Tuesday 11 June 2019


East Java located in strategic destination close to Bali, the most popular tourist resort in Indonesia and in the world. East Java  is only 30 minutes by air or 30 minutes by ferry crossing the Bali strait, East Java Province occupies an area of 48000 square kilometers  consisting of 29 regencies and 9 municipalities and has a number of population of 37.5 million . The province offers a complete range of tourist attractions: natural , cultural , man -made and special interest totaling 763 tourist attractions. The multi ethnic community such as Javanese Madurese, Osing , Tenggerese , Arek , Mataraman and Samin, reflecting different history , civilization , art and culture enriches East Java cultural performances , either religious or traditional ceremonies. 

East Java 's people have dynamic character and the infrastructure developments are also fast and dynamic. The people are friendly , open , direct and sincere , they are easy to get along and warmly welcome visitors. 

Reyog Ponorogo is a traditional dance from Ponorogo Regency and has widely spread to many areas outside Ponorogo Regency, who was travelling with his troops to Doho Kingdom in Kediri to propose Dewi Songgolangit . The main attraction of this dance is " Dadak Merak" a giant tiger head mask with 50 kg weights, worn by the dancer. By using the power of teeth and neck only , Reyog dancer can lift an adult sitting above the tiger head mask.The group of Reyog Ponorogo dance consists of 30 dancers. A cultural performance is held at town square of Ponorogo Regency in every full moon with Reyog Ponorogo dance as its main performance.

Ijen Crater is the biggest crater lake in Java. The sulfur crater lake lies lies between a natural dams of deeply etched rocks. It is 200 meters deep and contains about 36 million cubic meters of steaming acid water, surrounded in smelling swirling sulfur cloud. Ijen Plateau lies in the centre of Ijen Merapi Reserve, which extends over much of the mountainous region about 32km northwest of Banyuwangi.

Visiting Ijen Crater is fun yet an adventurous journey. Visitors must climb 3.2km to see the crater. However , a mesmerizing view while arriving the crater will amuse the visitors.
In addition, the visitors may also view the traditional sulfur miners who climb and go down to the crater, carrying about 60 kg of sulfur stone.

The crater can be reached from either the east or the west by any kinds of vehicles, but the second part of the trip covers distance 3km on foot( jungle track). However , the latter is more popular approach , since the climb from the road's ed to the edge of the lake is only one and a half hours. And a walk around the lake takes a full day.

Sapi sono contest is held before bull race starts. Sapi Sono is a pair of elaborately ornamental cows controlled by a jockey to follow the sound of music stepping toward to the gateway. Wearing fully ornamented clothes and accessories the bulks look unique and beautiful. They are accompanied with sronen traditional music.

Bull race is a cultural attraction from Madura Island which has been widely known. The competition is annually held in every regency which start in August. Later in October, Big Bull Race competition is held in R.Sunarto stadium in Pamekasan Regency competing for the president Cup and participated by the winners of the 4 regencies.

Competition in Regency is held in from Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. Sapi Sono '
Festival and Cultural Performance of one night in Madura will also staged during this event.

In Mojokerto and its surrounding , precisely at Trowulan hub - district , there are lots of temples as the heritage of Majapahit Kingdom ruling in the 12th to 14th century. They are mostly made of red bricks. The heritage of Majapahit kingdom is mostly stored in the Museum of Trowulan. Near the Segaran Pool stands  Trowulan. Near the Segaran Pool stands Trowulan Great Hall ( Pendopo Agung) which is believed to be the main building of Majapahit Kingdom. Approximately 1,5 kilometers in the east of Segaran Pool stands  Bajang Ratu Temple, which may have been as the gate of the Kingdom and another temple is Waringin Lawang which believed to be the main gate. In the east Of Bajang Ratu Temples stands Tikus Temple as the bathing place of King's family. Approximately 5 km of north west from Tikus Temple, there is Brahu temple that is believed as the cremation place of King Brawijaya. Near Trowulan, especially in Bejijong village, there is a brass craftsman and bronze in many forms and it services an order or direct purchase,

Malang and Batu are clean and cool cities in east Java, as they lie in the mountainous area. Noted for years as touristic area having beautiful landscape and panorama. So many foreign and domestic visitors spend their weekend there before continuing their trip to mount Bromo. Malang is also known as Temple City, because many temples and historical remnants of Singhasari kingdom scatter around Malang. Some tourist attractions worth visiting are Ngliyep beach , Balekambang beach and Sendang Biru Beach , Singosari Temple, Jago temple, Kidal temple, Coban Rondo Waterfall, Wonosari Tea Plantation . Batu - Foreign visitors call it " Little Switzerland" - offers fruit plantation , Wendit pool, mount Kawi, Mount Bromo and Coban Pelangi Waterfall.

Jember Fashion Cranaval is an international fashion carnaval with the longest 3.6 km catwalk in the world. The fashion is designed, done and performed by Indonesian people using recycled materials.

Bromo Mountain is one of the most popular destinations in the world and famous among domestic and international visitors as an amazing tourist attraction due to the status of active volcano. Mount Bromo is formed by valleys and canyons with caldera or sandy sea of about 10 square kilometers, with the 800 meters of the crater diameter ( North to South) and about 600 meters ( East to West)  take a circular shape with radius of 4 km from the center to the crater.

Mount Bromo is on the elevation and 2392 meter above sea level . Visitors must travel through Sand of Sea of fine volcanic sand and step up 250 stairs to witness the sight of Bromo Crater or hire  a pony that will take you finally to the staircase that takes you to the crater's rim. Visitors may view the beautiful sunrise from Mount Pananjakan View Point Mount Bromo is surrounded in mist and Mount Semeru as the background.

Not only to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Mount Bromo ,tourists can also experience the Kesada ceremony. the ceremony is held annually on the 14th and 15th in the tenth month of the Javanese calendar. In Kesada tradition the people of Tengger Tribe come in procession heading for the peak of Mount Bromo, they bring some offerings to the God of Mount Bromo comprising crops, cattle and then they throw them into the crater.
it is about 127 kilometers from Surabaya -East Jaya to Mount Bromo. Tourists can directly reach Mt Bromo by renting a car or participating in a tour package made available by reliable travel agents

The ideal time to visit Bromo is in the dry season ( April -October ). The temperature on top of Bromo is around 5 degree in July, it could drop to 0 degree. Visiting to Mount Bromo is highly recommended for adventure enthusiasts.

Baluran National Park  is a forest preservation extending about 25000 ha on the north coast of east Java. It is located in Banyuwangi Sumberwaru Village and Situbondo 293km from Surabaya. Baluran National Park is a park that represents the specifically dry forest ecosystem consisting of various vegetarian types like Savannah , mangrove forest , seasonal forest, coastal forest , lower mountain forest, marsh forest and evergreen forest all year long. About 40 percent of the savannah type- vegetation dominate this park. It has also 26 species of mammals among others are wild oxen, wild water buffaloes, barking beer,deer , spotted leopards and fishing cats. There are some 155 species of birds including the endangered species like barn swallow, asian koel, peacock , red jungle  fowl, pied hornbill , hornbill  and lesser adjutant stork.

Batangan is a vast savannah where tourist can experience the attraction of peacocks at mating season between October and November. There are several activities that you can do in this park such as : Forest Safari -Forest Adventure , Mountain Hiking and Climbing - Hill Walking - Beach Adventure to watch the fishermen's daily activities and seed seekers - Canoeing , rowing or boating . Marine tourism activities are also available in Bama Beach such as fishing, snorkeling and watching male deer fight in July or August.

G -Land or Plengkung may be the most challenging surfing destination. " G- Land is its nickname deriving from the letter "G" the initial letter of Grajangan , the name of the village where the beach is. It is located in the southeast point of Banyuwangi Regency. G-Land is the only East Java's only surfing paradise. The huge rolling waves extending 2 km along the shore and tubes reaching 3-4 m in  diameter provides ample challenge for surfers. G-Land is claimed to be one of the seven best surfing sites in the world. For goofy-foot surfers who stand with their right foot forward, the left hand tube, for them , is possibly Indonesia's best challenge. G-Land offers the world's most thrilling ride and is recommended for professional surfers only. May to October is the best season to surf.

Located not far from the Pacitan City, about 10 minutes drive. Teleng Ria Beach is the best place for surfing, swimming , fishing , sun bathing and pleasant spot for family to rest from busy day.
Some facilities supporting beach activities are Watch Tower to enjoy the south sea waves , swimming pool , playground , camping ground, common stage, hotels and restaurant serving sea food and traditional cuisine. The place for fish auction is also available so that the visitors can buy fresh fish. 

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