In addition to natural objects, Lombok provides other values
for travelers. Not only offering beaches, mountains and waterfalls. Lombok also
has some historical sites to visit. Among the sites, we can find the cemetery
of famous Islamic scholars or mufti who were disciples of influential religious
leaders across the archipelago and came to the island for a propagation mission
and finally deceased and buried in some locations in Lombok. Some sacred
cemeteries become destination for pilgrimages. In these locations, pilgrimages
come to send prayers and conduct various rituals. Recently, the sites are no
longer seen as sacred places, but also
attractive destinations for Moslem travelers.
Here are 5 most visited graveyards in Lombok:
According to Raden Itarawan (1998) , Islam came to Lombok
brought by Sunan Giri along with his 44 disciples, after being cast away in
Bayan village. People in Bayan (even Lombok) at that time practiced an
animistic belief system. Since then, Lombok’s native began to expose Islam.
Islam grows as native religion until today. The newborn ulama (preachers) bring
Islam to the glory. As been taught by Sunan Girl, these people were assigned in
a mission to free people from their animistic belief. The newborn successors of
Islam was marked by the appearance of some important notably Islamic scholars
in the 20th century succeeding their predecessors, called as Tuan
Guru (translation: preacher) . Tuan Guru has been well educated about abroad
knowledge of Islam in order to accomplish their missions.
Since then, mission of spreading Islam has been taken by
Tuan Guru along with rapid growth of Islamic boarding schools. Core Objective
of Tuan Guru is to refine Islam from other belief systems and to lead them back
to Al Qur’an and Hadist. Soon, a charismatic leader in Lombok was born, Tuan
Guru Haji (henceforth: TGH) Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid, born on 17 Rabiul
Awal 1324 H (translation: H refers to Hijriyah, the Islamic Calendar) or in
1906. He came to grow from a highly respected religious family. TGH Muhammad
Zainuddin Abdul Majid led many followers in Bayan, with other Islam guru such
as TGH Hazmi Azhar, TGH Safwan Hakim. His father, Tuan Guru Abdul Madjid was a
charismatic religious figure who got great respect from society. His father was
also known for his heroic role when fought the Dutch and Japanese armies.
The grave of Almagfirullah Maulana Syeikh Abdul Majid in
Pancor- Lombok Timur, the founder of Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Wathan.
Since his childhood, many people admitted TGH Muhammad
Zainuddin Abdul Madjid as a smart, sincere, clever person with his brilliant
brain. No wonder his father had given him such an exceptional attention.
His father expected little Zainuddin in future would become
his successor, to carry on his leadership among Moslems in Lombok.When he was 6
years old, he had been very fluent in reciting the Qur’an under his father
guidance. At that time this important Islam figure explored more about
religious tenet under direction of some distinguished Islamic scholars all
around Lombok, such as TGH Syarifuddin in Pancor and TGH Abdullah Bin Amaq
Dujati in Kelayu , Lombok Timur.
In age of 17 years , his father sent young Zainuddin to
Mecca Al Mukarramah to gain more knowledge about Islam .He was very young when
starting his twelve years learning from many notable Islamic scholars in Mecca
that exposed him to various branches of Islam. In 1928, Maulana Syeikh
continued his study in Madrasha Ash – Shaulatiyah, directed by Syaikah Salim
Rahmatullah, son of Syaikah Rahmatullah, the founder of this institution. It
was the first school established in the Holy Land producing numbers of great
Islamic scholars around the world.
After completing his study in Mecca,TGH Muhammad Zainuddin
Abdul Madjid went back to his hometown in Pancor, Lombok Timur to share his
knowledge. His first effort was establishing Madrasah Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah
Islamiyah ( NWDI) in 1934, a male school ( Wildan , 1998) Idea to establish a
school was initiated by organizing young people to attend halaqah or Majlis
ta’lim ( translation : group of people attending regular sermons) , approach
that awakened Islamic education across the archipelago for centuries.
On 21 April 1943, TGH Zainuddin Abdul Madjid established the
Nahdlatul Bahat Diniyah Islamiyah ( NBDI) , a female school. NWDI and NBDI
became the earliest Islamic schools in Lombok. Later, both schools were then
eternalized in the name of an Islamic boarding school , Daun Nahdlatain
Nahdlatul Wathan ( Wildan , 1998). It becomes an intellectual insight that
boarding school, since the 13th century, has been long enough to become
an approach of religious education all around Indonesia. As a private school,
this madrasah (translation: derived from Arabic, means school) developed
various fields of interest. Knowledge taught in the school was not absorbed
merely from one scholar, but from many experts who had such comprehensive
knowledge and capacity. In the end of 1997, dark cloud covers the sky of
Lombok. On Tuesday, 21 October 1997, on 20 Jumadil Akhir 1418 H, the
charismatic Islamic scholar, Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid
deceased at 1953 in his residence in Pancor Village, Lombok Timur. He leaves 3
great legacies, ie.thousands of Islamic scholars, 10 thousands of pupils and
more than a thousand branches of Nahdlatul Wathan in and outside Indonesia.
Local belief claims that in Batu Layar
graveyard buried one of descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Yet, some people
claim that it belongs to a Moslem personage who taught Islam in Indonesia
coming from Baghada, Sayid Duhri Al Haddad Al Hadrami. Other literatures
mention that Syeh Sayid Muhammad Al Bagdadi from Bagdad was buried in this
site. Batu Layar Graveyard becomes a destination often visited by the local
people to keep a votive; most visited on the day of Lebaran Topat (a festival
celebrated 7 days after the Feast day). It becomes an annual agenda of Lombok
Barat government.
This sacred place is located inside Sengigi tourism area;
about 8 kilometers from the downtown to the north.A huge number of local people
visit the graveyard on Lebaran Topat.
The graveyard is also visited by the
pilgrims, especially for those who keep a votive or prior to ngurisan
(translation: Islamic tradition of cutting baby’s hair) of a 3 month new born
baby (3 months ritual)
Loang Balok comes from 2 words in Sasak
language i.e loang and baloq. If we lexically translate the words, we will find
loang means hole and baloq means great grandparents, one generation ahead of
our grandparents . Local people name a sacred graveyard located in Tanjung
Karang as Makam Loang Baloq, one of a religious tourist destination, inspired
by a bug banyan tree with a hole on its trunk.
Local people believe that a
great grandfather was buried inside the tee, an early propagator of Islam in
Lombok around the 16th or 18th centuries. His name is
Maulana Sheikh Gaus Abdulrazak. Encircling the main tomb, other important
Islamic scholars (believed as Abdulrazak’s followers
Visitors from many places ( inside and
outside Lombok) frequently visit this sacred place to pray for Syekh Gaus
Abdulrazak and to get virtue in return . Somehow, younger pilgrims believe that
this tradition may help them to find future husband wife. The beliefs encourage
pilgrims keep visiting this religious site. Besides fulfilling their religious
purpose, local people also come there just for pleasure.
Eventually, on feast
days, people from various regions in Lombok come there to conduct ngurisan
ceremony ( cutting baby’s hair) near the tomb of Syekh Gaus Abdurrazk. Outside
the sacred tomb, long and dense roots of banyan tree loop down to the ground.
Young people write down their wishes on a piece of paper and attach it onto the
hanging roots. When their wishes come true, they will come back again.
Selaparang Graveyard has connection to
Selaparang Kingdom back to the 13th to the 16th
century.The first generation of Selaparang embraced Hindu as a legitimated
belief. This kingdom ended right after the arrival of an expedition from
Majapahit Kingdom in Java Island around 1357. The next version of Selaparang
Kingdom was an Islamic monarchy. Selaparang Graveyard is located in Lombok
Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, in a village named Swela, 65 kilometers from
Mataram. This site is commonly visited prior to the month of Hajj (translation:
Hajj obligated to any Moslem during Djulhjjah – a month in Islamic Calendar)
and some other important Islamic events. Visiting this site becomes a local
tradition that still upheld until today.
Inside the graveyard, only 3 tombs are
mostly visited, i.e. the tomb of the King of Selaparang and his parents and the
other one belongs to Gajah Mada, the greatest prime minister of Majapahit
Kingdom in Java. Visitors often lay wreaths at the three sacred tombs and wash
their faces using water from vessel prepared by the cemetery watcher. This
water may give virtue for any single visitors to find shortly a spouse to
Eventually, many high ranked officers
surreptitiously visit this site prior to date of general election. Similar
phenomenon also happens at the cemetery of Maulana Syekh Muhammad Zainuddin
Abdul Madjid, prior to a political succession. Public also adopt this ritual
before an important event, like those who will face a school examination or who
want to find a job.
The orthodox masjid of Bayan Beleq is
located in Bayan district,Lombok Utara regency. It precisely located in the
borderline of Lombok Utara and Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Bayan is far
enough from the downtown, about 80 km from Mataram. The word Beleq means a big grave. A number of graves
can be seen in this historical site. One of them belongs to Gaus abdurrazak,
believed as the first propagator of Islam around this area. At this site, there
are 2 small shelters located at the front and backside of the masjid kept the remains of 2 religious persons who
involved in the construction and maintenance of the masjid from the beginning.
Nowadays, the masjid is no longer used for
regular worshipping. It is only used for some momentous ceremonies in Islamic agenda.
The most interesting thing from the masjid is that no assembled prayer
conducted at the day of Idul Fitri (translation: Feast Day due on 1st
Syawal in Islamic Calendar) Local people organize Lebaran Adat Islamic
Calendar) Local people organize Lebaran Adat Tinggi Ceremony (translation:
other Moslems celebrate Idul Fitri ) 3 days after the day of Idul Fitri (
translation : 4 Syawal in Islamic calendar) . According to the local people,
the celebration is used to uphold and strengthen the celebration of Idul Fitri.
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