Wednesday 20 November 2019


Soft and hard adventure activities that you can experience in and around Pokhara are so unique that you get nowhere else in the world,

Nepal is a pioneer trekking destination in the world. Pokhara area is the centre if trekking in Nepal. Annapurna region is known as Trekking Paradise.Round Annapurna Trek is one out of the best 10 trekking routes in the world. We recommend you to arrange trekking only through trekking agencies that are registered with the government. Annapurna , Dhaulagiri and Manaslu are major trekking regions in this area. The trekking routes are of different duration from daily hikes to 3 weekend or even more.

Pokhara has been popular gateway and rest place for trekkers and mountaineers since 1950 . Successful climbing of world's highest mountain peaks elevating more than 8000 meters above sea level started from Pokhara region. It is the place to start expeditions to Annapurna and Dhaulagiri regions. A famous French mountaineer Maurice Herzog also started his expedition from Pokhara and successfully climbed 8091 m high Annapurna first for the first time in the human history in 1950.

There are several hills and hillocks around Pokhara for day or 2 day hikes. Kahun hill, Sarangkot, Kaskikot, Naundanda, Australian Camp, Astam, Armalakot, Rupakot, Pachabhaiya hill, Kalikasthan , Pumdi, Mattikhan , Nirmal Pokhari, Gharmi , Thulakot, Dhampus etc are some hill stations and hiking places from where we can enjoy local culture, sunrise , sunset , panoramic mountain view etc

You can go for a half a day or full day for pony trek and enjoy the tranquil routes in interlands and surrounding of Pokhara by experiencing the real rustic life. You can also go for several night hold pony treks.

Chartered Mountain Flights from Pokhara take you to the close spectacular view of some of the world's tallest Himalayas in Annapurna region. Mountain flight is also interesting for even those who have done their trekking. It gives you value addition to the experience of trekking. Mountain flights give chances to see the whole mountain range at one glance. Pokhara is a place, which offers crystal clear sky even during the winter. Helicopter services are also available for those who wish to make it a more private affair.

Can you imagine sharing the same air space with the Himalayan griffin vultures , eagles and kites as you soar over the river , lakes and villages? the mountains loom over you to your north and below you the landscape is dotted with paddy fields and hamlets . Probably that's why Pokhara is amongst the hospot for Paragliding in the world. Although you can experience paragliding all the months of the year, the best time is between September to April.

If you have a dream to fly like birds, come to Pokhara , leave your woes behind on earth , soar to heights , bathe in the clouds, reach out for the mountains and kiss the azure sky as you fly across. This also offers opportunities to take some of the most breathtaking views. It operates regular flights from Pokhara airport; September to June. No such flights during the months of July and August.

Whether you would like to Kayak in Phewa, Begnas lakes or raft down the Seti river, Pokhara has it all. Because of its proximity to  the mountains, other snow fed wild rivers also run through surrounding areas, making Pokhara region a top rafting destination. Beside Seti River, rafting trips to other major rivers like Trisuli, Marsyangdi and Kali Gandaki also begin and end in Pokhara.

Wouldn't you like to pedal push your way through waterfalls, up and down treacherous slopes and amidst centuries old monasteries and rice granaries?Well, that's mountain biking in Pokhara region in a nutshell for you . On one hand, you have to cycle through lush forests and culturally heterogeneous communities while on the other hand, up steep mountains and through cruel mountain rivers. Places like Nirmalpokhari , Dhampus , Sikles , Rupakot, Astam, Panchase, Kahun Hill , Sarangkot, Jomsom, Baglung etc are famous mountain biking destinations around Pokhara.

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