Saturday, 2 March 2019

Portugal Tomar - Church Of Nossa Senhora Da Graca/ Misericordia

The Misericordia de Tomar ( Holy House of Mercy of Tomar ) was founded  by King, D Manuel I in 1510. The igrej de Nossa Senhora da Graca, or Nossa Senhora da Cadeia , is commonly known as Miseri cordia. It is a Mannerist building built in the second half of the 16th century. The image of the patroness fills the niche that completes the elegant sixteenth -century portico, with a triangular pediment integrated into a perfect round arch over two Doric columns. the high altar received rocaille carving. The nave is decorated with rectangular stone frames and glazed tiles. The " " Eucharistic Miracle of Santo Antonio"by Gregorio Lopes is a highlight of the church. 

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