Monday 1 July 2019


Agriculture in Uzbekistan employs 28% of the country's labor force and contributes 24% of its GDP. Crop agriculture requires irrigation and occurs mainly in river valleys and oases. Cultivable land is 4.4 million hectares, or about 10% of Uzbekistan 's total area and it has to be shared between crops and cattle. Desert pastures cover fully 50% of the country , but they support only sheep.

Cotton is Uzbekistan's main crop. Uzbekistan is the 6th largest producer and 2nd largest exporter of cotton in the world. However, because of the risks associated with one crop economy as well as from considerations of food security for the population, Uzbekistan has been moving to diversify its production into cereals, while reducing cotton production because the large quantities of irrigation and fertilization needed to produce cotton have contributed to the drying up of the Aral Sea and to the severe pollution of the soil in the surrounding areas.

The main cereals are wheat , barley , corn and also rice, which are grown in intensively irrigated oases. Minor crops include sesame , onions , flax and tobacco . Fresh fruits are mainly consumed domestically while dried fruits are also exported . Uzbek melons , known for their long life and unique taste are widely sought after in the large cities of the CIS.

Pelts of the karakul bred in Bukhara and its environs are a traditional export commodity , but their contribution to total exports today is negligible. Cattle , sheep and chickens are raised for meat.
The low milk yields are attributable to insufficient feed and reluctance of peasants to use artificial insemination for breed improvement.

Although silkworms and mulberry trees have existed in Uzbekistan since the 4th century and the country is known for its colourfully patterned silks , the silk industry continues to be statistically insignificant. 

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