Monday, 3 June 2019


There are many stories about the origin of the name Liouguei ( 6 turles). One version tells of 3 big boulders ( sanjhihciang) outside of the local village and 3 big boulders ( sandayan) by the river flowing near the village. These 6 big rocks look like 6 turtles guarding the village and give the district its name. Liouguei has a multitude of recreational activities to enjoy . In addition to immersing themselves in hot springs and visiting the forest park, visitors can feel the excitement of rafting on the swift moving Laonong River.

1. Baolai Hot Spring
Baolai has always been one of the most famous hot spring destinations in southern Taiwan. The local springs here are naturally carbonated and can be used for both bathing and drinking. Baolai's prosperous main street provides ample accommodations for travelers with hot spring hotels and cabins lining either side of the road. With its natural beauty , relaxing hot springs and as the launching point for Laonong River rafting, it's no wonder Baolao has become such a popular resort destination.

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