Friday, 20 March 2020




To look at the Fort of S.Miguel Arcanjo is like turning a page of an immense book of memories and stories that are part of our imagination, our past but also of our present and future

The construction of this monument, in the Mannerist style, began in the reign of King Sebastian, in 1577, in order to keep the sea free from the incursions of Algerian, Moroccan, Dutch and Norman pirates, who attacked this Atlantic coast. In 1644, due to its positioning, King John IV, the Restorer, ordered its renovation and expansion. As the vigilant sentinel of the fortress stayed Michael, the Archangel, patron of many shrines built usually on high grounds. On the façade of the Fort of S. Miguel, over the entrance door, King John IV ordered to be placed a limestone bas-relief of Michael, the Archangel, patron of the fortress and the legend “ELREY DOM Juan -1644” –the date that marks the year of its construction.

The Fort of S.Miguel Arcanjo survived the Peninsular War (1807-1814), where took refuge the French troops who fought against the population of Sitio and Pedermeira. This military monument served as the stage to a play in which the main actors, the people of this place, aspired to freedom and to the expulsion of the invaders who undermined the integrity of a country.

Many perished at the hands of the intruders, who were only driven out of our country in 1811, leaving marks in populations that were difficult to cure. In this period lives, experiences and local history were altered, thus the Fort of S Miguel became a landmark of popular revolt and of the protection of the people.

This monument was also part of the history of the Portuguese Liberal Wars ( 1828-1834). By this time, Nazare and the Fort were the scene of minor skirmishes between the supporters of King Pedro IV and D. Miguel; this last one, while King , in 1830, visited Sitio and the Beach of Nazare.

Here he was received with the greatest solemnities, feasts and dances; he visited the Fort of S.Miguel Arcanjo, which following year would have some repairs, a new altar to its patron and a new stone paved roadway of access. After the departure of D.Miguel into exile on 1st July, 1834, reflecting the struggles between liberals and absolutists, the stone image of Michael, the Archangel, who appeared above the entrance door of the fort, suffered a serious attack. 

This sculpture was seriously vandalized by the liberals, who withdrew it from its altar and threw it over the walls down to the beach. Even today it is still mangled and constitutes a document of the riots between absolutists and liberals in this region.

In the early 20th century it lost its military function and the fisherman, who have not given up of their fortress , claimed to the government the need to set up here a beacon and a house for the keeper to support the fishing activities. On 29th October 1903, were carried out works of consolidation and restoration in order to set a lighthouse in the Fort on the Hill of Nazare. Finally 1st December 1903, starts running “a port light installed on the SW angle of the Fort on the hill of Nazare”. This monument, which made history, is a legacy from past that must be preserved and bequeath to the future generations with all the dignity and pride that it deserves.

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