Wednesday 12 December 2018



On the plains of Central Asia there are many cities with hundreds of architectural monuments from various epochs. Among the most famous are Samarkanad, Bukhara, Khiva , Shakhrisabz, Termez and Kokand. These cities were centers of science and art.

 Great architects created palaces, mosques and mausoleums, world famous monuments of ancient architecture, to memorialize Alexander the Great and Gengiz Khan. Many of these masterpieces did not service, but by visiting those which have been preserved, it is possible to glimpse pages of history.


Uzbekistan –this is amazing country in Central Asia, which has a huge century-long history and remains unknown to many foreigner.History of the Uzbek people is closely intertwined with the history of other Turkic people of Central Asia and beyond present Uzbekistan.The appearance of the first states in Uzbekistan refers to VII-VII centuries BC , with establishment of such states as Khorezm and Bactria. The ancient cities on the territory of modern Uzbekistan are Tashkent, Khiva, Samarkand, Bukhara , Shakhrisabz, Karshi, Termez and Margilan.

Uzbekistan has almost everything: beautiful green landscape, stunning mountain ranges, wild animals and birds, crystal clear air. What attracts tourists to Uzbekistan> According to Statistics internet survey, the majority of respondents -39% visit the country because of the interest in its historical and architectural attractions.

 Another group 24% of visits Uzbekistan for familiarization with the culture, traditions and way of life. Thus, most of the tourists want to visit: historic sites, monuments, museums and art galleries, ancient buildings, such as old forts, mosques, libraries and parks, national and cultural events.

Hospitality and culture of Uzbekistan –is a part of heritage of our ancestors, who taught us patience to stick monuments preservation and development of Uzbekistan and in particular all the historical cities!

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