Sunday, 1 March 2020



Elucidation of the ancient history of the area covers state organization, town location, industry, the life of the people, religious architecture and the view of the world that the people of those times had. In those days people thought of the whole world, on , below and above the earth , as an orderly hierarchy. That is why the built their temples and towns along the same lines as this hierarchical pattern.

According to the Indian Shastra treatise n architecture and town planning, the basic shape of the plans of temples and towns is the square, divided into smaller squares each of the same size and the same number vertically and across containing the constituent elements. Furthermore, since temples often were a three dimensional representation of the 3 worlds- the world below the earth, the world on the earth and the worth above the earth- we can find them expressed in the architectural profile of each. To the modern eye, the rich expression of detail in such temple architecture may look like mere decoration, but to the people of those times it was more a visual expression of the constituent elements of the world.

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