Wednesday 5 December 2018



The Shuangfeng Forest Farm , located in Mudanjiang’s Dahailin area, is known far and near as the Home of Snow. Partly because of its mountainous climate, the forest farm that rises 1100 meters above sea level witnesses only a few sunny days in summer and heavy snowfalls in winter. With an average depth of 2 meters,the snow does not melt in 7 months each year and forms various shapes, such as mushrooms, running horses and squatting rabbits , comprising a fairy tale world.


Situated 160 kiloeters away from Hailin City, Heilonhjiang Province, the ski ground has 2 alpine skiing course, with a total length of 1860 meters and an average width of 70 meters and a cross country skiing course that is 5000 meters long and 5 meters wide. The skiing season is from mid-December to early April of the next year.


Located in southeastern Heiloongjiang Province, Suifenhe borders Russia’s most prosperous coastal border area in the Far East.It governs a territory of 460 square kilometres and has national borderline of 27.6 kilometres. There are 2 highroads and a railway linking Suifenhe to Russia, through which trains and other vehicles shuttle between China and abroad.It is only 210 kilometres away from Vladivostok, the largest Russian port in the Far East and 270 kilometres away from Nakhodka,a Russian free trade areain the Far East. Via such ports as Vladivostok and Nakhodka, cargos can be directly transported to Japan, North Korea, South Korea and countries and regions of Southeast Asia. Currently, Suifenhe is China’s biggest land and ocean trade port connecting to the Sea of Japan and a transnational combined transportation hub. It also serves as an important “window” and “bridge” for Northeast China to participate in international cooperation.


Located in Dongning County,Mudanjiang City , the fortresses are mainly scattered around the border area between China and Russia. They include the Mt SHenghong Underground Fortress, Mt Zhaori Underground Fortress, Mt Xunshan Underground Fortress ,Mt Mada Underground Fortress, no 409 Hill Fortress  and Mt Sanjiao Underground Fortress. Those underground and over ground defense works are recognized as the largest and most typical military fortifications during the World War II that have ever found in Asia. Each year some 120000 tourists from home and abroad visit here.


Situatedin southeastern Heilongjiang Province’s Jixi City, the Xingkai Lake covers 4380 square kilometres and is the biggest border lake between China and Russia. Formed due to volcanic eruption, the lake is famous for its vastness and magnificence across the world. Owing to its clear water and soft sands, the lake has become a preeminent freshwater bathing place.


As a national AA grade tourist resort, it lies 42kiomters away from downtown Jixi. Its main scenic spots include the Thread of sky, the Lying Buddha Range, the 100 Bird Garden, the Saint Square and the Unicorn Lake. There are also such entertainment facilities as natatorums, skiing grounds, horse racing grounds and water recreations.


Located in northern Hutou Town, Hulin City, is one of the 17 military fortifications constructed by invading Japanese on the China Russian and China Mongolia borders. The entire fortification occupies seven hills, including Menghu Hill,Hubei Hill, Hudong Hill, Huxi Hill and HuxiaoHill.The HutouMilitary fortification witnessed the termination of the World War II.On the site now stands the Museum of Hutou Military Fortification of Invading Japanese Troops, which is a historical site of worldwide significance.


Situated in northeastern Taoshan District, Qitaihe City, the Taoshan Lake is the second largest reservoir around  Heilongjiang Province. It is embraced by mountains n 3 directions. Here, tourists can enjoy blooming flowers in spring, boating on lake in summer, fallen leaves of various colors in autumn and ice and snow sights in winter. Based on the reservoir, local government has developed a tourist and holiday resort that integrates modernity and tradition, as well as natural scenery and cultural sights.

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