Wednesday 20 November 2019


Though small, Nepal can fulfill travelers' each desire  -from ascending the Himalayas to watching birds and wildlife in the plains, from adventure sports to pilgrimage tours. Lonely Planet described Nepal's multi activity functionality . " Mountains are only half the Nepal story. The towns of Kathmandu Valley are jam packed with pagoda - roofed, temples and the national parks of plains are teemed with exotic wildlife.On a single trip to Nepal you can climb a mountain , meditate in a monastery , ride on a bus roof, sip Chang ( rice beer ) with a Sherpa , get chased by rhino and have your bananas nicked by monkey - how many countries can compete with that? "

" Trekking in Nepal is one of the Travel Benchmarks like seeing the Taj Mahal or diving the Great Barriers Reef or the first time you eat fried locusts. By the end of your trek you may vow not to climb anything higher than the stair around your home town, but the experience of the Himalaya will stay with you for life time.

POKHRA valley, a perfect combination of tranquility and beauty , which lies 200 kms west from capital city of Kathamndu is located between the Great Himalayan and Mahabharata Ranges in the Western Development Region of Nepal. In fact, it is centrally located in the geographically map of Nepal. The ariel distance to southern border Sunauli is 78 kms and the distance to the northern border is only 72 kms. It is the only place in the world from where we can enjoy the magnificent view of snow capped massive mountains of above 8000 meter elevation while sitting below 1000 meter above sea level.Out of the 14 highest mountain peaks of the world elevating higher than 8000 meters., 3 of them Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Manaslu can be seen from Pokhara. It is an enchanting city nestled in a tranquil valley which is also gateway to the world of adventure like trekking , mountaineering and many more. In broader sense, total area of Chitwan, Gorkha, Manang, Mustang, Lumbini etc is known as Greater Pokhara Region, Pokhara in Proper is a head quarter of Western Development Region, Gandaki Zone and Kaski District . Pokhara region is the most attractive tourism destination for general interest as well as special interest tourists. It is admired by different types of tourists like holiday spenders, honeymooners, adventure lovers, pilgrims and many more.

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