Tuesday, 11 December 2018



The ancient town of Anjara is located in the hills of Gilead,east of the Jordan Valley. The Bible makes mention of this town as a place where Jesus, his mother Mary and his disciples passed through and rested in a nearby cave.

The cave, which has long been a Holy place for pilgrims , has now been commemorated with the Church of Our Lady of the Mountain. The cave was also designated by the Catholic Churches of the Middle East as one of the 5 pilgrimage sites for the year 200.The others were Mount Nebo, Machaerus ,Tall Mar Elias near Ajlun and Bethany Beyond the Jordan.

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。