Despite the fact that Moslems as majority and Lombok as the
island of a Thousand Masjid, sharia tourism in Lombok is also supported by
another predicate attached to Lombok, Island of a Million Hafiz or Hafizoh (
translation : who is able to memorize Qu’ran). Later predicate emerges since
the establishment of hundreds of Islamic boarding schools in all regions. 3
Islamic organization( Nahdlatul Wathan, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama)
given their great impact toward the growth of Islamic boarding schools. Moslem
community operates 562 boarding and general schools, some located in Lombok.
These school spread in some regions, 173 units in Lombok Timur, 152 units in
Lombok Tengah, 63 units in Lombok Barat and 23 units in Mataram. In Sumbawa
Island, there are 56 units in Dompu and 45 units in Bima.
Nahdlatul Wathan ( NW) is the biggest boarding schools in
Lombok educating thousands of pupils . In general, majority of Islamic schools
are emphasizing a study of Islam and memorizing the Qur’an ( hafiz) as their
prominent focus. In improving their pupils’ abilities, some boarding schools
develop a mentoring program focusing on language skills (English and Arabic) .
A boarding school in Narmada , Lombok Barat develops modern approach in
learning about Islam by utilizing current technology and information.
It is somehow unnecessary to be a santri to experience
learning in a boarding school or spending some years within the school
community. Some schools offer opportunity to public or tourists with an access
to take part in a short term class, i.e one week to 3 months program. Many
schools also offer a package combining Islam Study session while can also visit
various tourist destinations and try to find correlation between the nature and
the religious rennet ( tadabbur alam) .
3 school of thought frame the development of Islamic tenet
in hundreds of boarding schools in Lombok. Anyone who wants to deepen about
Salafiah, 67 boarding schools are available, 47 units are in Dompu and the rest
in Bima, Sumbawa and Lombok Barat. Followers of Khalafiyah operate 133 schools
in Lombok Tengah and the other 33 schools in Bima. There are 278 schools
develop combination of the 2 earlier , 171 units are in Lombok Timur and the
rest are in Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah , Lombok Utara and Mataram. These
schools apply approaches as a fundamental basis to develop the grand design of
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