Wednesday 26 June 2019


The Terezin Fortress today is a sad reminder of the atrocities that happened during the Second World War.The fortress town of Terezin was constructed in the late 18th century as a defense against invasions by the Prussians, however the evolution of weaponry and military strategies meant that it was never used for military purposes. It stretches  across both banks pf the river Ohre (Eger) , which separates the Small Fortress from the Main Fortress.

The Main Fortress served as a Jewish ghetto under Nazi occupation in the Second World War . But it also became a jail for leading politicians , scientists and artists of the prewar era. From here, the Nazis sent the Jewish inhabitants to death camps such as Auschwitz and Treblinka. The Small Fortress was used as a prison by the Prague Gestapo in 1940-1945


After the Second World War, the Terezin Memorial was established in the small fortress to commemorate the victims of racial and political  persecution during the Nazi occupation. It is now a National Cultural Monument. Part of it is the Ghetto Museum, which represents an exhibition on the " final solution of the Jewish question" in 1941 -1845. The exhibition was created in collaboration with former prisoners of the Terezin Ghetto and with the help of hundreds of documents , drawings , objects , letters and films about life in the prison. Is is also a testament to the human will to survive, even in barbarous conditions  and the creative and artistic acts the people engaged in as a way to help them endure the situation.

The historical city of Litomerice spreads along the river Labe (Elbe) just a few kilometers from Terezin. Be sure not to miss the interactive exhibition on Czech wine making in the newly reconstructed castle in the city centre. You also sample some of the wine here.


Since the Middle Ages, Olomouc has been the stage for major events in Czech history and is the traditional spiritual and historical and is the traditional spiritual and historical centre of Moravia. After Prague, it is second most significant urban conservation area in the country. Today, it is also a lively university town with a picturesque historical centre full of pleasant nooks, Baraque fountains and cosy cafes. More than  100000 visitors come to Olomouc each year and if you are not yet among them , it's time to do something about it!

Start your tour with the towers of the St Weneceslas Cathedral , then visit a treasury of art and ecclesiastical works, explore the nearby underground , or learn about the history of the foundations of the Premyslid Royal Palace. On the upper square, Horni namesti, direct your gaze up to the Holy Trinity Column , a UNESCO monument. On the same square stands the Town Hall from 1378 with an astronomical clock designed in the spirit of Socialist Realism, which after Prague 's Old town Orloj, is the second largest astronomical clock in the country. Be sure not to miss the symbol of ecclesiastical power, the Archbishop's Palace, which will dazzle you with the splendour of its halls.

The city of Olomouc was protected by a unique system of fortifications, consisting of twenty forts and other military objects. During the Napoleonic wars, General Lafayette was imprisoned here and Marshal Suvorov stayed here. Now the buildings are connected by a 30 kilometers educational trail for hikers and cyclists.

The pride of Olomouc is the Holy Trinity Column, which was consecrated in 1754 in the presence of Empress Maria Theresa. The column represents the largest grouping of Baroque statues in Central Europe. Because of its historical and artistic value, the column was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Its height and monumentality will impress you at first sight. It is so large that it even contains a small chapel.

About 5 kilometers northeast of Olomous lies the large pilgrimage site of Holy Hill ( Svaty Kopecek) , which is a destination of pilgrims and admirers of Baroque beauty alike . You can visit the elegant Basilica of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary , which Pope John Paul II elevated to a  basilica minor during his visit in 1995. Also be sure to visit the local zoo will have animals, the basilica and Olomouc at your fingertips.

You should also taste the local specialty -the famous Olomouc tvaruzky . It is a ripened cheese which is completely unique in its zingy flavour and characteristic aroma.

The famous composer and conductor Gustav Mahler stayed in Olomouc in 1882. Mahler is also associated with one of the houses on the square, which now houses  a cafe bearing its name.


Plzen is a city that literally lives through beer. It all began in 1842, when the beer with a unique colour and taste , Pilsner Urquell , was tapped for the first time at the Mestansky brewery ( today Plzensky Prazdroj) .You can taste this superb beer at the Na Spilce Restaurant - the Largest Czech beerhall - which is located in the former fermentation cellar.

The city is dominated by the St. Bartholomew Cathedral ,which has the highest church tower in the Czech Republic .From the tower, there is a beautiful view of the historic city centre and the wooded hills of the Plzen Basin. A strong Jewish community formed in Plzen in 1893 around the Great Synagogue , which is the third largest in the world.

Proof of Plzen 's important is its victory in the competition for the title of European capital of Culture for 2015.

If you want to learn about the history of Pilsner Urquell beer, be sure not to miss  a  trip to the internationally famous brewery that gave the world the Pils style of beer. An exhibition will acquaint you with the whole procedure of making the excellent beer. You will become familiar with the ingredients used, the historical and current brew houses and the bottling plant . A real treat is a tasting of filtered , unpasteurized Pilsner Urquell beer straight form the barrel. Also visit the Brewery Museum, where you can explore the Gothic malt house with a well, a 2 level cellar and the former tavern , along with hundreds of unique exhibits illustrating the history of beer brewing from ancient times to the present.

The Liberation Festival is q unique event, expressing gratitude to the U.S Army for the liberation of Plzen. In a 1940s atmosphere with the heart stirring appearance of American veterans, Jeeps ride down the street carrying soldiers in American Uniform. Everywhere people are dancing and jazz is playing. Fighter planes fly overhead and leading the Freedom Convoy  is the legendary M4 Sherman tank. Where better to be in early May than in Plzen?

In the urban conservation area , you will see typical burgher houses and a historical underground network built beginning in the 144th century . An 800 metre tour circuit leads through a labyrinth of medieval corridors, cellar and wells.

You also can visit 4 apartment interiors  designed by the world famous architect Adolf Loos.


For centuries, Bohemian Paradise (Cesky Raj) has attracted artists , writers and romantics of all kinds. Discover the unique harmony of bizarre rock towns, deep pine forests and majestic castles and chateaux and lose yourself doe a while in the rock mazes of Bohemian Paradise , a UNESCO Geopark!

The sandstone rock towns and mazes of Bohemian paradise will thrill you with countless passageways between the rocks. You will squeeze through narrow crevices between rocks and climb up from inside them to be rewarded with marvelous views. You will find the best vista in the Hruba Skala rock town from the Marian Lookout. It offers magnificent views of Jested Mountain and particularly of the Hruba Skala Chateau and the ruins of Trosky Castle.
Thanks to the effects of natural forces, today you can admire the abundance of igneous rocks which form the dominant feature of the landscape. Enjoy amazing views from the Kozakov lookout tower, from the ruins of trosky castle, or from the top of Zebin Hill.


Bohemian Paradise is not only about the beauty of nature but also an array of castles and chateaux . Directly atop the rocks is the elegant Hruba Skala Chateau , where you can stay and enjoy the beauty of Boherrmian Paradise right from your own room. Another attraction is the impressive ruins of Trosky castle, which stands on 2 volcanic plugs and is an unmistakable landmark of the region. The silhouette of its two towers -called Baba and Panna ( Crone and Maiden) - made it a destination for tormented poets and painters in the Romantic period. Also worth a visit are the impregnable castle Kost and the romantic Sychrov Chateau.

If you are going to Bohemian Paradise for a ramble through nature, it is best to start in Turnov. From there, you will set off to the Southeast on a scenic rocky path through the Hruba Skala area. The entire trip is within 2km of a railway, so it's up to you hoe far to walk. From Turnov , follow the red hiking trail. First visit the pictiuresque Valdstejb rock castle, and then continue on an underdemanding walk up to the Hruba Skala Chateau. It is certainly worthwhile to keep following the red trail ail the way to the Trosky castle ruin, which is 15 kilometres from Turnov.

If you want to bring back a traditional and valuable piece of jewelry from Czech Republic, then it should made of Bohemian garnets. At the Garnet Gallery in Turnov, you can learn all about history of mining garners and the production of jewelry in the region. Other high quality souvenirs from your travels through Bohemian Paradise are jewelry from traditional glass beads and the glass figurines typical of this region.

CZECH REPUBLIC - Mělník Chateau

Visit the place where 23 Czech queens and princess have lived. The Renaissance chateau in Melnik , together with the Church of Sts Peter and Paul, rises  above the confluence of the rivers Labe (Elbe) and Vltava. A tour of the chateau represents the rich collection of paintings and furniture of the Lobkowicz family , which owns the chateau today.

From the chateau's terrace and restaurant will enjoy magnificent views of the confluence of the Labe and Vltava rivers , the majestic Rip mountain, the volcani peaks of the Ceske Stredohori ( central Bohemian Uplands) and the St. Ludmila Vineyard . The best known wine from Melnik, Lidmila in its distinctive bottle, is named for St Ludmila. You can taste it in the chateau cellars.


In the Great Hall of the chateau you can admire part of an outstanding collection of vedutas and maps of European countries and cities from the 17th century, which are a testament to the excellent skill of cartographers, graphic artists and printers of that period. A comparable group of maps can be found only in the collection of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

Near the chateau , in the crypt of the Church f Sts Peter and Paul , you can visit one of the biggest ossuaries in the Czech Republic , containing the bones of up to 15000 people.

The Melnik Regional Museum is located in the former Capuchin monastery right in the centre of town and focuses in the history of wine making in the region . A wine  tasting in the 14th century cellars here brings the museum tour to a pleasant conclusion.  


The Nelahozeves Chateau, with interiors richly decorated with frescoes , is among the most beautiful Renaissance buildings in the Czech Republic. It is also includes a museum and gallery with the exhibition " Private Spaces" . A Noble Family at Home ", which examines the lifestyle of the noble Lobkowicz  family in the 19th century. This family ha splayed a major role in the history of Central Europe for more than 600 years and also boasted the title of prince if the Holy Roman Empire. They were patrons of science and of artists such as Ludwig van Beethoven , among others.

The chateau holds one of the largest Czech collections of Spanish painting from the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The Lobkowicz collections contain some  1500 paintings , including masterpieces by Brueghel , Velazquez , Rubens , Cranach , Croll and others.

From the early spring until autumn , a popular music  festival called Dvorak's Musical Nelahozeves runs at the chateau. The festival is a celebration of the works of Antonim Dvorak, whose birthplace and museum is located just below the chateau.

The nearby Veltrusy Chateau is a Baroque building with a beautifully landscape park, where centuries old trees tower above sculptures and pavilions and time seems to have stood still.


The protected Landscape Area of Krivoklatsko conceals a castle which, due to its excellent location surrounded by forests full of game , was a favourite of many Czech kings. This royal residence was built in the 13th century as a seat of the ruling Premyslid dynasty. Vestiges of Czech kings and the splendour of  their lifestyle is still evident today at every step. The halls of the castle witnessed many festivities and feasts but also many consequential political talks and fateful diplomatic negotiations.

During a tour, you will be dazzled by the interiors of the Late Gothic Chapel and the Royal Hall. You will be amazed by the library with 52000 volumes. Chills will run down your spine on a visit to the torture chamber . And you will be awed by the magnificent view from the Great Tower. Cultural events and traditional markets at the castle will acquaint you with the crafts and good s produced by the inhabitants of the Krivoklatsko region.

The most valuable part of the castle , with a massive cylindrical tower, is the Royal Hall , which has splendid star vaulting . After the Vladislav Hall at Prague Castle, it is the second largest hall in the Czech Republic.

Every year in the first week of August, a traditional craft fair and the Krivorezani woodcarvers' festival are held in the courtyard of the castle . You will see dozens of master woodcarvers at work and also permanent exhibition of their creations.


Cesky Sternberk Castle , called the " Pearl of Posazavi" , towers above the central part of the river Sazava. The family that founded the castle still owns it today and the current owner, Zdenek Sternberg , live here.

A tour circuit will lead you through fifteen richly furnished rooms, from the representative Knight's Hall, to parlous and salons with furniture from various historical periods to the Hunters' hall , which is decorated with a variety of hunting trophies. You will learn about the fate and lifestyle of the most recent generations of the oldest still existing Czech family.

Be sure not to miss the former monastery in Sazava , 12 kilometers away. The monastery was the centre of slavic education from 1032 until its closure in the 18th century . Its greatest treasure is the Sazava Madonna, the only  one in the world in which she appears to be disciplining the young Jesus!


In the castle , you can see a unique collection of 545 etchings from the time of the Thirty years' War.
In the summer, don't miss a falconry demonstration in the castle courtyard. The fascinating tradition of hunting with trained birds of prey dates back more than 4000 years and in 2010 it earned a place on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.


Bohemian Switzerland ( Ceske Svycarsko) is one of the four national parks in the Czech Republic . Massive rock towers , gates , walls , gorges, towns and mazes were formed through the erosion of Cretaceous marine sediments. The park is 97% covered by forests. Its location at the border with Germany makes the Saxon Switzerland National Park its neighbour.

The gateway to Bohemian Switzerland is the town of Hrensko, which is the lowest lying municipality in the Czech Republic .The 20 kilometers nature trail around Hrenkso takes you through all of Bohemian Switzerland -leading past steep walls, through tunnels and in some places just by ferryboat along the river Kamenice. In the past , the Kamenice was both an obstacle and also a source of income, from floating wood down the waterway and fishing trout and salmon. Today, the gorges are a tourist attraction , equipped with floating walkways , tunnels , footbridges and a weir. Silent (Ticha) Gorge, also known as Edmund 's ( Edmundova) Gorge , was opened in 1890 and Wild ( Divoka) Gorge in 1898.

Enjoy the panoramas from the look out point at Mary's Rock , Saunstejn or Belvedere, which is the oldest observation spot in Czech Switzerland. It offers a beautiful view of the 130 metre canyon of the river Labe ( Elbe ) and of the Zirkelstein and Kaiserkrone plateux on the German side.

The heart of Bohemian Switzerland of Pravcicka brana , which is the largest natural rock gate in Europe. This rock formation's monumental height and mass will completely astonish you -it spans 27 metres  and rises to a height of 21 meters . A testament to the enchanted atmosphere of Pravcicka brana is the fact that the famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen wrote part of his fairy tale " The Snow Queen " here. It has also charmed Hollywood filmmakers, who shot several scenes for The Chronicles of Narnia here.

If you are caught in rainy weather , head to the House of Bohemian Switzerland in Krasna Lipa.You also will find an interactive exhibition which will delight anyone who wants  to discover the landscape of Bohemian Switzerland with all the senses. The highlight is  a twenty minute projection of the stirring film The mysterious Landscape.

CZECH REPUBLIC - Konopiště Chateau

Konopiste Chateau was founded in the late 13th century as a Gothic fortress. Through many modifications over the centuries, it was gradually rebuilt into a romantic chateau, which in 1887 was bought by the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand d'Este. His enthusiasm for technical progress brought the chateau all the modern comforts of the time - running water , electricity, a hydraulic lift and flushing toilets. After his marriage to Countess Sophie Chotek, the couple settled here. Their romantic love story, along with the Belle Epoque , ended in the summer of 1914  in Sarajevo with an assassin's bullet,which triggered the start of the First World War.

Tour circuits will take you into the living areas , guest quarters, dining room and armoury , allowing you for a while to imagine life at the chateau before the First World War.


Franz Ferdinand d' Este was an avid art collector and with his assembly pf woodcarvings , paintings  and a variety of other artistic artefacts relating to the cult of St George, he wanted to outdo King Edward Vii himself , who had the same collections passion. You can see the surviving items from the collection at the Museum of St George.

Make sure not to miss a tour of the rose garden with green houses, which will inspire you to relax. They grow subtropical and tropical plants here and also variety ' Marshal" which was a great favourite of Countess Sophie.



Karkstejn holds an exceptional position among Czech castles . It was founded in 134 by Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV as a place for safekeeping the royal treasures, collections of Holy relics and the Czech Crown Jewels. He had them stored  under the gilded dome of the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Charles IV personally oversaw the completion of the imperial residence and the decoration of the interiors, even conferring about it with his stargazers.

The most famous of Czech royal castles, concealed on 3 sides by high wooded slopes, it has retained its magical atmosphere to the present day. The castle is part of the Burgenstrasse -Castle Trail connecting more than 90 castles between Prague  and Mannheim , Germany.

The Chapel of the Holy Cross - the place where the crown jewels were stored -is located in the soaring Great Tower. The walls are covered with semiprecious stones and 129 rare panel paintings by Master Theodoric. The gilded dome decorated with Venetian glass lentoids created the perfect illusion of a starry sky and makes a visit to this sacred place a truly ethereal experience.

Visit the castle during the great traditional celebration of the wine harvest festival , which is held on the last weekend of September. the wine festivities are opened each year with the arrival of Charles IV and the empress.


Kutna Hora, the city of silver, rightly earned the second nickname " treasury of the country" . The wealth acquired through silver mining helped to bring about an economic boom for the Kingdom of Bohemia.

A unique structure which will ensure that your visit to this royal city is a memorable experience is the Late Gothic Church of St Barbara, dedicated to the patron saint of miners. This architectural and ecclesiastical jewel was constructed by master builders over a period of more than 500 years and is symbol of the power and importance of this mining town. Another architectural gem is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St John the Baptist in Sedlec, known as the " Cathedral of light " due to its huge windows. The prominent Czech architect Jan Blazej Santini-  Aichl took part in its reconstruction in the Baroque -Gothic style.

On a visit to the city, make sure not to miss the magnificent Stone Fountain and the Italian Court, which served as the central mint and a residence of Czech kings. At the Czech Museum Of Silver, a lively presentation will acquaint you with the history of silver mining here. As part of the tour, you will descend - equipped only with a portable light, a helmet and a miner's tunic - through a 250 metre corridor of a medieval mine.

The historical core of the city, together with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St John the Baptist , is listed as a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE

Kutna Hora has an ossuary which is unique in the world. Its decoration was created from the bones of nearly 40000  people from a liquidated cemetery. The ossuary is located in the underground part of the church in the Sedlec district of the city. After the abolition of the local monastery , the church and the ossuary passed into the possession of the Orlik branch of the Schwarzenberg family, who initiated the modification of the underground chapel's decoration into its present form.

The Royal Silvering is a historical celebration that reenacts a visit by the Czech and Roman King Wenceslas IV to Kutna Hora. A procession including members  of the court , knights , burghers and miners in historical attire passes through the city several times a day for an entire weekend. The atmosphere is enhanced by jousting tournaments , a historical market, courtly festivities and fireworks. It is held each year in June.

A major attraction in Kutna Hora is the Gallery of the Central Bohemia Region (GASK) in the former Jesuit college. Devoted mainly to the presentation of Czech modern art of the 19th and 20th centuries , GASK also presents exhibitions of contemporary art.


When King Charles IV sampled the mineral water from a spring in the forests surrounding Loket Castle in 1350, he decided to establish a spa here. About 200 years later, Karlovy Vary was attracting famous guests from all over the world and was the pearl of the West Bohemian spa triangle, which is a favourite to earn a place on the UNESCO World heritage List.

What to do first? Take a promenade along the colonnde and taste the waters from the 12 springs ?? visit beautiful church building? Sample a Becherovka and spa water at Grandhotel Pupp Spot the stars at the international film festival? Soak up the high society atmosphere on the golf  course or at the racetrack? With so much to do in Karlovy Vary, you are spoilt for choice !

The greatest wealth of Karlov Vary is the 12 hot mineral springs used for treating problems of the digestive tract, metabolic disorders as well as oncological and musculoskeletal diseases. You can stay at one of the dozens of beautiful spa buildings , villas or resort complexes . Among the most important hotels are the Granghotel Pupp, the Imperial Hotel and the Thermal Hotel.

Visit the Moser Museum , where you will discover the magical world of the luxurious crystal glass with a tradition dating back more than 150 years and learn why it is called " the glass of kings" .

The alchemy of producing Becherovka liqueur has been  a closely guarded secret for more than 200 years and it will not be divulged even at the Jan Becher Museum. Enjoy a visit to the newly reconstructed cellars where Becherivka was made for 143 years and taste the herbal liqueur at the bar.


Český Krumlov 

is one of the most beautiful Renaissance cities in Europe and after Prague Castle , it is the second most visited place in the country.Just a stroll through the historic city centre with its unparalleled medieval atmosphere will leave no doubt as to why 
 Český Krumlov is one of pearls on the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LIST
The dominant feature of the city is a chateau with 6 storey tower richly decorated with sgraffiti.
From here, you will have one of the most beautiful views of the picturesque old town. Among the most noteworthy sights at the chateau are the St. George Chapel, the Masquerade Hall and the bridge connecting the Upper Castle with the gardens and chateau theater. After visiting the best preserved, Baroque theatre in Europe, be sure not to miss the chateau garden with its cascading fountain . The garden is dominated by the fresco -decorated Bellarie Summer Palace, which along with the park becomes a backdrop for a revolving outdoor amphitheater.
The highlight of the cultural season is the annual  Český Krumlov International Music Festival.

On the other bank of the river Vltara which is connected with the chateau by a small bridge, is the old town , where you will find the splendid architecture of original town houses , the soaring Church of St .Vitus with the tomb of the Rozmberk ( Rosenberg) family and rustic medieval taverns and pubs.

During the Celebrations of the Five Petalled Rose, the city comes alive with jousting tournaments , craft markets , music and a historical procession. You will encounter characters in the role of Rozmberk family members and be entertained by jugglers and comedians. The tradition of the celebrations in Cesky Krumlov has gone unbroken since the days of the Austro -Hungarian monarchy. the festival is held at the beginning off summer.

The Seidel Photo Studio Museum is an exceptional cultural landmark with a unique archive of photographs of the local population from the turn of the 20th century . The historically preserved interiors and furnishings from 1905 will acquaint visitors with the daily lives of the studio's last owners.

The Egon Schiele Art Centre presents changing exhibitions with the main attractions being a permanent exhibition of works by the Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele. Let yourself be inspired by Cesky Krumlov , just like Schiele, who relocated here from Vienna in 1910.His lifestyle and his nudes of underage girls provoked so much animosity that he soon had to leave the city.


A blend of Czech , German and Jewish cultural influences in the Czech lands has always created an ideal environment for the development of the arts, science and architecture - especially in Prague, the nucleus of Czech history. How could one day ever be enough to absorb a thousand years' worth of history?

Prague is not the only treasury of cultural and natural wealth in the Czech Republic. But it is an ideal base for trips to places that are living chronicles pf European history and culture as well as to places where you can enjoy adrenaline-fueled experiences and explore unique natural land formations.

You won't regret it! If you are charmed at first sight by Prague, then you will fall in love with the Czech Republic for the rest of your life.

Tuesday 25 June 2019


from the discovery of a healing spring in the woods by Premonstratensian monks in 1197, 6 centuries passed before the location was granted the status of a spa and received its name, derived from Mary's Spring. In the 19th century, spa buildings sprang up around here faster than mushrooms in the surrounding forest. By the time the poet Goethe fell passionately in love with the young Ulrike here in the summer of 1823, a stay in Marianske Lazne had already become a must on the European social calendar.
Other famous guests have included Ema Destinnova , Richard Wagner, Frederic Chopin , Franz Kafka, Thomas Edison and hundreds of others.

The importance of this spa town is confirmed by the fact that it is one of the European spa towns applying for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Come here to relax in the care of the professionals at the spa and to taste the delicious spa wafers.

A real architectural gem and a perennially popular place to visit is the cast - iron colonnade with the Singing Fountain  which at every odd hour from April to October plays some of the most famous compositions of the international repertoire. If you are a romantic spirit, make sure to come back in the evening, when the music is complemented by lighting effects.

In 1905, the first golf course in the Czech lands was opened here by King Edward VII of England. The highlight of the club's history is obtaining the right to use the title " Royal Golf Club " through a generous decision by Queen Elizabeth II in 2003 . It's another reason why Marianske Lazne wears the royal crown of Czech spas. 


The rich and vibrant culture of the state is best manifested ones in the unique fairs and festivals which take place around the year. The Rathyatra at Puri, Dolayatra (Holi) , Ashokastami in Bhubaneswar , Jhamujatra ( where devotees walk on fire) in Saktipithas , Sitalasasthu ( Lord Siva's Marriage) in Sambalpur, Nuakhai ( Festival in the Agarian Society), Dusserah in Cuttack and Lakshmipuja in Dhenkanal are significant ones. In order to showcase Odisha's rich culture and tradition, annual festivals of dance and music are organised by the Department of Tourism which provide a glimpse of Odisha's rich cultural tradition. The most important festivals are :

a festival of Indian classical dances performed by celebrated dances of the country on an open air auditorium with the famous Sun Temple at the back drop can keep everybody mesmerized.

This is a mega festival of art and craft attended by National level master craftsmen.

One finds the best of Odisha's dance forms enacted here annually in the backdrop of famous Mukteswar arch in Bhubaneswar.

Every year the last 3 days of February Rajarani temple comes alive with the music performed by renowned musicians of the country.

This 3 day festival at Dhauli , reminds the valiant efforts of the people of Kalinga who resisted Magadha led by its emperor Ashoka . dance troops from various states are invited to perform the martial dances here.  


Cross cultural influences, diverse religious faiths, age old customs and traditions of the indigenous people have moulded the art forms of the artisans in Odisha. the heritage villages of Raghurajpur with 103 households engaged in traditional Pata painting and a sizeable population of Pipili engaged in Applique works prove the colourful artistic imagination of Odishan artists. Apart from the Pata painting and applique work, artisans of Odisha produce wonders in textiles, silvers , filigree , stone, lacquer , horn , bronze and wood. 


The elegance and grace of Odissi and its music , the vigour of martial dance Chhow, the acrobatic stances of Dandanata , the scrumptiousness of Naga dance along with the folk and tribal dances of Koya, Sambalpuri , Baghanacha, have remained ever popular with the visitors. In the mouth of January, the district headquarter town Bargarh turns into Mathura where the mythical king Kamsa rules for a month. The enactment of this mobile drama, Dhanu jatra is becoming very popular with the visitors from overseas.


Steeped in myth and mystery that surround their ways of lives , the tribes of Odisha continue to be a source of interest not only to social anthropologists and sociologist but also for the lay visitors visiting the state. With 62 distinct tribal groups constituting 25 % of the total population, occupying nearly one third of the habitable area, the tribes of Odisha are the most colourful people. The most important tribes are the Kandhas, Bondas, Koyas, Sauras, Gadabas, Gondas, Ho, Santhlas, Mundas and Juangas.

Each tribe has its own art, architecture , music, dance , beaded and feather jewellery and rich sociocultural traits. Though these tribes live in almost all the districts , yet most of them inhabit the forest areas of Kandhamal , Koraput, Rayagada, Malkangiri , Mayurbhanja and Keonjhar districts.The Tribal Museum in Bhubaneswar provides a glimpse into the life style and culture of different tribal communities.


The long coastline of Odisha stretching over 480 km is dotted with some of the most beautiful ad pristine beaches of the world. The surf and the golden sand of Puri beach, the clean sand with blue water of Chandrabhaga, the serene atmosphere of Ramachandi , the virgin and unexplored beaches of Beleswar and Balighai, the sand dunes with golden coloured beach of Chandipur, the sparking water and white sand of Talsari, the pristine beach in the midst of the cluster of coconut and palm trees of Gopalpur, the colourful beach of Astaranga, the sense atmosphere of Aryapalli and Pati -Sonapur are the treasure houses for beach lovers which can elevate any visitors to ecstasy.


For visitors desirous of visiting tigers in their dens, elephants in the wild , birds in the lake , crocodiles and reptiles in the swamp filled with mangrove forest, giant tortoise rookery in the sand of the confluences , Odisha can be the ultimate destination.

Spreading over on area of 2750 square kilometres. Similipal National Park with the Tiger Reserve offers spectacular view of nature. Dense forest, rugged hilly terrain , majestically roaming wild animals , elephants , tigers and birds, gorgeous waterfalls and rivers , sky touching mountain peaks, tropical trees and exotic coloured multi shelled orchids can keep any visitor spell bound. The park remains open for the visitors from Mid November to Mid June and permission to visit the National Park should obtained from the Conservator of Forest, National Park, Jashipur or from the Range Officer at the entry point there.

Pristine isolated beach at Gahirmatha , tens of thousands of giant turtles , exotic birds, fearsome crocodiles varieties of Kingfishers , narrow crisscrossed creeks that meander past deltaic islands, mangrove forest , nature trails inside the dense forest, wildlife and not a soul around, that is what Bhitarkanika offers.

Created in 1979, Nandankanan has remained the only biological park with more than 67 varieties of mammals including lions and white tigers m 20 species of reptiles and 82 species of birds There are however quite a few other sanctuaries which preserve the most colourful wildlife of Odisha. these are Chandaka Elephant reserve, Satakosia gorge, Dangamal crocodile sanctuary, Ushakothi, Balukkhanda, Karlapat, Lakhari , Hadgarh and Debrigarh sanctuaries.

Spread over an area of 1100 square kilometers .Asia's largest brackish water lagoon Chilika has the unique distinction of having the second largest congregation of migratory birds in the world.
Chilika's Nalabana bird sanctuary is definitely an ornithologist's delight as well as visual treat for any visitor who can find the sanctuary alive with raucous cries of the birds. Besides the birds, Chilika has been a home for endangered Irrawadi Dolphins and several species of fish , crabs, prawn and reptiles. A visit to the mouth, the place where Chilika Lagoon joins the sea, can be a captivating experience. The lake is dotted  with many islands, few of them are Breakfast Island, Honeymon Island, Rajhans Island and Nalaban bird Sanctuary.

Monday 24 June 2019


Buddhism in odisha is as old as the religion itself . The Kalinga was in 261 B.C, the conversion of Ashoka and the visit of Hieun Tsang speak about the glorious state of Buddhism in Odisha. It was from here that Buddhism spread to Sri Lanka and far off countries in the South East Asia.

1. Ratnagiri _Latitagiri -Udayagiri -Langudi
Popularly known as the Diamond Triangle of Odisha. Archaeological excavations at Ratnagiri- lalitagiri - Udayagiri , situated at a distance of about 5 mks from one another and 100 km  from Bhubaneswar unearthed large monasteries, stupendous stupas and a wealth of terracotta seals. Just around the corner of these sites stand Langudi hill on the right bank of river Kelia. Excavations unearthed here a cluster of rock -cut votive stupas, two unique Buddha images and Panchadhyani Buddha with their female counterparts. The site of museum of the Archaeological Survey of India at ratnagiri houses over a thousand artefacts and sculptures. These provide a glimpse into the state of Buddhism in Odisha during 6th -7th century. Two inscribed images of a king found here are identified by some historian as those of Emperoe Ashoka.

It was here in 261 BC, Ashoka conquered Kalinga with his military might but then surrendered and became a devout Buddhist. It was here the Emperor Ashok engraved the rock edicts proclaiming his policy of good governance and righteousness for the benefit of his subjects by thus proclaiming his change of heart. As a remembrance to this epoch making event, a Peace Pagoda has been constructed here on the hill top by the Japanese Buddhists.

The other most important centre of Buuddhism are Kuruma and Chaurasi in Prachi valley, Banpur in Khordha district , Choudwar , Kurukulla, Lataharan in Cuttack district , Ayodha and Balasore in Balasore District , Jaugarh and Buddhakhol in Ganjam district , Boudh in Boudh district besides many other places in the state. 


The most frequently visited places of Odisha are the monuments and temples. temples ranging from the 6thcAD to 14th c.AD dominate the skyline of Odisha , more specifically of Bhubaneswar is often glorified as the Temple city of India because of some 500 and odd existing temples. The most important temples of Bhubaneswar are Lingaraj, Rajarani, Mukteswar , Brahmeswar and Vaital temples while Jagannath temple at Puri, Sun temple at Konark have remained all time favourites with the visitors.

The Sun temple at Konark, a poetry in stone and a world Heritage Monument is often described as the grandest achievement of the eastern school of architecture. The 13th century architectural is a marvel in stone and designed as a Chariot of the Sun God with 12 giant wheels fixed on either side , driven by seven spirited horses. The temple is a homage to the Sun God and is the translation of a Rig Vedic allegory in stone.

The magnificent 192 ft high 12th century temple at Puri one of the four sacred cities (dham) in india enshrines deities of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra. The temple observes rituals around the tear and the unique Rathyatra associated with the deities attract millions of people.

This elegant 11th century and 180 ft gigantic edifice in Bhubaneswar is an eloquent monument where every flange of stone is ornate with floral and geometric decoration. The deity is taken  out on a chariot in the month of April every year.

This is a superb 11th century temple with magnificent work of art having crowing miniature temples has remained unparallel in the history of plastic art in Odisha.

The 34 ft high small but beautiful Mukteswar temple stands gracefully with an elegant arch in front. This 10th -11th century edifice is recognised as one of the most exquisite works of art in India.

Vaital, as one of the most spectacular temples with elongated and vaulted roof like the inverted ship.
Fiereesome Goddess Chamunda is its presiding deity. The sculptures of the temple show a strange amalgamation of Saktism , Saivism and Mahayana Buddhism.


The state of Odisha situated on the eastern sea board of Indian peninsula is one of incredible tourism destinations in India. The state is gifted with huge natural beauty and plethora of tourism potentials that are largely unexplored. The temples and monuments , art and architecture display a chronological development unhindered beginning with painted prehistoric rock shelters to 13th century AD temple of Konark. Beholfing Konark, Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore has aptly remarked that here " the language of man is defeated by the language of stone". The culture that has flourished since time immemorial , is unparalleled, deep rooted and has historical significance in the annals of time. It's amazing tourism potentials are truly awesome . The art & architecture , lakes & lagoons , temples & monuments , rivers & riverines , forest & wildlife , music & dance , fair & festivals, handloom & handicrafts, rural & tribal life are not only spectacular but have attracted saints and seers, sea voyages and travelers from far and near since the dawn of human civilization. Today, this modern state is famous as a centre of learning and education and hub of information technology and tourism . It offers everything on a platter what a tourist wants. Visiting Odisha will surely enrich and rejuvenate your body , mind and soul. Come and experience Odisha - the soul of Incredible India.

Information :
Capital : Bhubaneswar
Area : 155707 square kilometres
Coastline: 480 kms long , pure and pristine beach front
Forest area : 34.23% of the geographical area of the state is covered by forest
Climate : tropical Temperature : Maximum  40 degree Celsius( summer ) , minimum -7 degree celsius ( winter)
Location : bounded by Bay of Bengal in the east , West Bengal and Jharkhand in the north, Chhatusgarh in the west and Telengana in the south.
Language : Odisha is the native language which is one of the regional languages of India with a classical tag. But most people speak, read , write and understand English , Hindi and Bengali as well.
Season : Summer :March - June , Rain: July - September , Winter : October - February
Every season has its own charm. Odisha is a round the year destination. However , the best period to visit is from September to March


If you visit the landscapes of Binh Thuan Province, a sandy and windy region and enjoy the freshness of Phan Thiet City , which is situated by the bank of the gentle Ca Ty River and which is rising for a complete change in its appearance but you do not ever set your foot in Mui Ne,it will be great pity for you. Traveling along the road from Phan Thiet to Mui Ne, visitors will have a great chance to enjoy the scenery of wild sea, example combination of the original architectural features of hundreds of resorts along the coast and the charming and romantic natural sights. Therefore , Phan Thiet has been very proud of its title " the capital" of popular resorts and tourists center in Vietnam and it can be compared as the tourist area Phuket of Thailand.

Mui Ne has a warm sunny climate all year around and its average yearly temperature varies about 26- 28 degree Celsius . From Ho Chi Minh City, visitors can reach Mui Ne by bike, car or train on a distance about 220 kilometers. Before arriving in this wonderful place, they will pass the center of Phan Thiet City, where they will see Thap Nuoc ( Water Tower), a symbol of  Phan Tieuc which looks like a lotus shining to embellish the charming beauty of this sea city and the historical vestige of Duc Thanh School, where Nguyen Tat Thanh used to work as a teacher in 1910. example before left the country to find a way to regain the national independence . Visitor also have a chance to call at Van Thuy Tu, which is a sacred place to worship and conserve about 100 skeletons of the Whale and have a look at the Communal House in Duc Nghia Village, Duc Thang Commune to review the founding merits of the tutelary Gods. It is one of the beautiful folk features that have, it is  become National Cultural - Artistic Vestiges, Visitors may drop in Ong Pagoda ( Whale Pagoda) and Lady Thien Hau Pagoda, being in their meditation of time, so as to find some peace and quiet. And they can come to Lau Ong Hoang ( Prince Palace) to recollect things in the past and visit the Complex of Cham Po Sah Inu Tower, the typical cultural quintessence of the former Champa.

When leaving all the urban scenery behind their back , visitors will have a chance to intermingle with the natural one of sunny and windy sandbanks under the rows of shady coconuts.All will appear in front of your eyes as a picture. Mui Ne possesses a beauty of combination of colors like the velvet white of its smooth sandbanks, the deep blue of the sea, the golden color of its sand hills etc .....Therefore it is not incidental that Mui Nei has been praised to be a region of blue sea, white sand and golden sun . The freshness and romance of Mui Ne is more enhanced with a bit of the coolness and gentle of wind, a bit of the strength and activeness of sea and a bit of strength and activeness of sea and a bit of vagueness and strangeness of sand hills. As a result, changes in its appearance seem to take place daily.

In Mui Ne, there are several wonderful wild beaches , for example , Ong Dia beach, front beach , back beach , etc. The sea water here is so pure that we can even see the sea bottom. Being to Mui Ne means visitors'chance ro wallow in such pure blue water and play with sand. The sandbanks of Mui Ne spread from Binh Thuan to Ninh Thuan and the most beautiful one lies on the stretch of road near Mui Ne.

Mui Ne sand hill is also called the flying sand hill by its constant -changing shape after any gust of wind passes by and carries some flying sand specks with it. The beauty of this sand hill not only attracts tourists but also makes it an ideal destination for photographers and painters to explore. Particularly , Mui Ne sand has an indispensable material that makes great contribution into creating a diversity of color combination and an endless source of inspiration for Master Y Lan on her artist game. Thanks to it, she has made several original sand paintings that have gained a lot of admiration from both domestic and international visitors.

One thing visitors should not forget to do in Mui Ne is to call at Hon Rom. It is a small wild mountain beside the sea with several picturesque beaches . On arrival in Hon Rom at night on full moon days, you will find its beauty much more wonderful than ever.Once you are sitting and observing such a forest of lamps glimmering from teams of fishing boats rising uo and down on sea as bunches of distant stars, you may have  a chance to become a poet with some verses praising the beauty scenery aspirated from your heart bottom.

The beauty of Mui Ne is more perfect when its charming and romantic scenery is neighbored by a colorful picture of modern luxurious resort created by human hand. It is considered te ward with most resorts in the whole country.

Sheltering inside the vast space of sea, the complex of ham tien- Mui Ne resorts like a princess who has just woken in an early spring morning. Mui Ne becomes perfectly beautiful with blocks of luxurious high buildings and modern resorts which have been invested in and built in the Western architecture. A Western Town has bustlingly been established beside the sea.

In the Mui Ne tourist area , beside going sightseeing, visitors have a chance to relax themselves with other pleasures such as sea bathing, sport playing, sea yachting, picnicking in combination with hunting , fishing , golf playing etc and particularly they will get unexpectedly great interesting feeling from the sport namely Luot van tren cat ( surfing on sand)

In addition , Binh Thuan Province is popular for its sweet blue dragon or well known Phan Tiet fish sauce. With the very distinctive features of its sea, scenery and sand hill, Mui Ne , which used to be a coastal fishing village , has become a well known tourist destination and a hallmark in the tourism map of Vietnam as well as the world



International Music Festival" Sharq Taronalari" or literally means " Melodies of the Orient" is one of the biggest festivals in Central Asia. Its main objectives are to popularize widely the best achievements of national music art , to preserve and develop great traditions of people, to encourage talents in musical and vocal sphere, as well as to spread in further international creative ties, to strengthen cultural spiritual cooperation, to praise peace, friendship and ideas of mutual sympathetic. The first Sharq Taronalari took place in 1997 at which participated musical groups and performers from 31 different countries. Today it became one of the most popular and famous festivals not only in Central Asia but also abroad. The bright evidence to this is that year after year not only the number and artistic level of participants are increasing , but also geographical range of participating countries is widened.
It became a good tradition to undertake international scientific conferences, devoted to particular aspects of music, at which participate scientific scholars from all over the world. The Musical Festival " Sharq Taronalari" such a grandiose festive occasion held at Registan Square in Samarkand on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, has become an important cultural event in the field of international cooperation which has given not only the impulse to the creative contracts between the performers , musical and cultural workers of different countries but it has also stimulated the integration into the musical process taking place parallel on various cultural continents.

This theatre of music and dramas was built in 1914 in Samarkand and named after H.Alimjan. Today, the theatre has 214 established positions for workers to keep the theatre running.Six employees of the theatre have ranks as honoured artists and honoured worker of arts of Republic of Uzbekistan . The Regional Theatre of Music and Dramas become the main place for locals to have some entertainment, watching dramas other orchestra, chorus and ballet performances.

Puppet art is one of the traditional handicrafts of Uzbekistan.Therefore, a theatre is built specially for it. The Regional Puppet Theatre is named after A. Djurayev and it was built in 1978 in Samarkand city. Total workers of the theatre reaches fifty three people and they are no regular workers but very creative and are actually technical specialist. Loved by adults and also children , this theatre is a favourite venue for locals of Samarkand to spend time watching puppet performances with their families. 


LOCATION : Mirzo Ulugbek Street, Samarkand

Registan Square has  a wide variety of crafts and souvenirs to choose from. The former khudjra are now filled with stalls selling souvenirs ranging from cushion covers to pre-restoration photos of Tilya-Kori . Small pottery , ceramic pieces, silk scarves , knives , pictures and rugs are among the most commonly found. Do visit the main lecture room in Sher- Dor Madrassah which carries better quality carpets.

LOCATION: Tashkent Road, Samarkand
operation hours : 10am -3pm

Siyab Bazaar is covered with dome. Do not be afraid of the communication barrier that you might face, walk down the bazaar to experience the  of the locals. Samarkanids are very friendly.


The museum is situated on the site of the ancient settlement of Afrasiab, on the road leading from the mosque of Hazrati Hizr to the bridge across the Siab river.
The museum displays exhibits illustrating the various periods of the city's ancient history: ossuary , fragments of ancient swords,knifes, arrows, coins, ceramics and unique frescos from the 7-8th century palace of the llshid of Samarkand.
Excavated in 1965 in the center of the medieval than  city behind the third fortification, the palace occupied more 1 hectare. The roof of it thrones hall was supported by wooden columns and its southern wall decorated with paintings of a wedding  embassy to Llshid Varkhuman which is from the second half of the 7th century. The parade is led by the bride - the Chaganian Governor's daughter- riding on a white elephant and accompanied by friends and dignitaries on camels and horses.
Scenes of horsemen fighting against predators, as well as boats with men and women can be seen on northern wall. The eastern wall instead shows young men swimming in the sea, birds and animals. The wall behind the Llshid's throne portrays a parade of the Chinese ,Chaganian , Chach and East Turkistan embassies. The palace was reconstructed several times and destroyed in the 8th century.

Samarkand Picture Gallery shows the fine art collection consisting of about 4000 paintings, graphic works and sculptures.The exhibits include works by well known Russian artists such as Alexander Nikolaev, better known as Usto Mumin, as well as Boore, Dudin, Karazin , Nikitin and Vereshaghin, whose works depict the history and life of the people of Central Asia. The collections of the museum include seven works by Vereshchaghin (1842-1904) :  " Steppe landscape" , Native Jew" ,"Singer with dutar", " Steppe hunters", " The Mulfah at a School ', " Mirza -bek", "Evoy of the Bhukara" and "The Palace of the Amir, Samarkand'. Dudin's ( 1863-1929) painting " The Dervish " is an
ethnographic representation of a Muslim ascetic of the beginning of the 20th century. The symbolic painting " Boy with a Quaoil" by Usto Mumin (1897-1957) shows a mixture of influence from the east, the Italian Renaissance and Russian icons. In the early works of Boore (1897-1943) of which there are about 400 in the museums, we can see the neighborhoods and architecture monuments of Bukhara and Samarkand and ethnographic studies , Uzbek painting of the 20th century is represented by works by Benkov , Kovafeskaya, Ahmedov, Djalolov, Isaev, Kalonov and Chariev.

The Samarkand Museum of History and Art of the Uzbek People is one of the oldest and largest museums in Central Asia. Opened in 1896, it is situated in a separate building next to the Registan square since 1978. The museums houses around 200000 exhibits , including collections of archaeology, numismatics , ethnography , manuscripts and historical documents covering the history and culture of the region from the early and middle Paleolithic ages to the beginning of the 20th century.

Uzbek writer and scholar , Alisher Navol called paper " wings that spread around the thoughts of wise man". Here , as many centuries ago, one can see with one's own eyes the process of manually producing the famous Samarkand paper in accordance with the old technology . In 650, the soldiers who escaped Chinese captivity created the first paper.

The first paper mill in Baghdad appeared only half a century after paper production was started in Samarkand. Samarkand paper with its high quality forced out from the markets the various kinds of Egyptian paper and leather.

Sunday 23 June 2019


as aptly described by Marco Polo in his journey along the Silk Road, Samarkand is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, prospering from its location on the trade route between China and Mediterranean Silk Road. Samarkand is also known as the " crossroad of culture".

The ancient city of Afrosiab, an important settlement in the 1st Millennium was one of jewels of the Silk Roads; surrounded by Sogdians in 700B.C under the Achaemenid Dynasty of Persia before Alexander the Geat conquered it in 329B.C.

The Greeks referred to Samarkand as Marakanda to the Greeks. The architecture and towns cape of Samarkand, situated at the crossroads of ancient cultures m are masterpieces of Islamic cultural creativity. This historic town illustrates its art , architecture and the most important stages of Central Asia and its cultural creativity.

The historic town illustrates its art, architecture and the most important stages of Central Asia and its cultural and political history. Saamrkand is at least 2750 years old as traced in the holy Zoroastiaon book " Avesta". Aside from its architectural history. Samarkand is the place of birth for the first paper mill in the world by two Chinese prisoners from the battle of tallas in 751. Soon after, it spread to the west.
Samarkand was the capital of Uzbekistan for 6 years from 1925 before returning the title back to Tashkent in 1930.

Registan or " Sandy Place" in Persian , was once the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand during the Temurid dynasty. Registan was a public square where people gathered to hear royal proclamations , heralded by blasts on enormous copper pipes called dzharchis and also a place of public executions.

It framed by 3 madrassah , namely Ulugbek Madrassah , built during the Temurid Empire , Sher -Dor Madrassah built during Yalangtush Bakhdur ruling and 10 years later , the Tilya -Kori Madrassah which was not only a residential college for students but also played the role of Friday Mosque.

Built in 1417, both in Samarkand Bukhara , was a large urban project incorporating several mosques, caravanserais and bazaars altogether . However , only  Ulugbek Madrassah ( largest Madrassah in saamrkand) survived after so many centuries . This madrassah faced the Registan Square directly. The madrassah operated until the late 17th century. Teaching functions were then resumed in the early 20th century.

Sher-Dor or 'Lion" Madrassah was built in the 17th century . Only the sons of wealthy families studied here and they came from all over Central Asia. Training could last from ten to twenty years. The only subject students were required to take was the Koran, all the other subjects were optional and could be selected by the students according to their interests. The Madrassah was considered as radical in its uses of animal figures ( the two figures in the corners are lions which are usually prohibited in Islamic law)

Tilya- Kori 9Gilded) Madrassah was built 10 years after Sher-Dor -Madrassah. It was not only a place for training students but it also played the role of a grand mosque .

The two -storied facade decorated with beautiful patterns, the dormitory building surrounding the vast courtyard and the  abundantly gilded ornaments in the mosque's main hall are among the stunning highlights of the madrassah which also were fundamental in naming the mosque, Til -Kori.

The Shah-i Zinda, meaning " The Living King " is a world famous necropolis which includes mausoleums and other ritual buildings of the 9th, 14th and 19th centuries. It is not only the oldest monument in Islamic architecture, it is also an important pilgrimage site in Samarkand for both locals and tourist.

The mian body of Kusam -ibn- Abbas is situated in the northeastern part of the ensemble. The unique complex of Shah-I-Zinda was formed over none (11th 019th) centuries and now includes more than 20 buildings

" Everything i have heard about Samarkand is true, except the fact that is more beautiful than i could imagine" said Greek King Alexander the Great who invaded Samarkand in 329 B.C.

The ancient settlement of Afrosiab is situated on the spurs of Chupan -Ata hills to the northeast of the present day Samarkand. According to legends, it was here, on the banks of the river Siab, that Turanian Kind and  hero Afrosiab, a character of the folk epic " Shahnama", founded the town that then became the capital of Sogdiana.

The Afrosiab site appeared as gloomy yellowish hills. It panoramic view can be views from the citadel's top.

After Mirzo Ulugbek's death, the observatory was destroyed. Only in 1908, archaeologist Vyatkin found the every first document where the observatory's location was mentioned. Unfortunately , only underground parts of the sextant and basis of the building were saved. the observatory of Ulugbek has been so famous because of the publishing of the "Ulugbek Zidj", a book that consists of atheoretical description and drawings of about 1000 celestial bodies. With amazing accuracy, the length of a star year by Ulugbek's calculation is equal to 365 days 6 hours 10 minutes 8 seconds whereas the actual length by modern data is 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 9.6 seconds. The deviation is only lee than  a minute despite not having any advanced optical instruments.

Sheik Burkhan ad-Din Sagardji who was highly respected by contemporaries of Temur, his wife Bibi-Halifa and their ten children , was buried here. Burkhan ad- Din Sagardji had a righteous mode of life and was respected for his high moral qualities. He was married to a Chinese Princess and died in China. The body of the saint was brought to Samarkand and buried here with his children. It was Sagardji who personally asked to be buried in samarkand which he called " the city of God". Legend says that under the dome there is a box containing seven hairs of the Prophet Mohammed. The laconic domed Ruhabad Mousoleum ( The Sbode of Spirit)  is located neat the Gur Rmir Mousoleum.

Bibi Khanum Mosqnue
After his Indian campaig in 1399, Temur decided to undertake the construction  of a gigantic mosque in his new capital Saamrkand. The Bibi Khanum mosque, dedicated to his wife Bibi, was built using precious stones captured during Amir Temur's conquest in India. This immense edifice was once the largest structure ever built using unfored , un -reinforced mud brick.

Bibi was buried in a tomb located in a madrassha complex just across the main road which leads from the old city of Afrosiab to the center of the Temurid city at the Registan. The tomb is currently being restored. As Blair and Bloom suggest, " Temur's mosque was designed not only to continue the Iranian imperial tradition, but also to symbolize his conquest of the world.

The Gur Emir is the mausoleum of the Asian conqueror Tamerlane ( also known as Temur) in Samarkand. Gur -Emir means " Grave of Emir ' . The Gur-Emir Maousoleum was built in 1404 for Temur's grandson Muhammad Sultan. He was the heir apparent of throne after Timur, built in 1404 he died and Temur ordered to build big mausoleum for his beloved grandson.

In 1405, temur died in Otrar city and his sons decided to move his body and bury him near his favourite grandson. From that time on, this mausoleum was called the " Burial -vault of Temurids"Every headstone is made from marble, only Temur's headstone is from nephritis, it was brought by order of Ulugbek and put on Temur's grave.

In June 1941, Samarkand was part of the Soviet Union and Soviet scientists came to the mausoleum and opened the sarcophagus to study the body of Temur and found the inscription :
" Whosoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than i am ".

One of the most mysterious buildings in Samarkand is the Mausoleumof AK-Saray. Externally, there is no attractive exterior decoration and the dome was not completed. However , the inner interior does not conform to the outer design - large richly gilded fragments of ornamental paintings in the "Kundal" style ( laying paints with gold covers on the relief ornament) remain on its wall, sails and dome. The relief, gold and wide colour gamur of vegetative patterns remind of rich carpets fabrics.

Locals say some of headless person is buried in the special niche by the eastern wall. It might be  a tomb of Ulugbek's son Abdul Latif who was executed for murder of his father.

The ancient cemetery , Khodja Abdi Darun Ensemble buried the Arabian lawyer of the 15th century. Darun which means " internal" indicated the tomb is situated inside the city Of Samarkand.Multiple restorians have changed the architecture. The interior of the mausoleum is more than modest; there are no gold paintings or ceramics here. Walls, sails, dome of the mausoleum are plastered by white alabaster. Almost all of its area is occupied by the big gravestone.

This site is the grave for the " Naqshbandiyya" Sufi order's leader. " He is the Khodja of Khodjas", the person who knows the importance of the people. Khodja akhror was buried near Samarkand, white stone and epitaphs were on the grave of Khodja. It is an important pilgrimage place as it was believe to be one of the scared cemeteries of Muslims. Nordir Divan Begi, one of the rulers of Samarkand in 1630, ordered to construct a madrassah and mosque.

One of the oldest  and most legendary mosques in Uzbekistan is the Hazrati Hizr Mosque in Samarkand . This mosque was built on the hill diagonal to the Bibi Khanum Mosque in the 18th century. It was said that Hazrati Hizr was the god of water.

Saint Hizer was very famous among the population of Central Asian oases including settled and nomadic people . he was considered to be a giver of good luck , abundance and a kind of patron of good people, workers and travelers. The mosque for Hazrati Hizr was erected in Samarkand in the medieval period.

According to legends, he was the brother of Kusama Ibn Abbas who was supposedly buried in the 11th century in Saamrkand's Shah-I-Zinda complex and was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ishrat-Khan which means " House of Joy" is a remarkable monument in the second half of the 14th century. Legends told that it was a burial place for women of aristocratic or a family burial place. The place was never renovated after the earthquake in the 19th century when Tamerlane's grandson Ulugbek rushed into the hall forcing everyone to leave the hall, in accordance with teh horoscope, his grandfather Amir Temur is in danger during the feast in Ishrat-Khan. Not long after they left, earthquake ruined part of the mausoleum.
Although the monument was never renovated, you will still be impressed with their architectural harmony.

Saturday 22 June 2019


The holiest city in Central Asia, honoured as " Noble Bukhra " among Muslims ( one of the seven holy cities of Islam) with its population of 263,400 has been inhabited for at least 5 milennia. Bukhara also has many name centuries ago, one of it was " Numijikat". It has also been called "Bumiskat" or in Arabic was "Madinah al Sufriya" ( The copper City) and " Madinat Al Tujjar" ( The City Of Merchants).

Situated on the Silk Road trade centre, it is more than 2000 years old. It is known as one of the most complete medieval cities in Central Asia. Monuments include the famous tomb of Ismail Samani, a masterpiece in the 10th century on top of large numbers of Madrassah in the 17th century. Before the Arab conquest, Bukhara owed its prosperity to the rich oasis. However, the great economic growth came to an end when Genghis Khan sacked the city in 122.

A second lease of life came in the 16th century when the Uzbek Shaybanids made it their capital known as Bukhara Khanate. After a long period of unrest and short lived dynasties, it absorbed into Soviet Union in 1920 under the newly created Uzbek (USSR) in 1924.

With the view of keeping intact the original beauty of Bukhara, UNESCO decided to commemorate in 1997 a 2500 year anniversary since the date of the city's foundation and establish an international fund called " Bukhara - 2500" . Significantly, the real importance of Bukhara lies not in its individual buildings but rather in its overall level of urban planning and architecture which began with the Shaybanid dynasty.

The Ark of Bukhara or The Fortress, located in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan was initially built and occupied around the 5th century A.D. In addition to being a military structure, the Ark encompassed what was essentially a town that during much of the fortress' history was inhabited by the various royal courts that held sway over the region surrounding Bukhara. The Ark was used as a fortress until it fell to Russia in 1920. Currently , the ruins of the Ark are a tourist attraction and houses museums covering its history. The gentle high walls are more than half a thousand years old and defending its emir's ruler and today, it is a major architectural monument of Bukhara. their walls soar to a height of 16 to 20 meters and have a perimeter of 800 meters. However , only one gate remains today.
Before Genghis Khan took over Bukhara he destroyed and ransacked the fortress that served as the inhabitants of the city.
In Avicenna's book, it was cited :
"I found in this library such books, about which i had never seen before in my life. I read them and i came to know each scientist and each science. before me lay gates of inspiration  into great depths of knowledge which i had not surmised to exist."
However, the library was destroyed in one of the conquests of Bukhara.

This Mausoleum is one of most esteemed sights of Central Asia. Built in the end of 9th century, it is resting place of Ismail Samani, a powerful and influential Amir of the Samanid  dynasty. According to archaeologists, it is one of the most monuments in Uzbekistan with its artistic details of the brickwork displaying traditional features of pre- islamic culture. Later, other kings of this dynasty were also buried here. It is interesting to note that the building of this burial vault contradicted the Islamic rules at those days - the erection of any monuments above the graves of believers was forbidden. His mausoleum in Bukhara is recognized as a masterpiece of architecture for its geometric design.

The Bolo -Khauz Complex is the only Registan's monument that survived through thousands of milennia. It consists of a mosque, a minaret and a pond. It is one of the oldest construction in the complex but it was drained as it became the source of diseases. Built by the order of Emir's wife. Legend says that Emir Shakhmurad ( 1785-1800) built it for public prayers. Next to the mosque is a minaret which was built after the mosque in 1718. The minaret was reconstructed as it was slowly leaning to a critical point. Now, it looks just like 3 centuries ago. Today, the complex is one of the most impressive sights in Bukhra. Although it is relatively young, it certainly deserves the recognition as a luxurious mosque with its impressive architecture and high carved wooden ceiling. It's also known as the " mosque of forty columns".

In ancient times, Saint Ayub came to Bukhara as a wanderer, settled down and an explosion by his followers created a well ( Chashma ) with clean and healing water. Over the well, stands a mausoleum called Chasma -Ayub which means " Job's spring" by nickname. In Uzbekistan, cult structure like this are called Kadamjoy which means " a footprint" to represent highly respected clergymen.
According to Bible, Job was from Hebron but he died and was buried at Bukhara. The historical value of the monument consists of the exact date written on observe surface ( 1208-1209 a.D) or 605 years in the Muslim Calendar. However, the mausoleum was repeatedly reconstructed ; today , it consists of many chambers and various sizes of design which creates a special aura of seclusion. This site was listed as a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE on 18th January 2008 in the cultural category.

The Shybanids' architectural ensemble of Kosh- Madrassah which means "Double- Madrassah" was constructed around 1567 in honor of Abdullah -Khan 's Mother and Abdullah -Khan respectively in 1588.

The Modari-Khan Madrassah has survived much better than many structure of the later period, though it was built in an economical way. It uses mosaic brickwork with fantastic geometrical patterns on the facade and guldasta towers with the date of the madrassah's construction mentioned with poems in majolica paintings over the entrance . Plain geometrical patterns substitute the intricate ornamentation. The great skills of the unknown architect who created the perfect forms and harmonious architectural spaces of the madrassah made this monument to become one of the masterpieces of Bukhara's medieval architecture.
Today  , the yard and the khudjra cells of Modari-Khan Madrassah accommodate national arts and crafts fairs. It also houses one of Bukhara's most exotic restaurants where guests can enjoy  the dishes prepared  accordance to age old recipes.

Constructed with more complexities as compared to the Modari -Khan Madrassah, the entrance of the hallways forms a gallery with 2 passages to the courtyard. Located at an angle facing all major buildings, it is constructed to focus on the Mecca praying niche (Mihrab)
Richly designed with majolica with geometrical of five , eight and nine points stars at the dome, it is one of the most outstanding architecture in Central Asia considering the fact the architect bravely deviated canon rules in planning , moving capacities asymmetrically beyond the rectangular building outlines, including new forms in usual composition. Also , there is a yard with a spacious hall on a twelve sided light drum also known as " Abdullah -Khan Sky -Light". The hall includes 20 khudjras, situated in 2 tiers.

Operating as main ensemble in Bukhara situated along the way to the trade crossing of " four bazaars", Poi- Kalyan means " the pedestal of the Great". Consisting of 4 medieval architectures, the Kalyan Mosque and Mini Arab Madrassah faces each other and between them is the Kalyan Minaret and to the South is a small Amir - Allimkhan Madrassah. The Friday- Prayer Kalyan Mosque is one of the ancient buildings of Poi Kalyan Square. The capital mosque of all Muslim towns is not just a temple but is also a public life centre. Moreover , according to some sources, at one time , it served as a beacon for the caravans coming across the desert surrounding Bukhara.

The ancient building of Poi Kalyan Square also known as the second largest in central Asia after Bibi-Khanum can accommodate up to 12000 people . The mosque replaced the previous Qarakhanid cathedral mosque built in 12th century. Below the arch is an inscription in Arabic characters of the date Kalyan Mosque was constructed 1514. This mosque is comparable;e with Temurid Cathedral Mosque in Samarkand. peculiarly , standing with your back to the mikhrab, you can see the huge peshtak of Mini Arab Madrassah , rising from behind the opposite portal of the mosque.

Friday 21 June 2019


The Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan is engaged in the organization of art exhibitions in Uzbekistan and abroad. the Central Exhibitions Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent is located on the center of Tashkent, closed to the Tashkent Palace Hotel and Central Department Store of Tashkent. 

The Central Exhibitions Hall of the Academy of Arts in Tashkent organize cultural exhibitions and displays the best  works of Uzbek artists. These include the traditional exposure on national holidays - Navruz and Independence Day, : Our Heritage: , " From Museum and private collection", " New Names", " Traditional Craft", "a Concert and exhibition of the "Spring Salon', " December Nights", as well as receiving foreign exhibitions, which is being implemented with the assistance of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Uzbekistan.

There is a place in Tashkent that is really worth visiting if you have interest in photography. It's the Tashkent House of Photography opposite to the International Congress Hall of Uzbekistan, at the Amir Temur Square . 
Tashkent House of Photography , which was home to the Museum exhibition of the  history of the peoples of Uzbekistan in the past., is a place that regularly organizes and displays exhibition of best works of Uzbek and world wide known photographers. Tashkent House Photography has a vast exhibition hall area of 1500 square.
One of the largest projects of the Tashkent House of Photography Biennial - in conjunction with the Fund " Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan", the Academy of arts of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city administration and other interested organizations. This event, held once every 2 years, attracting hundreds of participants from around the world.

One of the famous cultural organizations of Uzbekistan - Fund forum has realized the idea to collect samples of the national culture, art and traditions of Uzbek people under the dome of the Center of National Arts in Tashkent. It became the place to promote and exhibit the customs, art , crafts and way of life of the Uzbeks. The Center of National Arts in Tashkent focuses both on traditional and the modern art of Uzbekistan - painting, sculpture, graphics, design , cinema, theater, national dance, weaving . In this center, which is located near the famous Chorsu Bazzar , another cultural hub of Tashkent, you can find works of well known folk artists, the younger generation of artists and those who are promoting Uzbek culture and representing the country at international exhibitions and festivals.
Throughout the year , National Arts Centre's exhibition hall organizes various events. So whenever you visit the center, you may witness one of the top cultural activities in the city, including exhibitions of traditional and modern art with the participation of foreign artists , fashion shows ,youth action and much more.

Grand Scene of National Dance of the Center of National Arts regularly organize show programs including a dance performance by the theater of modern dance " Ofarin" , presentation of folk and ethnic Uzbek clothing by fashion Theatre, as well as seasonal collection of the House of Style.
The Centre of National Arts in Tashkent is also home to the workshops of the craftsmen, including gold embroiderers, potters , miniature and mint masters, carpet weavers, woodcarving and jewelry masters.
Along with this, the center promotes the culinary traditions of Uzbekistan. Here you can taste the best selections of Uzbek and world cuisine.
The centre of National Arts is one of the best sighs of Tashkent, which allows simultaneous touch with many different areas of the unique culture of the Uzbek people, representing all regions of Uzbekistan.


Babur Recreation Park  is another amusement park in the center of Tashkent with lots of green spaces and beautiful pond in the center. Babur Park in Tashkent is home to the Seattle Peace Park, a collection of small tiles designed by Tashkent and its sister city - Seattle.
Seattle Peace Park  is a  heartwarming reminder of the Cold war from children's perspectives. Along the main alley of Babur Park , ceramic tiles along the way display hopes of peace and a better future. These tiles were made in the 1980s by schoolchildren from Seattle , hence the unusual unofficial name of the park . the 10000 tiles of the park are incredibly moving because of their simple, yet timeless message to favor peace and friendship over war and distrust.

Babur Culture and Recreation park in Tashkent is also home the peace Bell is rung every year on International Day of Peace on 21 September as a call for non -violence and cease fire as well as a commitment to the ideals of friendship and concord. As the park is located near the Tashkent University of Pedagogy, you will see lots of students in the park throughout the year.There is also good collection of amusement rides in the park to excite children. Seattle and Tashkent have -rather astonishingly - been twin cities since 1973, long before the relations of the superpowers began to thaw. The partnership between both cities began only 5 years after the Soviet intervention during the Prague Spring in 1968. It was the first city partnership between a US and a Soviet city and it has continued until today.

The Alisher Navoi State Library traces its history back to 1870, when it was founded by the first governor general of Turkestan, Alexander von Kaufmann. The library's excellent rare book collection with some items dating back to von Kaufmann's original holdings includes many valuable prerevolutionary books and manuscripts. The main collection of prerevolutionary Turki -language newspaper is also housed in the rare book collection. Apart from the main catalogue, there is a very useful catalogue of Uzbekistan -related materials both on Kazakhstan and Kyrgyustan. Another separate catalogue indexes Soviet journal articles relating to Uzbekistan; ask for the " Uzbekistanica " catalogue.

The State Archives provides three main finding aids for its materials. Archivists direct researchers first to the published archival guides. Because the latest edition was issued in 1976 - a time when guides usually provided only minimal information they are not terribly detailed, but they do give the numbers of the main institutional fondly ( archival groupings). For the prerevolutionary documents , scholars can then turn to the card catalogue on the second floor, where all the archival files are listed by subject . For post 1917 materials, bound opisi ( inventories), held in the third floor reading room, describing the contents of each fond. TsGARU's journal and newspaper holdings, which include the most complete suns available of such prerevolutionary papers Turkestansie Vedomosti, are found in the basement.

Fundamental Library
The Uzbekistan Academy of Science Library contains all the major works of scholarship and much of popular literature produced in Uzbekistan over the past 50 years. Te library is indispensable for finding doctoral and candidate dissertation abstracts defended in Uzbekistan. Scholars can usually receive the materials they request within 30 minutes to one hour at the Academy of Sciences Library, which makes it a more convenient place to work than Navoi. Reading rooms at the library are large and well -lit and since the library occupies a central building in the Academy of Sciences Complex ( Akademgorodok), it can be reached easily from the various Academy institues. Its journal and newspaper collection also fills in some of the lacunae at Navoi and TsGARU.

opening hour : Mon - Friday 8am -6pm

Charvak reservoir is located on the river Chirchik several downstream from the confluence of the rivers and Pskem Chatcal, Ugamsky between spurs and ridges Chatkalsky Western Tien Shan.

The reservoir is formed by bulk -rock dam height of 168 meters Chorvoq plant. The volumn of the reservoir is about 2 cubic km. The level of the reservoir is significantly reduced in the summer because its waters are used for irrigation and solving problems of irrigated agriculture in the valley Chirchic.
The Settlement Chorvoq incurred during the construction of hydroelectric power station Chorvoq 1964, was originally a completely Russia -speaking- a  kind of island of Russian culture in the mountains of Uzbekistan. During the Soviet period there were also school and kindergartens and cultural center and even a summer cinema " Lights Carvaka". Chorvoq the modern village is located in the immediate vicinity of the ancient village Hodzhikent. Hodzhikent means "Holy Town" . Legends say Hodzhikent same age Tashkent. The historic core of Hozhikent -spring with millennial plane trees on the left bank of the Chirchik in the XIX century. There was a giant -one of the largest in Central Asia -the plane tree, which was placed in the hollow of a roadside tea house . and if we assume that the legends are true, there is , perhaps , in the most northern place where footprints of Alexander the Great. Perhaps it is in this amazing beauty of the mountains , he decided to turn back to the south of India, as on the north and east pf Aksu streteched mysterious man's land, held thatm apparently , was pointless.

For Alexander , it was the edge of the known world. For you, a place covered with legends and mysteries ,the source of knowledge about the wonderful past of the region. Currently here, as throughout the county, has grown an incredible number of restaurants , cafes, motels and others , where you can stop to rest and eat inexpensive meal.

Thursday 20 June 2019







The theater was created in 1934. The founders of the theater were its art director , V.A Chirkin and director M.K.Vulkonsky . The basic of its repertoire has been modern plays dealing with current issues, taking into consideration social, moral and ethical questions.

There are 540 seats in this theater's auditorium . Tickets can be purchased in advance or directly before the beginning of a play. Performances staged in this theater are all in Uzbek.Those spectators who do not speak Uzbek will be interested in the musical choreographic performance "Oh, woman", staged on the basis  of the legends and song of Uzbek folklore.

On a searching sunny day, people are irresistibly drawn to immerse themselves in the nearest cool water . Fulfilling this need is easy, without leaving the comfort of the capital city,. The modern Aquapark entertainment complex , in the heart of Tashkent, offers an excellent opportunity for a variety of fun activities in the water. There is something in the Aquapark for everyone- including pools for kids and teenagers , Jacuzzi with water massage , a large wave pool and water slides. The water in all facilities of the Aqua park is safe for drinking and meets international  Standards. Three powerful pumping stations are equipped with chemical and biological filtration  and biological filtration technology by the American company Culligan, providing a continuous supply of clean water. It also offers 5 high quality cafes, serving a wonderful range of international cuisine. Visitors will be pleasantly surprised by the level of service and quality, as all of professionals. And in the evening , it provides private facilities and catering for family celebrations, official receptions, VIP events and corporate parties; all in a quiet, park like setting.

This 22.7 hectare zoological park is a cultural , educational and research establishment. The zoo was founded  in 1924 on an area of about 3 hectares allocated by the governor general. By the end of the 1940's , construction of the Tashkent zoo had been completed. The zoo, at that time, housed about 200 species of animals.
In 1994, the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan made the decision to construct a new zoo to meet all modern requirements and standards. In 1997, on the Independence Day , the new zoo which is located near the botanical garden , began its operation , adding up to a total of 22.7 hectares in size.
All open air cages, whichever possible, are of  a landscape type and correspond to all modern requirements. Since 1998, the Tashkent Zoo has been a member of EARAZA ( Euro-Asian _regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums). In 1997, after opening the new Zoo, the quantity of animals reached a total of 85 species . In the year of 2004, this number has increased to 349 ( nearly 3000 individual animals)
One feature of the new zoo is its sea aqua systems in the aquarium.

In the sea aqua systems, you can view sea animals: sharks, murens, fish, polys and much more. Today, live mammals include 58 species and 189 specimens, birds include 74 species and 472 specimens, reptiles and amphibians include 26 species and 81 specimens and fish include 191 species and 2141 specimens.
The specialization of the Tashkent Zoo is the reproduction of birds of prey. Good results have been achieved on the breeding of birds of prey - the white headed griffon, black griffon and condor. Large scale scientific work on the cultivation of rare and endangered species of animals is being conducted. The Tashkent Zoo has close relations with 46 zoos all over the world.

Where to go for a fun afternoon with a group of friends? Where can guests of our city, exhausted from touring the majestic ancient monuments , go to relax? What to do children in Tashkent and Tashkent region dream about ?
Of course, this Tashkent Disneyland -namely , the so called Park of Culture and Recreation , or " Kongil Ochish" , which is located in the vicinity of the National Bank of Uzbekistan, across from the Aquapark.

The most advanced attractions are at your service in this wonderfully green and calm corner in the center of the noisy city. No doubt will the" Dizzy roller coaster" ride raise your adrenaline level; the " Room of Fear" rattle your nerves; and the " Ferris Wheel" take you to unprecedented heights, from which you will have a magnificent view of all of our beautiful city, as in the palm of your hand.
You will certainly be delighted with the " jungle " ride: here you can guide a boat through thickets of tropical plants, among which are visible " wild beasts", all with " jungle" sound effects to complete the illusion of a trip through tropical jungle. And what is a park without a classic carousel and happy children holding their parent's hands.

:Tashkent Land" awaits you on weekdays and holidays. If you have not yet decided what to see on your vacation, a visit to Tashkent Disneyland is a must!


Tashkent's most famous farmers' market lies in the middle of the city shaded by a giant green dome. It is a MUST visit place. Despite the language barrier, you must not be afraid to experience the delightful city that has been the Uzbek culture which has been preserved for more than 100 years. The unique complex accommodates the breadwinners of the city from different parts of Uzbekistan providing from daily necessities to handmade souvenirs. Do not leave the bazaar without getting the ripe melons, brightly -fleshed pomegranates or aromatic persimmons. Also, you will find embroidered kaftan skull and wood carving souvenirs to bring home.

Location L Zarqaynar Street / Chorsu Metro Station
Opening  Hours : 10am - 3pm

Slightly sided out of town, it is known as a wholesale clothes market and is one of the newest bazaars in Tashkent where everything is at very reasonable price.

The first pavilion , consisting of 275 shops sells food products, the second pavilion with 350 shops sells industrial products and the third pavilion which includes 200 retail outlets offer home appliances and consumer goods.

Location: Tashkent Ring Road, Tashkent
Opening Hours : 8 am - 5 pm ( Monday - Thursday)

Inaugurated 150 years ago, it is the most advanced bazaar in Tashkent and is located close to the Amir Temur Square in the very center of Tashkent. Besides famous fruits and vegetables in the bazaar, you will also find a vast variety of meat and poultry as well as milk products.There are plenty of shop lots and branded boutiques around Alay Bazaar.

This is certainly the least noisy and crowded bazaar in the city. Great interest for tourists as you can get closer to the everyday life of Uzbek people.

Location : Amir Temur Street , Tashkent/ Abdulla Qodiriy Metro Station
Opening Hours : 10am - 2pm

Tashkent's most famous farmers ' market lies in the middle of the city shaded by a giant green dome. It is a MUST visit place. Despite the language barrier, you must not be afraid to experience the delightful city that has been the Uzbek culture which has been preserved for more than 100 years. The unique complex accommodates the breadwinners of the city from different parts of Uzbekistan providing from daily necessities to handmade souvenirs. Do not leave the bazaar without getting the ripe melons, brightly -fleshed pomegranates or aromatic persimmons. Also , you will find embroidered kaftan skull and wood carving souvenirs to bring home.

Yunusabad Bazaar ( Yunusobod dehqon bozori) is located in one of the most densely populated districts of Tashkent - Yunusobod and close to Tashkent TV Tower and MegaPlanet shopping Mall. Like all local bazaars of Tashkent , Yunusabad offers buyers fresh fruits and vegetables all year round, as well as many species of fish, cereals and of course, the pearl of each market- stalls full of nuts , dried fruit and oriental spices.

street address : Usman Nasir street

Any time of year has its own seasonal products. In the spring bazaar is packed with strawberries, cherries ripening , new potatoes and greens. In the summer stalls are crammed with all kinds of fruit.
autumn - time of fish and vegetables and fresh and dried grape ( raisins).
Bazaar has a whole department of  meat products , where you will find lamb, beef streaks and chops for barbecue, as well as chicken and much more. At the entrance, lavored cakes of different kinds and various types of traditional samsa are sold.

Street address :Yunusabad-3
Opening hours : Mon - Sun 0600-2000

Farkhad Bazaar is located in one of the most densely populated districts of Tashkent- Chilanzar. None
of oriental bazaar is complete without an abundance of fresh produce, a variety of different cakes, colourful and luscious spices, as well as an integral part of the trade- the seller.

Farkhad bazaar is no exception to the rule. Here you will find exclusively offers and if you are in the mood then bargain with pleasure. The most interesting place in Farkhad farmer's market is colourful and fragrant rows of oriental spices. And there should be an experienced cook to choose the spices

Another place that distinguishes the Oriental Bazaar from the European market is a section of dried fruits and nuts. Anyone who has ever visited the bazaar, did not leave without buying some selections of dried fruits. Whole mountains of dried fruits and nuts , will not leave you indifferent.

Street address: Farkhad Street
Opening hour : Mon -Sun 0700-2000

Once the Karavan bazaar ( Urikzar) was the cheapest food market in Tashkent. Now the prices become equal. This market is used mainly wholesale buyer ( dealers). It should be noted that the market itself is divided into several sectors: construction , food , machinery and electronic sector, carpet and clothing.

With its size caravan market is unique in Tashkent . You take a whole day just to bypass the food sector with numerous slides of rice, cabbage , watermelons and melons. In this market you can buy everything for the home, so it is very popular among the townspeople.

Opening hours : Mon -Sun 0600-1800

Koyluk market consists of 2 sections, food and clothes. This is a huge market , where most of the townspeople gather in Tashkent to make their purchases. Koyluk is the wholesale market. However,
you can make retail purchases. The market is not only famous for its cheap agricultural products , but also Korean salad prepared and sold made the market popular. Bazaar itself lies on the banks of the river Chirchik, on the outskirts of Tashkent.

Street address : Fergana Yuli Street
Opening Hours : Mon - Sun 0600-2000

At the Mirabab Bazaar, you will find a huge variety products, from clothing to all sort of fruits and vegetables for which Uzbekistan is so famous. The fruits are very sweet and have natural taste , unlike those found in your local grocery store.
Also known as GOSPITALKA, it is one of the central bazaars in Tashkent. It is located close to Holy- Dormition Cathedral and near to Grand Mir Hotel. The story of the bazaar goes back to the middle of the XIX century. On the site there was a military hospital of the Russian troops and there was set up a little market, where the Russians purchased oriental dishes and sweets.

A calling card, a distinctive feature of the bazaar is a light green canopy that covers the whole of the market , protecting against heat in summer and giving shade to traders and visitors to the market and in winter from snow and rain.And this green " umbrella" , gives a special comfort of the market in which there is always a kindness and a brisk trade. along with farmers ' section, there are lots of shops in and around Mirabad Bazaar in Tashkent.

The largest covered, crowed and famous market in Tashkent is located far from the center. As well as fashionable and cheap clothing . It's also great for household goods. Practice your haggling skills at Hippodome bazaar. The name comes from the horse riding place which is located near the Bazaar. The market is mainly known for a large range of goods and cheaper prices. In Hippodrome market, you can buy a relatively inexpensive children's toys, appliances , household products , clothes and many more things . The market is huge and takes many hours to see the whole market.

The Chilanzar Clothes Market is split into 3 zones which makes it easier to orientate oneself in such a large market. there are a section of national fabrics of various colors, section of carpets and household accessories, department of clothing and footwear. The clothing section consists of 2 parts , called Korean and Uzbek market. The difference from each other is the price. If the Korean side of the clothes are expensive, the Uzbek market offers clothes much cheaper. What else makes the Hippodrome a popular market is its location. The Bazaar is close to another huge markets -Abu Sahiy and Bek Baraka.

street address : Bunyodkor avenue
Opening hours : Tue- Sun 0900-1800

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 人生里,限制你发展的往往不是学历和经验, 而是工作圈和社交身边的人。 人生最大的运气不是捡到钱或中大奖,而是那些愿意花时间和精神去指引你和帮助你开拓你的眼界,纠正你的格局,给你正能量和对你诚实的人。