Friday 20 March 2020




Yangon is the commercial city and the main gateway to Myanmar. The name Yangon means End of Strife which was Anglicized to Rangoon after the British annexed Myanmar in 1885. Yangon International Airport has direct air links with Bangkok, Singapore,Kuala Lumpur ,Chiangmai, Kolkata , Gaya , Hong Kong, Kunming , Nanning, Taipei,Ho Chi Minh , Hanoi, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Guang Zhou and Phuket . Doha , Phuket , Doha, Seoul. The main tourist spots in Yangon are shwedagone Pagoda, Kaba Aye Pagoda, Chauk Htet Gyee Buddha Image, National Museum, Myanmar  Gems Museu, Kandawgyi, Gardens Sule Pagoda , downtown are and so on. The Environs of Yangon are Twante , Taniyin and Bago.


Mandalay , the last capital of the Myanmar Kingdom, is located in Central Myanmar , 688kmnorth Yangdon. It is famous for is cultural heritage, traditional arts and crafts is also the commercial centre with rail, road, river and air links to all parts of the country.The main tourists spots in Mandalay are Maha Myat Mhuni Buddha Image, Kuthodaw Pagoda,Mandalay Palace, Shwekyimyin Pagoda, Atumashi Monastery, Kyauktawgyee Pagoda, Sandamuni Pagoda, Shwennandaw Monestry and Yankin Hill. The environs of Mandalay are Sagaing , Inwa, Amarapura, Monywa, Shewebo Mingun and Pyin Oo Lwin.


Bagan is one of the Asia’s most amazing and richest archaeological sites. The ancient temples of Bagan stand today as they have been standing for a thousand years. Also being the capital of first Myanmar Empire, Bagan covers an area of 42sq km containing over 2000 well preserved pagodas and temples of the 11th -13th century. Anada Temple, Shwezigone Pagoda, Thatbyinnyu Temple, Gawdawpalin Templ,Gybyukgye Temple, Shwesandaw Paagodam Sulammani Temple, Dhammayangyi Temple and Lawkananda Pagoda are famous tourist sites in Bagan. The environs of Bagan are Mount Popa and Pakokku. Base on BAgan , Sale, Kanpetlet ,Mindat and Mount Victoria , National Park (Nat Ma Taung) are available for trekking.


Inlay lake, the vast picturesque lake 900 meters above sea level, is one of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar . The lake 22 km long and 10 km wide, has a  population of some over 160000, many of whom live on floating islands of vegetation. Inlay lake, natural and unpolluted  , is famous for its scenic beauty and the unique leg rowing of the Inthas, the native lake dwellers. Phaungdaw Oo Pagoda, Nga Phae Chung Monestry, Alodaw, Park Pagoda, Nga Phae, Chaung Monestry, Alodaw Pauk Pagoda, Shwee Indein Pagoda, Ywama Village , Mine Thauk Marke are places to visit. The environs of Inlay Lake are Taungyi, Kakku , Sakar,Kalaw and Pindaya.


Ngapali Beach is located on theRakhine Coast near Thandwe (Sandoway) , one of beautiful beaches in Myanmar. This unspoilt beach is about an hour flight from Yangon. By overland, it is 14 hour drive along narrow winding road over the Rakhine Yoma (mountain range) after crossing the Ayeyarwaddy River at Pyay (Prome)


Nay Pyi Taw is the administrative capital of the republic of the Union of Myanmar. All the Ministries and magnificent buildings: Parliament Complex(Pyi- Thu –Hlut -Taw), composed of 31 buildings on 800 acres of land, the city hall, Uppatasanti Pagoda and Water fountain Garden are located in Nay Pyi Taw.


Kyaikhtiyo, the mystical pagoda stands on a gold gilded boulder, precariously perched on the edge of the hill over 1100 meters above sea level. Kyaikhtiyo, the town at the foot of the hill, is about 160 km from Yangon. It is an 11 kilometres uphill climb for the hikers from Kinpun base camp. There is also a steep winding road for 4 wheel drive cars from the base to the nearest point of the pagoda. There are many legends about the Pagoda and the nats or spirits. It is believed by the Buddhist devotees that this Golden Rock Pagoda enshrines a hair relic of Lord Buddha.


Mrauk U, 15th century ancient city of Rakhine Kingdom is known for its old temples with wall paintings of Indian cultural influence. A regular passengers boat takes 5 hoours from Sittwe to Mrauk U special speed boat  with 20 seats takes only 2 hour 30 minutes. It is also accessible by road from Sittwe via Ponnakyin and Kyauktaw. The Mahamuni Shrine, one of the famous pagoda in Myanmar , is situated 30 km from Mrauk  U Regular flight  from Yangon to Sittwe takes one hour 30 minutes. Shttguang Pagoda, Dukkanthen Pagoda and Andawthen Shrine are some of the sites to see in Mrauk U.


Myeik Archielago is off the western shore of the Malay Peninsula in far southern Myanmar . It consists of more than 800 isllands, varying in size from very small to hundreds of square kilometres. The local people are an ethnic minority called the Moken, sometimes known as sea gypsies, although this term actually covers several groups in Southeast Asia. They are the sea dwelling people and they follow a traditional way of the life, doing things such as fishing and building boats very much the way they have been done for centuries.


Kwathaung , a Thai- Mynamar border town formerly called Victoria Point is located  in the Southern most part of Myanmar. Over 800 km from Yangon. On the  Cpe of Bayintnaung Point stands the statues of Bayintnaung  , one of the best known King of Myanmar. The liveaboard cruise, yachts based in Phuket, Thailand, taking licenses by our Directorate of Hotels and Tourism operate Kawthaung and around islands with prior permission .


Tachileik is located on the Myanmar –Thai border in the eastern Shan State of Myanmar. It has been upgraded  a  gateway to the heart of the Golden Triangle.  The friendship Bridge across the mall Mae Sai stream links Tachileik with the northern Thai border town of Mae Sai. The area has been developed for tourism and cross border trade with Laos, Thailand and China. Tachileik sits on the bank of the Mekong River across from Mae Sai in Thailand. Mahamyatmuni Monastery , Chinese Market, Two Dragons  Monastery  , Morning Marke and Padaung ( Long Neck) Village are worth to visit.


Putao is the town in Kachin State surrounded by snowpeaked mountain.It is cold. The whole year round and there are many varieties of citrus fruits grown in the orchards. It is the gateway town to the northern part of Myanmar for climbing Mt Khakhaborazi ( 5889 metres), which is the highest mountain in Myanmar and in South East Asua and Mt Hponkan Razi for recreation in the natural forest environment.

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