Tuesday, 11 June 2019


Maluku is the oldest province in Indonesia that is currently divided in 2 provinces, Maluku and North Maluku. The islands have long been a place of attractive nature's beauty and renowned for their wealth of spices. Merchants from China, Arab and Europe had conquered the seas to get to these islands and obtain the precious spices including cloves and nutmeg. Tracing the tourist attractions of the Maluku Islands seems to carry us to the past. Numerous historical sites can be found comprising old buildings and fortresses from the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras that currently remain to be well conserved.

The Maluku islands are truly endowed with splendid sea gardens. No wonder marine tourism becomes the mainstay industry of these 2 provinces. Renowned for the amazing sea garden spots are Banda Naira and Halmahera Island hosting diverse sea boita , 750 species of coral reefs and 942 fish species. Another interesting ecotourism spot is Serem Island, particularly the Manusela National Park. fancy observing living freely in their natural habitats. It is one activity offered for visitors to the national park. There are approximately 117 species of birds, 14 of them are local endemic ones, Ternate shrew, Purple Nape Parrot, King Fisher, Large Seram Colibri and Ambonese Parrots. Just imagine strolling amidst dense forest trees, creeping to watch the wild life of varied species of extinct birds. What an exciting travel experience !It is even more so if you manage to document rare species of birds on your camera to bring home and show to your family and friends. 

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