Saturday, 2 March 2019

Portugal Tomar - The order of the Temple

Created in 1120 by Hugo de Payens in Jerusalem , the Order of the Templars was meant to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. The Knights Templars united under a vow of holiness, poverty and chivalry, spontaneously renouncing their own interests and conveniences , promoting simplicity , recollection , purity and spiritual life.
They obtained from Pope Honours II the status of Religious and Military order and in the Temple of Solomon , in Jerusalem , had their first seat being designated by " Order of the Poor Knights of Christ of the Temple of Jerusalem". This became the richest and most powerful institution in the medieval world, shrouded in legends, secrets and mysticism . Because of this power , on 13 October 1307, the king of France , Philip IV , began the process that led to the extinction of the Templars. His Knights were imprisoned, tortured and charged with heresy. This process dragged itself until 1314, culminating in the death of the last Templar Master , Jacques de Molay, in Paris.

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。