Sunday, 1 March 2020



It has been shown that Pawon resembles Mendut in many ways.Van Erp pointed out further that except for the size, the ground plan and profile of Pawon have a close affinity with Mendut. There is yet another fact that strikes us as noteworthy: Mendut, Pawon and Borobudur are located a long a straight line.If this is something that did not happen accidentally, then what does it actually signify? Architecturally and ornamentally the three dynasty.

There is good reason to regard them as constituting a trinity. A local legend tells us that the three temples were originally connected by a covered passage used for religious processions Even nowadays the Neo Buddhists celebrates on the temple ground of Borobudur every year on full moon day in April or May the birthday of Lord Buddha and his ascension into Nirvana ( Waicak). The religious processions and rituals are performed starting at Mendut , going through Pawon to Borobudur.

Mahayana Buddhism propagates that anyone who wishes to attain Buddhahood has to go through the Ten stages of Bodhisattvas ( Dacabodhisattvabhumi).According to de Casparis, the Borobudur Temple is a plastic expression of the philosophy of this Dacabodhisattvabhumi, symbolically represented by its ten terraces. In Mahayaana Buddhsm these stages are collectively called Lokottara which means the world beyond that of man from Sanskrit words,loka = world and uttara = beyond,above.

Being located on a high ground or hill , the Borobudur represents this Lokottara. But no man can enter this exalted world without first passing the 2 preparatory stages, Sambharamarga and Prayogamarga, which are still part of the earthly world without first passing the 2 preparatory stages, Sambharamarga and Prayogamarga, which are still part of the earthly world or Laukika. In contrast with Borobudur, both Mendut and Pawon occupy flat land, signifying that the two represent the preparatory stages which man has to pass through on his long journey to reach the summit of the world of Buddha.

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