Wednesday 19 June 2019


In pre islamic times, the province was known as "Chach" . Later, the town came to be known as Chachkand, meaning " Chach City ". However , in the mid 7th century under the Samanid Dynasty , the place adopted the name Binkath. The Arabs however ,retained the old name but pronounced it as " Al -Shash". Eventually after a string of name changes , the name Tashkent was used because it had more meaning to the new inhabitants as it means " Stone City " when translated literally.

First mentioned were Chach, Shash and Binkent before the : City of Stone ". Tashkent, central capital of Uzbekistan was a major caravan crossroad in A.D 751 for its advantageous geographical location and favourable climate. It was also one of the main points of the Great Silk Road.

Archaeologists confidently identify in the territory of Tashkent some significant archaeological objects which are different compared to other regions as they are more commercial oriented.

Among them are = the Kulkeldash Madrassah, the Barak -Khan Madrassah complex, the Kaffal Shashi Mausoleums and the Yunus-Khan Mausoleum. The view of Kulkeldash Madrassah demonstrates one of the very prominent features of modern Tashkent with its amazing many sided feature. However , Tashkent was changed forever in April 1966 when a massive earthquake hits  vast area of the town and left 30000 people homeless.

Since 1991, drastic changes occurred economically , culturally and architecturally in Tashkent. The largest statue ever erected for Lenin was replaced with a globe at the Amir Timur Complex  complete with a geographical map of Uzbekistan. Buildings from the Soviet eara have been replaced with new , modern buildings.One example is the " Downtown Tashkent" district which includes the 22 storey NBU Bank Building, the intercontinental Hotel, the International Business Center and the Plaza Building.

Despite the eccentric history , Tashkent today is the attractive and vibrant capital of Uzbekistan with super modern construction quietly adjoined to a gray antiquity, memories of the past live near to skyscrapers.

The Madrrassah of Kukeldash is one the most significant architectural sights of the 16th century. It was constructed by the powerful vizier Kukeldash, a foster brother of Barak Khan, also the ruler of Tashkent Province.

The Madrassah was used as caravanserai until 1860 before it served the khans of Kokand as a fortress. The Madrassah had repeatedly fallen into ruins, trumbled by earthquakes in 1866 and 1886.

The Tashkent Mausoleum of Kaffal -Al- Shahshi was constructed in honour of Imam Mohammed Abu Bakr Muhammad Kaffal Shahsi who was burn in the Shash( Tashkent today) region.

The gravestone of Kaffal -Al- Shahshi is located in the niche of the mausoleum . In spite of the fact that this building was rebuilt several times, local Muslims believe that this is the most sacred place in the city.

The building is located within the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. The Parliament is around building measuring 86 meters in diameter. The total area of the 4 storey building is 27000 sqm. The facade of the Parliament has 36 bright white fluted columns around the perimeter at the height of 18 m.

The main hall of the Oliy Majlis is located on the second floor. The first level is for 350 members of the parliament and guest whereby the second level is for the press and the third level is for the maintenance team . the height of the hall is 32 m. The central chandelier has height of 10 m and 7.5 m diameter tubes made pf 600 crystal elements and gold. The weight of chandelier is 4.5 tons . the interior of the building uses Bukharan and Ukrainian granite as well as marble from Samarkand.

Erected in 1947, it began serving the nation on 30 April 1947. I.A Ayzenshteyen , a watchmaker and resident of Tashkent brought the tower clock mechanism from Germany after World War II. This clock was hung on the tower of City Hall was destroyed but the mechanism of the clock remained.
He put an idea to build for the clock tower as a symbol of Tashkent.

The newly constructed Tashkent Twin Clock Towers houses a showroom displaying ancient and contemporary jewelry masterfully created by members of crafts dynasties. The old Twin Clock Tower complex offers to visitors unique samples of traditional Uzbek arts and antiques.

The biggest Tashkent Islamic University carries the name of Yunus Khan (14150 1487) grandfather of the Mughal emperor Babur. The Mausoleum is locked but you can check out its attractive Temurid style pishtak ( entrance portal)

Legendary saint Zangi-ota spent his life shepherd gazing during the 14th century , an honourable job at that time. Zangi-ota meaning 'Dark father" was his nickname due to his dark skin color.

The Mausoleum was constructed during Amir Temur's reign and in fact, the Zangi -Ota Mausoleum surely recognizes they style of monumental buildings of amir temur. Not far from the Mausoleum is another popular place -the tomb of the wife of Saint Zangi -Ota, holy Anbar Bibi. 

The world famous Koran of Caliph Osman, the Ottoman Koran, is kept here. The book is the primary source of the holy book of Islam. The ancient manuscript consists of 353 parchment sheets . For centuries, it was kept in the treasury of the Caliphs ( consistently in the cities of Medina, Damascus and then in Baghdad ). Despite being transferred to a few places, the Koran was already in Uzbekistan in the 19th century.

The Barak -Khan Madrassah was constructed 15th -16th centuries from buildings which were constructed in different periods. First , there was mausoleum in the east part of today's complex. Second was the dual domed mausoleum and the Khanaka ( place for pilgrims), built in 1530 in the honor of the ruler of Tashkent Suyundj Khan Sheybani.

Madrassah Abdulkasim was built in the style of Renaissance East  and was founded in the first half of the 19th century named after the highly educated and well-known Abdulkasim. Today, it is home to over 20 craftsmen; it is an astonishing place full workshops inside the former madrassah.

The most significant mention of Abdulkasim Sheik Madrassah is the signing of a peace treaty by Russian general Chernyaev.

The construction of the mosque was done in the shortest time ( 4 months) in 2007 on the initiative of President Islam Karimov. The mosque itself is a unique symbol of Tashkent's architectural style; at the entrance to the mosque there is a terrace with twenty -carved columns of sandalwood. The mosque also has 2 large blue domes, the interior of which is decorated with gold leaf similar to the Tilyakari Madrassah in Samarkand. Window openings of domes are designed to allow ray of light to continuously penetrate inside the mosque from sunrise to sunset. At the entrance to the mosque, there are 2 minarets 53 meters in height.

You will see this great militant riding on his horse raising his hand blessing the nation with 4 wise words "The strength is in justice" engraved on the monument. Before the Amir Temur Monument, there was the General Kaufman Monument, later replaced by the Free Workers Monument in 1917, the October Revolution Monument in 1927, the Stalin Monument in 1947 and then the Karl Marx Monument in 1968. since 1993, Amir Temur proudly stands in the center of the square called "Amir Timur Hiyoboni" or "Amir Temur Square".

The Independence Square was called " Avenue of Parades", where military parades are held in conjunction with International Labour Day on 9 May . The square consists of 2 important monuments which is the Arch of Independence and the Monument of Independence.

There is a statue of seated mother with a baby in her arms in front of the Monument of Independence representing the revival of Uzbekistan as a free independent state since 1991.

The Juma Mosque is the third largest Friday Mosque in Uzbekistan after the Bibi Khanum Mosque and the Kalyan Mosque in Samarkand. The main Friday mosque was constructed in the middle of
7th century better known as the Timurid epoch Khodja Akhror from 1404 to 1490.

The mosque was greatly destroyed by an earthquake and was only restored with funds provided by the Russian emperor, Alexander III and it became known as the royal mosque. Physical appearance changes upon reconstruction somehow do not change the impressive architectural experience.

The monument was built in 1976 in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the massive earthquake scaled at 9 on the richter that destroyed almost half of the city of Tashkent . One of its side has engraving with the inscription : 26 April 1966; and on the other side there is the engraved image of a clock face showing 5.24 am , the time he earthquake occurred.

Today, the monument symbolizes peace and well being of Tashkent nations as well as how Tashkent people faced the earthquake courageously.

This memorial was built in memory of a famous statesman and scholar Mirzo Ulugbek, who is the grandson of Amir Temur. In 1447, he had become the ruler of the great Temurid dynasty. The well known Ulugbek was a scholar of his time, an astronomer, a great mathematician and founder of the famous astronomical school in Samarkand, the Ulugbek Observatory which marked marked a great history in his astronomy book " Ulugbek Zidj" that consists of theoretical description and drawings of about 1000 celestial bodies.

The memorial at Sheikh Havendi Takhur was built by order of Amir Temur over the grave of the Sheikh at the end of the 15th century, The personality of Havendi Takhur attracted his contemporaries and descendants who considered him as a Sheikah - the wisest of the wise. The Mausoleum of Sheikh Havendi Takhur is humble and modest as was his life. Only small inserts of blue majolica in the lancet compartments and a small tympanum above the entrance enliven the brickwork.

The Tashkent Television Tower is the tallest tower in Central Asia at 375 m. The construction of the Tashkent TV Tower started in 1978 and began its operation 6 years later on 15th January 1985. It was the 3rd tallest tower in the world from 1985 to 1991. It is of a vertical cantilever structure and is constructed out of steel. the tower has an observation deck located 97 meters ( 318 ft) above the ground. This tower belongs to the World Federation of Great Towers ranked as the  tallest in the world.

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