Wednesday 26 June 2019


Český Krumlov 

is one of the most beautiful Renaissance cities in Europe and after Prague Castle , it is the second most visited place in the country.Just a stroll through the historic city centre with its unparalleled medieval atmosphere will leave no doubt as to why 
 Český Krumlov is one of pearls on the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LIST
The dominant feature of the city is a chateau with 6 storey tower richly decorated with sgraffiti.
From here, you will have one of the most beautiful views of the picturesque old town. Among the most noteworthy sights at the chateau are the St. George Chapel, the Masquerade Hall and the bridge connecting the Upper Castle with the gardens and chateau theater. After visiting the best preserved, Baroque theatre in Europe, be sure not to miss the chateau garden with its cascading fountain . The garden is dominated by the fresco -decorated Bellarie Summer Palace, which along with the park becomes a backdrop for a revolving outdoor amphitheater.
The highlight of the cultural season is the annual  Český Krumlov International Music Festival.

On the other bank of the river Vltara which is connected with the chateau by a small bridge, is the old town , where you will find the splendid architecture of original town houses , the soaring Church of St .Vitus with the tomb of the Rozmberk ( Rosenberg) family and rustic medieval taverns and pubs.

During the Celebrations of the Five Petalled Rose, the city comes alive with jousting tournaments , craft markets , music and a historical procession. You will encounter characters in the role of Rozmberk family members and be entertained by jugglers and comedians. The tradition of the celebrations in Cesky Krumlov has gone unbroken since the days of the Austro -Hungarian monarchy. the festival is held at the beginning off summer.

The Seidel Photo Studio Museum is an exceptional cultural landmark with a unique archive of photographs of the local population from the turn of the 20th century . The historically preserved interiors and furnishings from 1905 will acquaint visitors with the daily lives of the studio's last owners.

The Egon Schiele Art Centre presents changing exhibitions with the main attractions being a permanent exhibition of works by the Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele. Let yourself be inspired by Cesky Krumlov , just like Schiele, who relocated here from Vienna in 1910.His lifestyle and his nudes of underage girls provoked so much animosity that he soon had to leave the city.

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