Wednesday 5 June 2019


Davao is a haven of agricultural bounties and these treasures are a fest for the senses. With ingenuity and mastered skills, these bounties have been made into products that are distinct and unique: a must try experience for every tourist and local.

1. Fruits in Seasons
From Mangosteen. Pomelo, Rambutan , Lanzones , Coconut , Banana, Durian and etc, Davao city is rich in producing the freshest, delicious and affordable fruits in the country.

2. Gourment Cheese
These chees are nationally renowned and can be found in some of the finest hotels in the country.

3. Durian 
It is widely known as the " Kings of Fruits". Enjoy its different products like Durian candy, shakes , jam, pie , ice cream , coffee and many more. 

4. Davao Punch 
The mix of Pomelo, Calamansi and Guava truly creates a thirst -quenching and refreshing sensation. 

5. Davao chocolates
Made from ethically gown and processed beans that have been carefully graded , fermented and solar dried at the farms in Davao.

6. T'nalak 
Once considered to be sacred activity , weaving has now become one of the city's cultural attractions. 

7. Coffee
Davao city has its world class coffee, Durian Coffee and Arabia Coffee to name a few. Civet coffee which is one of the world's most expensive and popular coffee variety can also be found in the city. 

Davao Cuisine is mainly composed of a wide range array of seafood and locally grown produce. The city boasts of restaurants serving mouth-watering grill seafood and other dishes that are just right for the budget.

1.Inihaw na Panga ng Bariles  - Grilled Tuna Jaw
2. Bulcachong - Braised Carabao Meat
3. Sinugba -Grilled Pork, Fish or Chicken 
4. Kinilaw - Raw fish meat marinated in vinegar
5. Crocodile Sisig - White meat of Crocodile 
6. Pakfry - Tuna cooked in vinegar and garlic with deep fried
7. Bihod - Tuna Rice
8. Barbecue - Grilled meat in a skewer
9. Bagaybay - Tuna Milt
10. Adobo - Meat cooked in vinegar , soy sauce and garlic
11. Balbucuo - Braised Ox Feet , skin or tail
12. Ubol -Ubol - Cartilaginous part of the tuna near esophagus 
13. Imbaw - Clam soup

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