number of sunny days. Tourist’s season in Uzbekistan falls on spring months that are March, April and May, the second half is in August, September and October. Winter month’s temperatures ranges from -10 degree Celsius and -30 degree Celsius and are suitable for the lovers of mountains and winter sports such as skiing. The average annual temperature is approximately 13 degree Celsius.


Predominantly 85% o Uzbeks are Muslims and approximately 15% are worshippers of other religious ( Orthodoxes, Catholics, Jews and etc: there are about 16 confessions). Although constitutionally allowing rights to freedom of religion .Uzbekistan maintains  a ban on all religious activities not approved by the state.


The first banknotes were issued by the State Bank of Uzbekistan in 1993.All of the denominations share the same designs:the Coat of arms of Uzbekistan on the front and the Medressa on Reghistan Square in Samrkand.The second and current series, issued by Central Bank of the Republic of Uzzbekistan, were released in 1994  in denominations of 1,3,5,10,25,50 and 100 som. A 200 som banknote was issued in 1997, the 500 som in 1999 ,the 1000 som in 2001 and the 5000 in som banknotes was issued on 1 July 2013.



Since the ancient times till the present day Uzbekistan has always been a place of discovery for travelers. Today Uzbekistan invites guests too visit its ancient monuments and cities on the Great Silk Road and to feel the ancient atmostphere. Uzbekistan contains all the most famous historical cities of Central Asia; Samarkand ,Bukhara ,Khiva and Kokand.

With its nature ,rich spiritual heritage , history , ancient culture and art, generous and hospitable people,Uzbekistan has always attracted the attention of foreign tourists. Consistent work in dynamic development of tourism and peaceful and prosperous life are an important factor in expanding the flow of foreign visitors to Uzbekistan. In addition to beautiful landscapes and rich history of Uzbekistan,it is also the world’s fourth largest cotton nation, world’s seventh-largest gold producer and harbours significant reserves of oil and natural gas, as well as uranium,silver , copper , zinc ,coal and lead.

Today Central Asia comprises 5 independent republics, Kazakhsta,, Kyrgyzstan  ,Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.


The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated in the central part of Central Asia between 2 rivers: the Amudarya and Syrdarya.The Turan Lowland lies to the northwest  and the Tien-Shan and Pamir Alay mountain ridges are located in the southeast of the territory.The Kyzal-Kum Desert defines the Northern part of the country , Uzbekistan  borders Turmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.


The physical environment of Uzbekistan is diverse, ranging from the flat, desert topography that comprises almost 80%of the country’s territory to mountain peaks in the east reaching about 4500 meters above sea level. Located in the heart of central Asia, Uzbekistan occupies more than 447000 square kilometres, measuring 925km from North to South and 1400 km from West to East. Along the borders on each of the former Soviet Asian Republic which is Kazakhstan 2203 km, Tajikistan 1161km, Kyrgyzstan 1099 km and Turkmenistan 1621km and in the south on Afghanistan 137km.

Tuesday 11 December 2018



1.       Herod Antipas became governor of Machaerus after marrying a Nabataem princess, believed to bethe daughter of King Aretus IV (9BC- 40 AD) ,in order to cement a Herodian Nabataean alliance. However, he also married his sister law, Herodia-a relationship that was strongly opposed by John the Baptist. As a result, Herod imprisoned and beheaded John at Machaerus (Mark 6:14-29).
The forces of King Aretus later defeated Herod Antipas’army in 36AD.This was subsequently interpreted by many as divine retribution for the death of John the Baptist.

2.       During the 1st millennium BC, the King’s Highway linked the kingdoms of Edom, Moab and Ammon. Several centuries later, the Nabate used this road as a trade route for luxury goods such as frankincense and spices coming from the southern Arabian Peninsula. When the Romans took over the area, they remodeled the road to meet Roman standards or troop transport and renamed it the Via Nova Traiana. The highway has long been an important pilgrimage route for both Christians and Muslims alike.

3.       6 Tombs , from different periods, have been found hollowed out of the rock  beneath the mosaic-covered floor of the Moses Memorial Church at Mount Nebo .In the present presbytery you can see remnants of mosaics, the earliest of which is a panel with a braided cross. The Serpentine Cross, which stands just outside the sanctuary, is symbolic of the brass serpent taken by Moses into the desert and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.

4.       As they were leaving the burning city of Sodom, Lot’s wife disobeyed God’s order not to look back and was turned into a pillar of salt ( Genesis 19:26).Lot and his 2 daughters survived and fled to a cave near the small town of Zoar (modern day Safi).In the Book of Genesis, God refers , to  the “ Jordan River Valley around the Dead Sea, as the “Garden of the Lord ,”and it is believed to be the location of the Garden of Eden.



The King’s Highway is the world’s oldest continuously used communication route. It used to link ancient Bashan, Giliad and Ammon in the North with Moab , Edom, Paran and Midian in the South.
Abraham, a common patriarch of Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, would certainly have used this route on his journey from Mesopotamia to Canaan.

In the Bible, The King’s Highway is first mentioned by name in Numbers 20:17, when Moses led the Exodus through southern Jordan. Moses asked the King of Edom if he and his people could “go along the King’s Highway” during their journey to Canaan, but his request was denied.

The King’s Highway is also referenced in an earlier story in Genesis 14:5-8,in relation to the 4 Kings from the North. They attacked Sodom and Gomorrah and the 3 other Cities of the Plain- Heshbon (Hisban), Medaba ( Madaba) and Kir Moab(Karak) –taking Lot hostage , only to be chased and beaten by Abraham .

Today, this scenic route is a fine paved road that winds, dips , twists and rambles through the heart of the Jordanian highlands, passing through the country’s most stunning landscapes and some of its most important ancient sites.



The first site in southern Jordan mentioned in the Exodus is Eziongeber (Number 33-35) .Ezion geber and Elath (or Eloth)were port towns located at, or near, the Red Sea port of Aqaba. They are best known for their roles during the Iron Age, a few hundred years after the time of the Exodus.

 These locations are associated with both King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba(Deuteronomy 2:8) as well as The Chronic Wars between the kings of Judah and Edom (1Kings 9:26,2 Kings 14:22)
In recent years, what is believed to be the oldest purpose built church in the world has been discovered in Aqaba.



The Jordanian capital, Amman, is mentioned in the Bible by the name of Rabath Ammon in the story of King Og, an Ammonite King famed for being a giant of a man ( Deuteronomy 3:11).

The city was also known as Philadelphia, named so in the 3rd century BC after the Ptolemic ruler Philadelphus.

Amman today boasts a number of important ruins, including the Roman Theatre , a Roman temple and several Byzantine churches. The archeological museum situated in the Citadel owns one of the finest collections of ancient artifact in the Middle East, including some of the Copper Dead Sea scrolls.

The modern capital is well known for its excellent infrastructure, museums, fascinating shops, gourmet restaurants, luxurious hotels and recreational facilities.



The Dead Sea is one of the most dramatic places on Earth, with its stunning natural environment equally matched by its powerful spiritual symbolism. The Bible variously calls it the “Sea of Arabah”, the “Sal”, but the Sea”, or the “Eastern Sea”. Mediaeval texts refer to it as “the Devil’s Sea”, but the Arab people have always known it as Bahr Lut (Lot’s Sea).

The infamous Sodom and Gomorrah and other cities of the Dead Sea Plain were subject to some of the most dramatic and enduring Old Testament stories. In Genesis, God said he would destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of the inhabitant’s wicked and arrogant ways. But Abraham successfully argued with God that Lot and any other righteous people should be spared.

Lot and his 2 daughters survived and fled, seeking refuge in a cave on a hillside near the small town of Zoar (modern day Safi).Here, around this same cave, Byzantine Christians built a church and monastery dedicated to Saint Lot. The monastery complex has been excavated and can easily be visited today.

However, as they were leaving the burning city of Sodom, Lot’s wife disobeyed God ‘s order not to look back and was turned into a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26).A rock formation stands near the Dead Sea, said to be the remains of the salt pillar that was Lot’s wife.

The events in the lives of Abraham and Lot probably took place during the Early or Middle Bronze Age (around 2500-1500 BC) .Although not confirmed, the remains of the ancient walled towns of Bab ed-Dhra’and Numeira, in the southeastern Dead Sea central plain, are believed to be the sites of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

They both still show evidence of destruction by a fore which took place in the Early Bronze Age, after which they were never re-inhabited .The 3 other Cities of the Plain were “Admah, Zeboiim and Bela(that is Zoar) (Genesis 14:2) The remains of these places are still buried somewhere around the Dead Sea.

By the 6th century AD in the early Christian era-more than 2000 years after the events from Genesis-the land of Jordan was dotted with Christian monasteries and churches.
The entire length of the Dead Sea’ eastern shore, from the River Jordan in the North to the broad plain of salt formations at the southern end, is easily accessible on fine roads from central and southern Jordan.



Hisban is located on the edge of the highland plateau, overlooking the northern tip of the Dead Sea and the Lower Jordan Valley.

Modern-day Hisban is widely identified with one of the Cities of the Plain, Heshbon, due to the similarity in their name (Numbers 21:26). Formerly ruled by the Amorite King Sihon, this region of central Jordan was referenced in the Song of Solomon 7:5, “……your eyes are like pools in Heshbon”.

Later fortified in the Roman Byzantine period, Hisban , also called Esbus ,was an important station on early Christian pilgrims’ route from Jerusalem to Mount Nebo via the Jordan River.

Modern Hisban village is the first major antiquities site on the King’s Highway south of Amman. Some scholars believe that the nearby Tell Jalul is a better candidate for ancient Heshbon. Both sites, only 20 minutes by car from Amman, have been excavated and can be easily visited. Tell of Hisban has been equipped with signs and walkways, that allow visitors to appreciate its many ancient remains from the Iron Age, Graeco Roman, Byzantine and medieval Islamic periods.



During the time of Jesus and the Apostles,one of the Eastern Medterranean’s greatest trading centres was located in the southern city of Petra. This extensive rock cut capital of the Nabataean Kingdom flourished during Nabataean rule from the 3rd century BC to the early 2nd century AD,  when it was occupied by the Roman Emperor, Trajan.

The Bible’s Old Testament seems to make mention of Petra under several possible names, including Sela and Joktheel (2 Kings 14:7).

During the Exodus, Moses and the Israelites passed through the Petra area in Edom.Moses was never allowed to enter the Holy Land, as he disobeyed God’s commands to speak to a rock to bring forth water, choosing to strike it instead (Numbers 20:10-24) .Local tradition says that the spring at Wadi Musa (Valley of Moses ), just outside Petra , is this same place.

Aaron, the first High Priest of the Bible and the brother of Moses and Miriam , died in Jordan and was buried in Petra at Mount Hor ,now called Jabal Harum in Arabic (Mount Aaron).A Byzantine church and later an Islamic shrine/tomb, were built on the summit of the mountain, which today attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Aaron is best remembered for the beautiful blessing that God commanded him to give people.

Later, Petra was almost certainly the last staging post of the 3 kings, who took frankincense, gold and myrrh to honor the baby Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12).The King Aretas, mentioned in Corinthians 11:32 ,was a Nabataean king who ruled Petra.



Jerash, formerly known as Gerasa, is indisputably the most complete and best preserved Graeco Roman city in the Middle East , noted in the Bible as the”region of the Garasenes “ ( Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26)

In a large ecclesiastical complex within the city, there is a fountain where Byzantine citizens once annually celebrated Jesus’miracle of turning water into wine. Today, the “Fountain Court” within Jerash is a popular destination for modern pilgrims who want to re-enact the travels and teachings of Christs.

The colonnaded streets, plazas, temples , paved pathways , theatres and fifteen Byzantine churches make Jerash the second most important historical destination for tourists in Jordan, after Petra.



This rectangular walled city is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It was fortified by the Romans and subsequently embellished by local Christians with Byzantine –style mosaics over 100 years into the start of the Muslim Umayyad rule. Most of the city now lies in ruins, but there are several structures in its eastern part that have been excavated and restored.

Just outside the city walls is the recently unearthed Church of Saint Stephen.Its perfectly preserved outstanding mosaic floor is the largest of its kind to be discovered in Jordan; second only to the world famous mosaic map at Madaba. The mosaic depicts the images of 27 Old and New Testament cities of the Holy Land, both east and west of the River Jordan.

Just 2 km north of Umm Ar- Rasas is the highest standing ancient tower in Jordan, rising 15m high with no door or inner staircase. Believed to have been used as a place of solitude by early Christian monks,today it is inhabited only by flocks of birds.



Umm Qays is a spectacular destination, a combination of Ancient Graeco-Roman ruins intertwined with houses of an Ottoman Village. Many o the structures of Umm Qays are built with black basalt stone, giving the city a grand and unique feel.

During the time of the New Testament, northern Jordan was the region of the Roman Decapolis (meaning “10 cities” in Greek).This is the place where Jesus taught the people about the Kingdom of God and performed his miracles.

The old Decapolis city of Gadara (modern –day Umm Qays) boasts spectacular panoramic views overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It is here that Jesus performed the miracles of the Gadarene swine, casting spirits out of a demented man and into a herd of pigs, which then ran down the hill into the waters of the Sea of Galilee and drowned.

A rare five aisled basilica from the 4th century was recently discovered and excavated at Umm Qays. From the interior church; one can spy a Roman Byzantine tomb over which the church was built. Such as distinctive architectural arrangement strongly indicates that it was built to commemorate the very spot where the Byantine faithful believed that Jesus performed his miracle.

A visitor standing at junction of Syria, Israel and Jordan can enjoy a stunning view of Lake Tiberius and The Golan Heights.

Evidence of the Nabataeans at Petra was already dwindling and when Christianity spread across the Byzantine Empire, Petra became the seat of a bishopric and a monument was converted to a church –the Urn Tomb. Recent excavations have exposed 3 churches, one of them paved with coloured mosaics.



Job is one of the earliest patriarchal figures in the Bible, whose book is one of the world’s great masterpieces of religious literature. The city of AS-SALT , northwest of Jordan ‘s capital , Amman, houses the tomb/shrine of Job. The story of Job, who endured great hardships, is regarded as one of the oldest in the Bible.

As-Salt is also the location of the tom/shrine of the prophet Jethro, who was Moses ‘father in law. Furthermore, it is the site of the tombs of Jacob’s sons Jad and Asher.



The ancient town of Anjara is located in the hills of Gilead,east of the Jordan Valley. The Bible makes mention of this town as a place where Jesus, his mother Mary and his disciples passed through and rested in a nearby cave.

The cave, which has long been a Holy place for pilgrims , has now been commemorated with the Church of Our Lady of the Mountain. The cave was also designated by the Catholic Churches of the Middle East as one of the 5 pilgrimage sites for the year 200.The others were Mount Nebo, Machaerus ,Tall Mar Elias near Ajlun and Bethany Beyond the Jordan.



Associated with the Prophet Elijah, Tall Mar Elias is very close to the ruins of a village known as Listib.It s believed that this place was formerly Tishbi, the home of Elojah, a native of Giliad in Transjordan(2 kings 17:1) .The presence of 2 churches ,built on the Tall (hilltop) at the end of the Byzantine period, substantiates the fact that this was a religious site.

It is believed that Elijah’s ascension to Heaven in a chariot of fire took place at Wadi Al Kharrar,in Bethany Beyond the Jordan.Referred to in the Bible as “Barreya” in Arabic ,”Perea” in French and “the desert “in English, many scholars believe this to be the Holy place that was visited by Moses, Elijah ,John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. The site at Tall Mar Elias includes extensive architectural remains, scattered across the summit of the hill that rises above Listib , to the southeast.


The 1st century AD Roman Jewish historian, Josephus, identified the awe inspiring site of Machaerus (modern –day Mukawir) as the palace fortress of Herod Antipas, the Roman appointed regional ruler during the life of Jesus Christ. It was here, at this hilltop fortified palace overlooking the Dead Sea region and the distant hills of Palestine and Israel that Herod imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist ;”He was beheaded after Salome’s fateful dance” Matthew 14:3-11.

Like its sister site,Masada , on the opposite side of the Dead Sea, Machaerus was also the scene of a Roman siege during the first Jewish revolt against Rome.The site is easily reached by car from Madaba.

Mukawir is also one of the designated pilgrimage sites for the year 2000. The top of Mountain of Mukawir overlooks a breathtaking view of the Dead Sea. The summit can be reached after a climbing a winding staircase up the mountain.



Known in the Old Testament as Medeba, Madab and its hinterlands are located in central Jordan. These lands were featured in narratives related to Moses and the Exodus, David’s war against the Moabites, Isaiah’s oracle against Moab and King Mesha of Moab’s rebellion against Israel.

Some of the finest art of the early Christian centuries can still be seen in Madaba and its surrounding regions between the 4th and 7th centuries AD, the prosperous ecclesiastical centre of Madaba produced one of the world’s richest collections of Byzantine mosaics, many of which are well preserved. Several church floor mosaics can still be seen in their original locations, while others are displayed in the Madaba Archaeological Park. The park houses Jordan’s oldest mosaic – a 1st century BC floor from the Herodian palace –fortress at Machaerus.

But Madaba’s real masterpiece, located in the Orthodox Church of Saint George, is the 6th century AD mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land- the earliest religious map of the Holy Land in any form to survive from antiquity. Accordingly, Madaba s dubbed “The city of Mosaics”.

In keeping with Jordan’s commitment to restore and preserve its mosaic masterpiece ,Madaba’s extensive Archaeological Park and Museum complex encompasses the remains of several Byzantine churches ,including the outstanding mosaics of the Church of the Virgin and the Hyppolytus Hall , part of a 6th century mansion.

Take the airport highway south from Amman. After about 20 km, turn westward following the signs. Madaba is 45 minutes away from Amman.



The site, acknowledged both in the Bible and Byzantine and Medieval texts, has been identified to extend from Tell al –Kharrar (Elijah’s Hill/Tall Mar Elias in Arabic) to the John the Baptist Church Area, on the eastern bank of the river Jordan. Tell al –Kharrar is the same place from which Elijah is believed to have ascended to heaven in w whirlwind on a chariot of fire.

Though Jesus Christ’s divinity was acknowledged before his birth, he din’t launch his public ministry at Bethany Beyond the Jordan until the age of 30. During his 3 day stay at Bethany, Jesus prayed to God for the first time and gathered his first disciples –Simon, Peter, Andrew, Philip and Nathanael.
Bethany formed part of the early Christian pilgrimage route between Jerusalem, the Jordan River and Mount Nebo .

Today, the area’s Arabic name is al Maghtas-The Place of Baptism .In 1996, stunning archaeological discoveries identified this as the exact site where John had been living and carrying out his baptisms. Pottery, coins, stone objects and architectural remains confirm the site was used in the early 1st century AD, during the time of Jesus and John.

The 3rd century Roman building , decorated with mosaics, is believed to be an early Christian “Prayer Hll”-Probably the earliest building for this specific use to have been identified anywhere in the world.
Closer to the Jordan River are the remains of 5 memorial churches built by early believers. 

Records  of such churches remained throughout the Islamic periods –a sign of continued Christian –Muslim coexistence in Jordan. Pope John Paul II visited Bethany Beyond the Jordan during his March 2000 pilgrimage to Jordan and the Holy Land and it was designated as a Jubilee Year 2000 pilgrimage site by Catholic Church in the Middle East ,along with Mount Nebo, Mukawir , Tall Mar Elias and Anjara.

Take the Dead Sea Highway. When you reach the Suwaymeh Intersection, take a right turn northbound, following the signs to the site. Bethany is around 45 minutes away from Amman.


Welcome to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, founded by King Abdullah I and currently ruled by King Abdullah I and currently ruled by King Abdullah II son of the late King Hussein. Over the years, Jordan has grown into a stable, peaceful and modern country.
While Jordan is known for the ancient Nabataean city of Petra carved from rock over 2000 years ago , it also offers much more for the modern travellers , from the Jordan Valley, fertile and ever changing ,to the remote desert canyons, immense and still. Whether you are a thrill seeker, a historian, or you just want to relax, Jordan is the place for you.



The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has proven home to some of the most influential Biblical leaders of the past; Abraham ,Job, Moses , Ruth, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and Paul, to name a few. As the only area within the Holy Land visited by all these great individuals, Jordan breathes with the histories recorded in the Holy Bible.

Through the words of the prophets Abraham, Job and Moses in the Bible’s Old Testament, this land is where God first manifested Himself to man. Here, Adam and Eve may have stood in the former Garden of Eden, in an area along the northwest bank of the River Jordan, now known as Beysan (Beth-shean).When Cain killed his brother Abel and was banished by God to the area “east of Eden”, he may well have sought shelter at one of the three sites east of the River Jordan, which later become known as the “Cities of Refuge”.

It was in Jordan where the prophet Moses journeyed with the Israelites, where John the Baptist heralded in the New Testament of the Christian faith and where Jesus Christ thrived. This spiritual area was known as the “Plains of Moab “in the Old Testament and “Peraea” in the New Testament .It spans a wide reach , from the East beyond the famous baptismal river to the West on the shores of the Dead Sea.

Truly, the history of Jordan holds is immense. This is where Jacob wrestled with the Angel of God where Lot’s wife was turned it to a pillar of salt, where Job was tested and rewarded for his faith and where Elijah ascended to heaven. This is the land through which Moses led the Israelites on their flight from Egypt, where he delivered God’s Law, the site of Jesus’s baptism, the gathering grounds of the first disciples and where the Holy Trinity –the Father, Son and Holy Spirit –manifested itself.
It is the land of miracles, where God appeared to the prophets in the form of whirlwinds, a cloud of light, an angel, or a voice that commanded them to do His will.Here is where Jesus began his final journey to Jerusalem.

Jordan boasts some of the world’s earliest churches, including the 2nd or 3rd century “prayer hall” at Bethany Beyond the Jordan, the 4th century church at Umm Qays and the remains of what is believed to be the oldest purpose built church in the world in Aqaba. The 6th century Byzantine church of St George in Madaba, is home to the world renowned mosaic floor map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Most of the Holy sites in Jordan have been identified and excavated and are easily accessible to visitors.

In the Book of Genesis, God refers to the Jordan River Valley around the Dead Sea as the “Garden of the Lord,” and it is believed to be the location of the Garden of Eden.



The Ferrari Museum in Maranello introduces visitors to the world of Ferrari of today and tomorrow. A world with deep roots in a glorious past. It also offers an in depth experience of the dream of the world’s most powerful brand.

The route takes visitors through the most famous and victorious Ferrari Formula 1 cars, our sports Prototypes and GT models as well as our most significant road cars. There are currently 8 exhibitions running under the “Ferrari,Genius and Secrets “ banner. Each one reveals a secret from Ferrari history; a fantastic opportunity to learn how the Prancing Horse achieved its sporting , technological and stylistic ambitions in the words of the people at the heart of the action. 

The cars on show range from the famous 312 B3, better known as the Snow Plough, to great collector’s Ferraris such as the 1962 250 GTO and the rear engine 250 LM, one of just 2 road going versions built for Cunt Volpi di Misurata.

Also there are prototypes that never made it into production, including Ferrari;s first ever attempt at 4 wheel drive, the 408 4RM and One offs ,such as Eric Clapton’s stunning SP12EC.



The MEF is a spectacular futuristic structure that seems to embrace the house in which Enzo Ferrari was born and where visitors can now experience not just his miles tone cars but also his own story as a driver and Scuderia founder in the 1930s and constructor from 1947 onwards.

The Enzo Ferrari story is told through 2 spectacular video show for which 19 different projectors are used to completely immerse the audience in the experience .The videos show Enzo Ferrari at the various stages of his life and career, alongside drivers, models of his cars and high profile celebrities. 

Since February 2015, in fact, the MEF has also hosted an homage to the great Modenese tenor Luciano Pavarotti which plays on the common ground between the 2 men;their roots in the local area, their worldwide success, their myriad fans and admirers and the international acclaim they earned for their achievements in car construction, motorspot and opera. In addition to this,in the former workshop of Alfredo Ferrar ,Enzo’s father , there is also a separate Ferrari Engine Museum.This space is split into 6 sections: experimental engines , smaller 2 to 6 cylinders, classic 12 cylinders , 8 cyliners , turbos and last but not least, Formula 1s.Competition Ferraris are also on display in each area.



Operating since the late 1800s, Chowrasta Bazaar is divided into several sections.In the front are stalls selling local products including pickled nutmeg, durian cake, medicinal oils and balms. The wet market is at the back with stalls selling fresh produce. The upper level is a treasure trove of shoe and clothes stalls, coffee shops and even secondhand bookstores.


Juro Auto City is a lively one stop destination for all things auto food, entertainment, shopping and celebrations. Car lovers will love the selection of more than 30 auto showrooms, while a variety of F&B and entertainment outlets offer great choices. Fashion boutiques and factory outlets offer great choices. Fashion boutiques and factory outlets as well as a fashion market are  open till late at night for avid shoppers.


Shopping in Penang is convenient as one stop shopping malls, retails outlets, handicraft stores, flea markets, night markets and sidewalk bazaars are available in the state. Whether you are looking for mementos, branded apparel , electronic items ,books , local food products, antiques and curios, or just browsing around, you will find it a pleasant experience.The street along Batu Ferringhi is great for a stroll as it comes alive after dark with stalls selling all manner of souvenir items. To shop for local pastries, pickled fruits and medicinal oils, visitors should head for Chowrasta Bazaar which is full of local flavor.


One of the main highlight of a trip to Penang is the food. While the island has its fair share of international restaurants and fast food outlets, it’s local fare that has visitors coming back again and again. With stalls , food courts and coffee shops taking up space on practically every street, the complaint is that there’s too much choice. You will be amazed at the sheer variety of Chinese, Malay,Indian and Nyonya cuisine vying for your attention. Don’t miss delicious street food like asam laksa, hokkien mee, chee cheong fun, char koay teow, pasembor and mee goreng.

You can also try delicious Peranakan or Nyonya food such as mee siam, otak-otak ,enche kabin and kari kapitan. Equally delicious is nasi Kandar, an Indian Muslim specialty. Seafood restaurants offering a wide variety of scrumptious dishes are found in abundance along the coastal areas of the island as well as the mainland.



Located in Teluk Bahang, the 100 hectare park provides a good introduction to the rainforest and its many native species of flora and fauna as well as birds and insects. Many flowing streams and freshwaters pools along the trails as well as a children’s playground make the experience more enlivening. The museum was set up to encourage a greater understanding and appreciation of the rainforest in Penang


Previously known as Penang Butterfly farm ,entopia sits on 9290 square metres of exhibition space in Teluk Bahang. Branded as an Entomological Utopia,this is a sanctuary for 15000 species of live butterflies  dragonflies and fireflies from around the world. This nature learning destination will reconnect visitors to the true spirit of human nature to live harmoniously with Mother nature.


Sprawled over 2 acres of open landscaped walkways is a museum housing a collection of more than 120000 toys that will charm both young and old. They include Hollywood licensed toys and iconic life sized figures. The museum itself is set in a Heritage Garden that showcases a wealth of tropical plants including herbs and spices, fruit trees and even carnivorous plants such as the Venus flytrap and monkey cup.


Meaning “Temple of Supreme Bliss” in Penang Hokkien, the Buddhist temple is a visible landmark in Air Itam. Built in 1890, the seven storey pagoda of 10000 Buddhas combines a Chinese octagonal bas with a middle tier of Thai design and a Burmese crown. On a hillside is a 302m bronze statue of the goddess Kwan Yin.The temple is particularly during the Chinese New Year celebrations when it is lit up.


Just minutes from the city centre , is the popular seafront promenade.It was completed in 1936 but renamed in 1952 after Sir Henry Gurney ,the British High Commissioner who served  in Malaya from 1951  to 1952 and was assassinated by communist guerillas. At night, the Gurney Drive hawker centre is one of the most well known eateries on the island, the perfect place for visitors to try an array of local fare.


The main shrine and pagoda of Wat Chayamangkalaram was built in 1845 and houses a 108 foot gold plated statue of the reclining Buddha,said to be one of the longest in the world. This traditional Thai complex also houses smaller shrines of Buddhas and popular  Thai deities .In addition  to local Thais, the temple is popular with devotees of all nationalities who come to the temple on various religious occasions throughout the year.


Located within the grounds of University Sains Malaysia in Gelugor ,the museum was named in honour of Tuanku Fauzih Binti  Tengku  Abdul Rashid, a former Raja Permaisuri Agong (Queen) of Malaysia. The upper floor of the museum is devoted to archaeology , mining and space exploration. The ground floor features the art gallery and other galleries displaying traditional musical instruments and copies of the Quran.

The temple was originally built circa 1850 in memory of a Buddhist deity, Chor Soo Kong.Legend has it that snakes mysteriously appeared of their own accord after the temple was built.Sensing thatthis was a good omen, the monk gave shelter to the snakes and allowed them to take up residence in the sacred halls. Today the temple is home to pit vipers that appear rather docile, possibly tranquilized by the heavy incense smoke.


The Penang War Museum, located on Bukit Batu Maung, was erected on the original defence complex built by the British before World War II.During War , it was a defence fort. Today ,this sprawling historical complex exhibits various war paraphernalia as well as historical timelines. A reminder of the past , the museum is dedicated to those who served and died defending the country.

A great way to  get away from it all is a drive to the top of Bukit Genting Hill where the serene environment is matched  by breathtaking views of the surroundings, especially at sunset. After a stroll to enjoy the landscaped gardens, visitors can stop by the restaurant that serves Thai food for both lunch and dinner. Bukit Genting Hill is in Balik Pulau about 24 km from George Town.

Completed in 1985, the Penang Bridge is one of Malaysia’s iconic landmarks, linking the island of Penang with the mainland. Its 13.5 m carriage makes it the second longest bridge in Malaysia and the fifth longest in Southeast Asia. The award winning bridge is also famous as the venue of the Penang Bridge International Marathon which attracts runners from all over the world.


The restored house of Malaysia’s movie legend, the late P Ramlee, is located fittingly on Jalan P Ramlee in George Town .This Malay Kampong house where he was born in 1929 belonged to this grandmother .It has been furnished to resemble its original setting. Adjacent to the house is a gallery which is a tribute to his career spanning the 50s and 60s.


The mansion’s distinctive indigo –blue outer wall earns it the nickname “ the Blue Mansion” .Built in the 1880s by the wealthy Cheong Fatt Tze, the award winning mansion is a combination of Su Chow Dynasty period architecture, English fittings and Art Nouveau stained glass windows, with careful attention to Feng Shui, the Chinese art of geomancy. The mansion also serves as a boutique hotel, offering a truly unique heritage experience.


The Clan Jetties are one of the last bastions of old Chinese settlements with enclaves of wooden stilt houses perched over the sea. With the construction of the quay in 1882, the waterfront was developed and settlements grew around these foundations. Gradually each jetty is identified with certain clans. The Chew Jetty is the largest and most well-known, with the most number of stilt houses and longest walkways as well as a temple.


The art gallery is dedicated to works of local artists and paintings of old Penang. Previously located within the Penang State Museum, it has now been moved to Dewan Sri Pinang. There are 2 galleries displaying a collection of permanent paintings at level 3 and a contemporary gallery on the ground floor. Various activities are held throughout the year including forum, art talk, painting workshops and competition.


The history of Fort Cornwallis goes back 2 centuries to when Captain Sir Francis Light of the British East India Company first landed on the island in 1786.In order to protect the base from any foreign military forces and pirates, the Captain decided to build a fort, named after the then Governor General in Bengal. The fort is a preserved historical landmark within the George Town UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE.


Originally belonging to Kapitan Chung Keng Quee, the mansion has been restored and refurbished to its former glory to offer a glimpse of the typical opulent lifestyle of a rich Peranakan or Straits born Chinese Family as well as their many customs and traditions.With more than 1000 pieces of artefacts, antiques and collectibles on display, the mansion itself is of eclectic design and architecture.


Located south of Fort Cornwallis,the Queen Victoria Memorial Clock tower was commissioned in 1897 to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. This gleaming whitewashed tower is topped by a Moorish dome,with 4 distinct sections featuring a working clock on each side. Although hardly noticeable, the clock tower leans slightly to one side due to the impact of bombs dropped around it during World War II.


Located on Faruhar Street in the city centre ,the museum together with the art gallery –was opened in 1965 with an emphasis on local history, art and crafts. The museum is divided into galleries dedicated to Penang’s historical communities, as well as particular historical events.It also houses a fine collection of old photograhs ,maps , Chinese furniture m embroidery , costumes and other relics.


A short walk along Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, otherwise known as the Street of Harmony, demonstrates how the island’s 4 main communities can coexist peacefully. At the northern end of the street is St George’s church , the first Anglican church in Southeast Asia Just minutes away is the Goddess of Mercy Temple, one of Penang’s oldest surviving buildings dating back to 1800s.Visitors will also find the Sri Maha Mariamman Kovil, the oldest Hindu Temple on the island. Further along the street, the minaret and dome of the imposing Kapitan Keling Mosque rise above the rooftops.

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